After that, Fan Ying contacted Jiasong Media again.

It was also two songs, but many of the artists under the other party were rock-style, and they hoped that Fan Ying could write two rock-style songs for them.

Of course, the chairman of Jiasong Media was very polite. This was just a small request from him. Even if Fan Ying was not satisfied and wrote two songs of other styles, he would not refuse.

Fan Ying would not be stingy for those who helped him. After a little thought, he finalized the two songs.

Two hours later, the demo and sheet music of"Princess" and"Life in Bloom" were sent to the chairman's social account. After listening to it, the chairman couldn't help shaking his hair up and down, as if he had found his young self all of a sudden.

The spirit of rock and roll will never die!

He likes the lyrical"Cold Rainy Night" very much, but he likes the hoarse"Princess" and"Life in Bloom" even more!

If it weren't for his low level, he wouldn't even want to give these two songs to the artists, but keep them for himself!

It was already past one in the morning, and he was still energetic, filtering artists suitable for these two songs in his brain at a rapid speed.

He had already vaguely seen the rise of two new stars!

Fan Ying certainly did not give these four songs away for free, but adopted the traditional profit-sharing method.

Friendship is friendship, and accounts must be settled.

As for when these songs will be released, it is an internal matter of the company, and he has no right to interfere, but the show must be done. In just a few days, the news that"Fan Ying wrote songs for Hezhong Culture and Jiasong Media to thank the two companies" became a hot search.

He is not a person who likes hype, but that's how it is in the entertainment industry. For an artist, the most feared thing is not negative news, but no one pays attention.

Only when he receives attention, his company will receive attention, and Lu Yi Chong and Lu Qingqing will also receive attention, which is what he wants.

Although the two have made it clear that they don't care about fame, as long as they can play music together, he still wants to be responsible for the two of them.

He wants to prove to everyone that their choice is not wrong!

When netizens saw this hot search, they laughed and commented below

"Fan Ying is simply a model worker. It’s been less than a month since he finished the show, and he has already churned out four songs. Doesn’t it take him time to write songs?"

"It seems that he really doesn't need to. Have you forgotten that he only needed a piece of paper and a pen to write a piece of music in just a few minutes? It may take others three to five months to write a song, but he only needs three to five minutes!"

"@Hezhong Culture, @Jiasong Media, when will the song Fan Ying wrote for you be released? Waiting online, urgent!"

The two companies had originally planned to hold back for a while, but they didn't expect the public's call to be so strong, so they just slapped their foreheads.

Start recording now and release it immediately after recording!

This is free traffic, and they don't need to spend money to create popularity. If not now, when?

The bigwigs in the piano world saw this hot search and seemed unhappy.

What, only these two companies spoke for you at the beginning, not us?

Mr. Tao is already very old, and he spoke for you specifically, why don't you express your opinion?

Hu Yunxian, a professor at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, has the hottest temper and directly posted a Weibo

"Hey, some people, I won’t name them, got a place in the show, and then they left us old guys aside and threw the piano aside!"

He didn't want Fan Ying to write a song for him, but he wanted Fan Ying not to give up the piano.

Musical instruments are something that even masters have to practice all year round. If they don't practice for a period of time, their skills may regress.

Fan Ying is going to a talent show and running a company, so how can he have time to practice the piano?

Mr. Tao spoke up for him because of his piano talent, not for any other reason!

Fan Ying also saw this Weibo post. Of course, he has not forgotten the kindness of his predecessors in the piano world, but he didn't think of how to repay them for a while.

They, the pianists, are not like entertainment companies. They can't just give a few songs. They can't give a piano piece to each person, right?

Of course, even if he really gave it, the pianists would not accept it.

Whoever's work is whose work, they won't do things that are despised by others.

After thinking about it, Fan Ying felt that showing his piano level and telling them that he has not regressed is the greatest reward for them.

So, he put his mobile phone aside, recorded a piano piece, posted it on his personal account, and at Hu Yunxian.

"Professor Hu, although I don't know who you are talking about, I have never left the piano aside. Piano is like a part of my life. No matter who I am or when I am, I still love it!"

Hu Yunxian saw Fan Ying's comment and shook his head in disappointment.

There was nothing wrong with this statement in the eyes of the public, but in his opinion, it was too artificial.

Rather than responding to him, it was more like responding to the public.

This is why he opposed Fan Ying's entry into the entertainment industry.

Those big stars are all glamorous in front of people, and every word they say is impeccable, but is that really themselves?

It's just to meet the image expected by the public.

These stars lack the side of being an ordinary person. To put it bluntly, they are too hypocritical and too impetuous.

This hypocrisy and impetuousness may not be a big deal at the beginning, but it will eventually be reflected in the work.

People who can write good songs, after appearing on variety shows a few times, their works are getting worse and worse.

Such situations can be found everywhere in the music scene.

He doesn't want Fan Ying to be such a person!

With some dissatisfaction, he clicked on the video of Fan Ying playing.

After about ten seconds, his heart gradually calmed down.

A minute later, he had completely lost his dissatisfaction with Fan Ying.

Two and a half minutes later, he pulled the progress bar back to the beginning with great intoxication.

He looked at the title of the song.——《"Adeline by the Water".

Combined with the title, when he listened to it for the second time, the embankment, the golden water waves under the setting sun, and the beautiful woman Adeline by the water suddenly appeared in his mind.

He seemed to see Adeline's beautiful eyes, her rosy white skin under the setting sun, her white teeth showing, smiling and waving at him........

Mr. Tao had been following Fan Ying's movements silently, and he immediately clicked on the video.

After listening to it, he laughed and said:

"This Xiao Hu, he is always worrying about useless things. Ordinary people need to rely on hard work to make up for their shortcomings, but for geniuses, following the rules is the cage that blocks creativity."

"It seems that the piano world in our Dragon Country has a successor!"

After listening to this song, many pianists thought that this song would definitely become popular in the circle, but they still underestimated Fan Ying.

He is the champion of the fifth season of"Sing Yourself". Now even his farts can attract traffic, let alone piano music!

Especially this song"Adeline by the Waterside", which does not have a big threshold for the audience. Even people who don't usually listen to piano music can immerse themselves in the beautiful music.

In just one week, this song was adopted by major shopping malls and would be played every time they were about to close.

The last one that was so popular in China was"The Most Dazzling National Style" sung by Zhou Ningqing.》.......

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