Fan Ying walked to the TV cabinet and stroked a corner of the top of the TV.

"The screen of this TV was broken a few years ago. The colors of the programs I watch are distorted. Now the better TVs on the market only cost tens of thousands of yuan. We can afford one!"

Li Liqiu saw him picking at the broken screen and hurried forward to stop him.

"Don't scratch it, or the damaged part will get bigger."

"Your dad mentioned it before, but I think we are so old and don’t watch TV that often, so why waste the money? If the color is wrong, it’s wrong, it’s not unwatchable, your dad and I are not as picky as you young people."

Fan Ying said helplessly:

"Mom, isn't money meant to be spent? It's not thrown out the window, so how can it be wasted?"

"Yes, you don’t watch it often, but don’t you still watch it occasionally? The TV is broken like this, not only does it affect the viewing experience, it’s also bad for the eyes!"

Li Liqiu still muttered:

"Anyway, I think it's useless. It would be better to buy more meat, rice, flour, oil, etc. with that money."


Fan Ying couldn't help but raise his voice a little:

"Didn't I tell you that your son can make money now? If he sells a song, he can make hundreds of thousands. He doesn't need to be frugal like before!"

He knew what Li Liqiu was worried about. The older generation suffered too much when they were young. In many places, families were poor and had many children. They often had no food to eat, so Li Liqiu developed the habit of saving.

It's not that saving is bad. Frugality is a virtue, but everything has to be done in moderation.

Although it's not necessary to eat delicacies every day and choose the best clothes and things, it can't be too shabby, right? People who don't know would think that Fan Ying made a lot of money and didn't spend a penny on his family!

"Dad, are you free tomorrow? Let's go to the mall and buy some things. I can see that if I don't take action, you two will never spend a penny!"

Fan Zhiguo and Li Liqiu could only laugh at this.

What else could they say? After all, the old couple really didn't spend a penny of the 400,000 yuan that Fan Ying transferred to their family last time.

In the next half month, Fan Ying gave his home a makeover.

Television, refrigerator, range hood, sofa, dining table, cabinets, anything he was not satisfied with or could no longer meet daily needs, were all replaced with new ones.

He originally planned to sell those old things directly to scrap recycling, but Li Liqiu said that selling scraps was not worth much, so it would be better to ask relatives and neighbors if they wanted them, and give them to whoever wanted them. If they really couldn't give them away, they could sell them again, which was also a favor.

Then, he took his parents to the clothing store and bought a lot of new clothes.

These clothes were not famous brands, but because of the good workmanship, each piece cost more than 100 yuan.

This made the two old people smack their lips again and again. The service staff enthusiastically recommended that they try them on, but they waved their hands again and again as if they were avoiding a disaster, saying that they were afraid of stretching the clothes and that they didn't need to buy such expensive ones. They would walk a few blocks to buy them. There was a small stall where clothes were only 20 yuan each.

In the end, Fan Ying had a cold face and forced them to buy seven or eight pieces each.

With new furniture and new clothes, the two old people looked radiant, and their waists were straighter when they walked.

Such a change naturally could not be hidden from the eyes of relatives and friends. After asking, they came to congratulate them and said dozens of good words in a breath without repeating themselves.

Of course, I don’t know if they really think so.

Fan Zhiguo and Li Liqiu were not stupid. They did not tell the truth about how much money Fan Ying made. They just told everyone that Fan Ying made tens of thousands of yuan by writing songs, and it was not stable. Maybe he sold it this month, but he couldn’t sell it next month. As the saying goes

, it’s better to be afraid of thieves than to be afraid of thieves thinking about it. They still understand the principle of not showing off your wealth.

After hearing what the two said, relatives and friends suddenly realized that the envy and jealousy in their hearts diminished a little.

Their thoughts were the same as those of the older generation. They felt that writing songs was not a proper job and not a long-term livelihood.

On this day, a middle-aged woman knocked on the door of Fan Ying’s house.

"Aunt Wang? Come in and sit down."

Li Liqiu opened the door and greeted the visitor with surprise.

"Fan Ying, your Aunt Wang is here, come over and say hello!"

Fan Ying walked out of the room and said,"Hello, Aunt Wang."

"Good, good, the boy has grown up and has made great achievements!"

Aunt Wang and Fan Ying lived in the same apartment building, Fan Ying lived on the third floor and Aunt Wang lived on the second floor. They would occasionally bump into each other when going up and down the stairs, and the two families became familiar with each other.

Li Liqiu brought a plate of melon seeds, and the two sat in front of the coffee table and chatted for a while. Aunt Wang finally got to the point with a sad face.

"Li Qiu, you know the situation in my family. My son is almost 30 years old. He doesn't look for a job and doesn't plan to get married. He just stays at home every day, holding a broken guitar and saying that he will become a big star in the future."

"His father couldn't bear to see this, but he's already grown up, he couldn't just beat and scold him like he did when he was a child, right?"

"I heard that Xiaoying's songs were well received and he made a lot of money, so I thought of asking him to talk to my son to see if he is the right material for this."

"If he is the right material, then you should give him more support and guidance. If he is not the right material, then you should persuade him to give up as soon as possible, right?"

"So that's what happened. That's easy."

Li Liqiu breathed a sigh of relief. She thought Aunt Wang came here to borrow money!

It's not that she was stingy, but she couldn't open this door. Otherwise, who knows how many people would come to borrow money in the future. If she borrowed this one and not that one, it would inevitably cause gossip.

""Fan Ying, come here for a moment. Your Aunt Wang wants to ask you something!" Fan Ying did not participate in their conversation. What could a 20-something man like him have to talk about with two middle-aged women in their 40s and 50s?

Staying there would only increase the awkwardness.

He walked out of the room, and Aunt Wang simply repeated the matter. Fan Ying readily agreed:

""Okay, I'll basically be at home this summer. You can see when he's free and ask him to come over. If he doesn't want to come, I can go to your house. It's just going up and down the stairs."

Aunt Wang thanked him repeatedly and immediately went downstairs to call her son.

Fan Ying vaguely heard a noise coming from downstairs. After a while, Aunt Wang came over with a man who looked a little sick.

"My son, Che Chi. Che Chi, this is your Aunt Li, this is Aunt Li's son Fan Ying, he also plays guitar, and makes a lot of money by selling songs, you can learn from him."

Fan Ying looked at Che Chi and said politely:"Brother Che, I am Fan Ying."

Che Chi nodded as a response, but there was a hint of impatience in his eyes. Obviously, he didn't like this impromptu exchange meeting very much.

Several people sat on the sofa, and Aunt Wang said directly:

"Che Chi, don't you lock yourself in your room every day to write songs? Why don't you sing one for everyone and let Fan Ying listen to it. He has channels, and if you write well, maybe he can help you sell it!"

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