Chapter 102 This time, I will not let you go crazy!

Do you still want to become Hokage again?

Do you want to?

Slowly restore calm.

Sarutobi slowly clicked on his pipe and took a sip.

For a long time, he spit out four words from his mouth.

“I thought about it.”

Ever thought about it?

In other words, I don’t want to do it now?

Frowning, Danzo was a little surprised.

According to what he knows about himself as an old man, he is definitely not the kind of person who can easily give up his rights.

You should even be jealous of Namikaze Minato, who is now beloved, and the kid called Konoha Kenpachi.

But the reaction of the other party is beyond his expectations

Sarutobi didn’t lie to Danzo.

These four words are from the heart

“Perhaps before that negotiation, the old man really thought about regaining power, but after that, he had no idea.”

“I’m old, Konoha should rest assured to give it to young people.”

“And I believe Minato can do better.”

Saying this, Sarutobi raised his head and looked at his old buddy.

This is the companion who walked with him all the way, including Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura, Uchiha Kagami and Akamichi.

They are teammates in the same period and the guards of Second Hokage Senju Tobirama

The days of performing tasks together have already produced an inseparable bond between each other. Decades have passed.

Those old guys have changed

But when it comes to changes, the old man in front of you has changed the most.

The two Naruto consultants only knew how to enjoy, and could not give any effective help on some major issues.

Only Uchiha Kagami who is dead is the only one who can really say something in his heart.

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura just become vanity.

But Danzo, as much as himself, values ​​power more and more.

The establishment of the root is wrong.

Konoha only has one Anbu.

Anbu is dark enough, but the roots are darker than Anbu, and that darkness does not belong to Konoha.

He never said these words.

Perhaps Danzo established the roots at the beginning, and indeed has some credit for Konoha.

But as the power increased, Danzo began to act unscrupulously.

He thought he couldn’t see it, but he just saw it and didn’t say anything.

Including Danzo’s collaboration with Orochimaru, he can open one eye and close the other.

These days Sarutobi thinks a lot in his home.

Looking back at what he said, I thought I was not at fault, but it was also as Ye Bajian described it.

Can’t write one thing that can be put on the wall of merit.

For Konoha, he thought he did his best, but mediocrity is also a fact.

The position of Naruto has been handed over to Minato, and Sarutobi has gradually let go of his desire to control power.

Only the wall that records the merits is his only regret.

If he can, he will find a meaningful thing to do for the rest of his life, intending to make up for this regret

This is his only thought.



Staring at Sarutobi’s face for a full minute, Danzo seemed to want to find the flaw in the hypocrisy.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed.

This time, the old man he thought he knew was beyond his expectations.

Stand up, Danzo walks out

“Danzo, I advise you not to do anything. I have already abdicated. Now Konoha’s Hokage is Minato.

Sarutobi’s voice followed.

The warning in the words meant that Danzo heard it clearly.

There is no doubt that Danzo came to him today with a purpose.

And when he opened his mouth, he asked if he wanted to become Hokage again.

What is he going to do? Sarutobi doesn’t know, but it’s definitely not a good thing! Just like Danzo enumerates his unseen deeds, and those things are probably the same


“The so-called root person has no name, no feelings, no past and no future.” “There is only a task in his heart. The one who supports Konoha behind the big tree is deep in the earth…

I will wait for the roots! ”

Without answering Sarutobi Hiruzen’s words, Danzo murmured. “Konoha has completely exceeded his control, and the rescue can only be on the right track. Contemporary Hokage and that little boy

The idea of ​​ghosts is completely wrong. ”

“As a root, we need to eradicate all threats!” Turning around without any hesitation, Danzo has left Sarutobi Hiruzen’s home, leaving only Sarutobi alone.

Sitting there blankly.

“Once, you told me the same.”

“But what you did is not this, Danzo…

“This time… I won’t let you go crazy.”

“I’m a little slack.”

Coming out of the Hokage office, Bajian glanced at his system panel casually, a little helpless.

It’s not that the daily task of swinging the knife is slack.

It was the sudden task, which he hadn’t completed until now.

Originally, his plan was to train Anbu in special, select the elite of the elite and lead them to completely remove the nails in the land of Fire, sweeping the border to show the momentum of this force.

At that time, he can continue to harvest his life and directly liberate his Zanpakutō to become the real Shinigami.

But now he finds himself a bit whimsical

Even the elite, talents are limited, after all, this is a world of fighting fathers.

Some people’s strength can change qualitatively after turning on Mangekyō, and they can reach Kage-level strength when they open up.

But some people are only a Chūnin in their poor life.

Although his special training method is very effective, it will take at least one month to achieve the effect he wants.

So this task can only wait.

But the speed of the Anbu ninjas is not what Bajian cares about.

As time piles up, the quality will keep up.

Now he only pays attention to one thing.

Nine Tails chaos, only one month left!

A sharp glow flashed in his eyes, and Bajian’s figure disappeared instantly

“I really didn’t expect you to be able to enter Anbu.”

On the familiar roof of Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato’s house, Kakashi reluctantly looked at the signature piece of hair, no matter what kind of mask he uses, he said that the kind of rare animal temperament Guy said.

Yes. 420 Guy enters Anbu.

Who can think of this?

Just kidding, his character is only suitable for open attack, and this kind of errand hidden in the dark is really not suitable for Guy’s character.

This is also reflected in the original work.

Seeing that Kakashi was a little dark in his heart, as his friend, Might Guy did not hesitate to apply to Third Generation to enter Anbu but was rejected.

The puzzled King Guy wanted to join the roots when he was passing by Danzo.

Directly treated as a second force by Danzo.

“You don’t have enough darkness in your heart.”

This is the explanation given by Danzo.


The thinking of Zhen Beast is never comparable to others.

Just as he was sitting upside down and training with one hand, and then asked Kakashi if he wanted to try

Big brother.

We are performing tasks.

Itachi and Shisui, who looked like they wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to laugh, had to adapt to the arrival of new members for a while.


A figure landed on the roof, it was Bajian coming out of the Hokage Building.

Look around.

Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui, Hatake Kakashi, and Might Guy, plus myself, a total of five people

“From now on, Uzumaki Kushina’s safety will be guarded in shifts 24 hours a day.”

At this moment, the night owl team assembled again!

There is only one task.

Guard the safety of the tail Jinchūriki!

Fifth more.

Recommend a good friend a daily Hokage, Hinata is my child’s wife.

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