On the stage, Locke was introducing himself passionately.

"Hello everyone, I am Rock, the lead singer and guitarist of the band Death and Rebirth"




The audience cheered loudly, especially a few girls who were so crazy that their faces turned red, and they wanted to rush to the front of the stage immediately.

He raised his hand to signal everyone to keep their voices down, and continued:

"The Death and Rebirth band has been established for two years. We can achieve what we have today without everyone's support. Thank you all, thank you for your unswerving support. I will definitely work hard to write better works to repay you all!"

There was another round of cheers from the audience.

Fang Zhuowei heard him talking backstage and almost popped his eyes out.

This guy was so arrogant backstage, how come he was like a different person on stage?

Listen to what you say, do you believe it yourself!

Yan Han was not surprised at all.

"Many people have two-faced personalities, trying to please the audience but being rude to others. Especially in the entertainment industry, how many two-faced people like Locke are there?"

Fan Ying nodded, agreeing with Yan Han's words.

Many stars look perfect in public and are polite to everyone, but they are not like that in private.

Some like to make things difficult for their assistants, while others are late on the set and act like big shots.

They deliberately behave like this in front of the audience just to win their favor.

After Locke finished speaking, Lu Rui and other band members introduced themselves one by one, and then the performance officially began.

They brought their own original work, titled"Withered Flowers》

"Blooming in June"

"But withered away when no one noticed"

"I no longer hear people praising me"

"Is it more beautiful when it is picked?"........

The verse of this song is very low and gloomy, creating a sense of helpless depression.

But in the chorus, it is expressed with an unparalleled roar.

"Make me a specimen"

"Just to get a kiss from my sweetheart"

"The withered flowers laugh at me for not being lucky enough"

"I laugh at its yellow stems and ugly wrinkles"..................

Locke sang at the top of his lungs, veins popping out of his neck, and the audience raised their arms

"This is the charm of rock and roll, Rocky!"

"It's too strong. Locke's voice is simply invincible. I just tried to imitate a line, but my throat still hurts."

"I think the winner is decided, the neighboring school can pack up and go back. What is this? It's not even on the same level. Can you play rock better than Rock? You don't have the ability, right?"

Fang Zhuowei heard Rock's singing backstage, and a trace of solemnity appeared on his face.

He looked down on Rock's attitude that the world is the most important, but he had to say that Rock was indeed very capable, his parents gave him a good voice.

Fan Ying saw him frowning and went up to punch him in the kidney

"What are you thinking about? Are you scared?"

"Afraid? I am afraid? There is no such word as fear in my dictionary, even in other dictionaries!"

Fang Zhuowei straightened his back, his eyes wide open.

"I'm just worried that our style of music isn't that popular. They're so excited, but we're so relaxed, and we're still ranked behind them."

"What if the audience loses patience and can’t get into the mood?"

Yan Han also punched him in the waist from the other side.

"Don't think too much, the victory or defeat is not decided by us, but by the judges. We just need to perform well and not make mistakes. Winning is the best, but losing doesn't matter. There is still a long way to go!"

He was actually the one who wanted to win the most among the four. He is already a senior this year, and this is his last year to participate in the school competition.

If he loses again this year, he will never have a chance to win back.

But he didn't want to put too much pressure on Fang Zhuowei. Sometimes the more nervous a person is, the more likely they are to make mistakes. On the contrary, people who don't care can always perform exceptionally well.

Fang Zhuowei covered his waist on both sides and said with a bitter face:

"Just talk, why hit my waist? If I can't have children in the future, you two will be responsible."

Everyone laughed, and the tense atmosphere eased a lot.

"It's our turn."

After hearing the music on the stage fade away, Fan Ying and the others stood up.

Before going on stage, he looked at Fang Zhuowei and said seriously:

"In fact, it is not all about screaming at the top of one's lungs, but rock and roll. Rock and roll also has different forms of expression. We are not here to compete today, but to teach them a lesson.

Fang Zhuowei was stunned, then grinned and said:

"Crazy enough, I like it!"

The four of them came to the stage, and Fan Ying was the first to introduce:

"Hello everyone, I am Si Er, the lead singer of the band. Our band has just been established for less than a month and does not have a name yet. I hope everyone will support us."

The audience was a little noisy, and there were all kinds of things said at once.

"A band that was only formed a month ago is competing with us? Are they just throwing in a few people to make up the numbers because they think they can't win anyway?"

"I think so too. Look at the lead singer. He’s still wearing a mask. Isn’t he afraid of being embarrassed to face people after losing?"

"I have seen the guitarist next to me. His name seems to be Yan Han. He lost to us last year and will probably do the same this year."

""Hahaha, a team made up of a bunch of defeated opponents, what a boring team, just disperse!"

Everyone was pessimistic about their unknown band.

Locke did not go back to the backstage, but mixed into the audience. He wanted to see what level his opponent was at.

Seeing Fan Ying wearing a hood, especially with a bass in his hand, his expression became even more disdainful.

Generally speaking, the lead singer is the guitarist, who is also the main role. How can a bassist stand in the middle and sing?

There are only two possibilities for this situation. One is that the person who can play the guitar is not good at singing, and the other is that the bass part of this song is the most prominent.

He is more inclined to the first possibility. After all, the bass is only responsible for the bass part of the song. Many non-professionals can't even hear the bassist's playing. How could the bass part be the most prominent?

"Let's go, it's not interesting."

He was about to turn around and leave, when suddenly a melodious guitar sound rang out from the stage.


He was a little surprised. He didn't expect Yan Han to play well and write a good melody.

But this also confirmed his guess. Sure enough, this song is mainly guitar, supplemented by bass. Letting the bassist sing is their biggest failure.

Soon, the prelude ended and Fan Ying's singing came.

"Walking in the rain"

"Blue street lights gradually appear"................


That's right, the song chosen by Fan Ying was"Cold Rainy Night"!

After singing the first verse, Locke was a little bit unbelievable. He didn't expect Fan Ying's voice to be so good.

What he didn't expect was that this was a Cantonese song!

Wu Yu liked to join in the fun, so he paid for it out of his own pocket and took a taxi to the Polytechnic University.

When he heard Fan Ying singing Cantonese in the audience, he suddenly felt like he saw a ghost.


When did this kid learn Cantonese? Why didn't he know it?

Fan Ying's pronunciation was so standard that it didn't sound like it was specially transliterated for singing this song. He used the reputation of a Guangdong person to guarantee that this was authentic Cantonese!

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