The black rappers who had previously disapproved of Fan Ying also fell silent.

The two songs that Fan Ying performed on the show quickly topped the B charts, even breaking the fastest record in history.

《Street Beat has gained a lot of attention. Director Mark should be happy, but at this moment he has a gloomy face and forces a smile at the man in front of him.

"Mr. Fan Ying, you are the guarantee of our program's ratings. With you, our program can continue like this. Why did you suddenly decide to withdraw? If there is anything we have not done well, you can tell us directly and we promise to improve it!"

"No need."

Fan Ying smiled faintly, but his tone seemed very distant:

"Mr. Mark, I really like your show, and of course, I like your attitude towards me when we first met. To be honest, I didn't plan to participate in this show, but I had to prove myself under pressure from public opinion."

"Now, I have proved myself in two episodes and defeated Little Lightning.���The goal has been achieved. I think there is no need to continue to stay in the show as a contestant, right?"

Mark could tell that Fan Ying was blaming him for not paying attention to him in the beginning.

He felt endless regret in his heart, but it was useless to regret it since it had already happened. He could only try his best to make amends.

"Mr. Fan Ying, I understand what you mean. I apologize to you for what I did before."

"In addition, if you are willing to stay in our show, you will no longer be a contestant, but will perform as a special guest."

"That is to say, you will not need to compete with other contestants, you can perform any song you want, and we will also add you to the judges' seat."

"Then I still have to sing for free on the show? No."

Fan Ying refused very straightforwardly.

But Mark heard the implicit meaning in his words. He refused to sing for free, but what if it's not free?

He hurriedly said:"I am willing to pay 1 million in announcement fees as a reward for inviting you as a special guest!"

This price is already very sincere.

Take Huafeng as an example. His announcement fee in China can reach up to 2 to 3 million, but if it is invited by Europe and the United States, because his fame is not as good as in China, he can only get 500,000 to 800,000 at most.

But now Mark's offer to Fan Ying is higher than Huafeng's upper limit.

However, Fan Ying shook his head, looking a little disappointed.

"Director Mark, do you know how many of my songs have made it to the top ten of the B chart? Do you know how long it took me to achieve all of this? Do you know who is the hottest and most talked-about artist in the current European and American music scene?"

"So what do you mean?......"

Mark knew that Fan Ying's words meant that he didn't really want to quit the show, but just wanted to get more compensation.

As long as Fan Ying's people could be retained, spending a little more money was not a big problem.

Fan Ying said bluntly:"I don't ask for much, one million per episode, but not in dragon coins, but in US dollars!"

Mark was stunned on the spot.

One million US dollars?

This is not a small amount, even the four judges on the scene did not get so much money!

Fan Ying continued:"I believe this price is not high for an artist who currently has works on the B list. According to my understanding, Lucy, who was previously at the top of the B list, seems to have a notice fee of up to 1.5 million dollars, right?"

"Compared to hers, my songs are more popular and have a higher number of views. I didn't ask for so much because, compared to my songs, I am not that popular. But don't worry, it won't be long before my worth will double."

Fan Ying asked for one million dollars. It was not an exorbitant price, but he took various factors into consideration.

He believed that this was a price that Mark would feel painful but would grit his teeth and agree to.

He did intend to listen to Hua Feng's advice and withdraw from the competition after singing two songs.

But on second thought, since he was here, how could he not make some money?

The Free Country is famous for being filthy rich. Wouldn't it be great to make a little money and return to the country to invest in a branch company?

Mark finally spoke up:"One million is really too much. You know, when doing variety shows, the only income is from selling advertisements and broadcasting rights. The sudden increase in expenses by one million is........."

"In that case, let's hope that we can have another chance to cooperate in the future."

Fan Ying smiled politely and stood up to leave.

This was not a vegetable market, where he could bargain over the notice fee.

If he really wanted to bargain, then he would not ask for $1 million, but $2 million.

Mark hurriedly stopped him:"Mr. Fan Ying! We can still discuss the notice fee!"

Fan Ying took out his mobile phone, checked the time, and shook his head:

"My time is limited, and 1 million is my minimum requirement. If you agree, I will stay in the show. If you disagree, I will withdraw immediately."

Mark struggled mentally, but finally drooped his eyelids and sighed:

"Mr. Fan Ying, let's do as you say, but I also have a request."

"I will pay you every penny of the notice fee, but in return, you must take on greater responsibilities in the program in the future. The songs you bring in each episode must be of the same quality as in the previous two episodes, and you cannot be perfunctory."

As a director, Mark is naturally very shrewd. He thought of all the loopholes before signing the contract.

He didn't want Fan Ying to just mess around on the show and slack off in each episode after he paid the money.

Fan Ying immediately said,"That's for sure. I won't joke with my own reputation. Since I've received the money, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Mark was relieved at this point, and the two sides shook hands to express their happy cooperation.

The theme of the third phase is the innovation competition. This phase requires each contestant to prepare a song with a different style from the current mainstream rap. This requirement sounds simple, but it is actually very difficult.

Everyone has the ability to innovate, but it is never easy to ensure the listening experience while innovating.

Even Little Lightning frowned when he heard this rule.

The first thing he thought of was to combine rap with R&B, just like"Yeah!".

I believe that many contestants have similar ideas as him, but other contestants can do this, but he can't.

The person who pioneered this was Fan Ying. If he did this, wouldn't it be indirectly acknowledging that Fan Ying is better?

He himself didn't mind so much, but MC Drift did!

MC Drift has already recognized that Fan Ying is a qualified rapper, but he is strong-willed by nature, and will never fight back after being defeated.

If he wants him to treat Fan Ying kindly, he must first beat Fan Ying and then warn him a few words in the tone of a senior!

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