A Veteran of the Hero Academy
Chapter 128
People hurriedly sat down around the U-shaped table in the spacious conference hall.
It was still early, but because the matter was a matter, everyone gathered in a hurry.
There was a small commotion in the conference hall, and Seo-ah entered between them.
“Everyone, please sit down.”
Although her expression was soft, there was power in Seo-ah’s voice.
At Seo-ah’s words, everyone stopped talking and sat down.
There were still not enough seats, so some were standing behind chairs.
“First of all, I’m sorry for waking you up so early, but please understand that this is a very serious matter and we have no choice but to do it.”
Seo-ah lowered her head slightly and opened her mouth.
“Really- is it true that Jaehwan Kim is dead!!”
A man sitting far away raised his voice and asked.
“It is clear that the heavens are helping us when Kim Jae-hwan is dead.”
“Isn’t he the one who did evil? He’s been punished.”
“Even so, as long as President Kim Ik-han is alive…”
“By the way, the person who killed Jaehwan Kim is now in our branch-“
The conference hall, which had been quiet at the same time as the man’s words, became lively.
Their voices were filled with anticipation and fear at the same time.
Seo-ah’s expression hardened for a moment as she watched the commotion.
“Quiet!!! Be quiet!!!”
Unlike Seo-ah, Seo-yoon, who had a lot of anger on her face, shouted out loud.
At Seoyun’s call, the conference hall became quiet in an instant.
They knew that if you go against Seoyoon’s will, you won’t see good things.
“For now, calm down and listen to me.”
Seo-ah, who was holding the growling hand of Seo-yoon, smiled softly again.
“Hmm- I’m sorry.”
The man who asked the first question coughed as he looked at Seoyoon.
“It is understandable that you are excited. The fact that Kim Jae-hwan is dead means that the rank of Kim Doo-hwan, whom we serve, has gone up a notch.”
Seo-ah waved her hand to greet the man and calmly continued her conversation.
“It is true that Kim Jae-hwan is dead. The person who informed us of that fact is Aiden-nim, who is now in our branch.”
When Seo-ah finished speaking, there was a commotion in the meeting room again, but everyone just quietly murmured because they were afraid of Seo-yoon.
“I heard that a person named De-Shaun killed Kim Jae-hwan. Aiden-nim was the person who acted under De-Shaun.”
There was certainty in Seo-ah’s voice.
“It’s the first name I’ve heard-“
“I’ve heard of it. From the academy to the devil-“
“By the way, it’s a big deal that you killed Kim Jae-hwan.”
A small commotion fell once more in the conference hall-
“Is this a fact confirmed by Seo-ah’s ability?!”
One of them raised his hand and asked.
The conference hall became quiet, waiting for Seo-ah’s answer.
“Yes. This is a fact that I confirmed with my ability. Aiden-sama’s words are clear. A person named Deshon killed Jaehwan Kim.”
Seo-ah, whose face was red for some reason, answered in a confident voice.
That dog-
Looking at Seo-ah like that, Seo-yoon quietly frowned.
“Then the Republican side must be pursuing that person named Aiden- how did you get it?!”
This time, a voice that was full of fear raised the question.
“Aiden-sama – you have the force we need. What reason is there to prevent someone with the highest level of force from entering our revolutionary corps? This branch has already decided to give up from the moment Aiden came in. We need Aiden-sama’s power more than this branch.”
Seo-ah finished her speech slowly and clearly.
When the name Aiden came up again, Seoyoon frowned and sharpened her teeth.
Seeing Seoyoon like that, Seo-ah let out a small sigh.
At first, Seoyoon hated any man, but from the beginning, such an unfortunate incident occurred-
It was clear that the Revolutionary Corps would become quite noisy in the future.
‘Luxury ass-‘
Seo-ah, whose thoughts reached Aiden, shook her head as her face became hot and released her thoughts.
“If it’s Seo-ah, then that’s it.”
A quiet voice was heard in the middle of the noisy conference room.
A clean-looking man nodded his head.
“It’s a force equivalent to the highest level – it’s correct to use whatever means you can to recruit him!”
“That’s right! If he wants anything else, I have to listen to him!”
At the man’s words, the other people in the meeting room also nodded their heads.
Until now, I had never suffered any loss when I followed Seo-ah’s words.
The ability to discriminate falsely and the ability to grasp force has been useful in leading the group so far.
“Then, once we’re ready, we’ll get out of this city through the emergency door right away. Move as fast as you can and get ready.”
Seo-ah got up from her seat and said firmly.
People nodded their heads at Seo-ah’s words and hardened their impressions.
We had to get out of this branch as quickly as possible because we didn’t know when the republic would come.
As I washed away the dirt, peace of mind came automatically.
So, what a republic is – didn’t even that mighty empire have a capital city?
How do you make it fall apart?
If you wait anyway, Luna might come.
Then you can just hold Luna’s hand and do it bye-bye.
When I ate my mind comfortably and went out, I saw neatly folded clothes.
It was simple pants and a tee.
Considering that the clothes were similar to what Seo-ah was wearing, it seemed to be Seo-ah’s taste.
He put on his clothes and carried the sword he had left beside him on his waist.
– Did you have a good time?
It was a really good time.
At Luna Gum’s question, Seoyoon’s coveted body came to mind again.
After I got out of the bathroom, I went downstairs to check what happened to Lee Ji-soo.
Although the road was confusing, I was able to get to the place where I left Ji-soo safely.
When I went inside, I saw a man cleaning things up to see if the surgery was over.
“Are you here- God’s water is clear.”
The man with tiredness on his face frowned as he looked at me.
“Yeah, that’s good. In many ways.”
He roughly answered the man’s words and confirmed Lee Ji-soo.
Although the complexion was bad, it was in a much better state than before.
Seeing that, I intuited that the man’s surgery was a success.
“The operation was successfully completed. Now, there is a lot of blood that has been shed, but I am just restless.”
The man said as he washed his hands.
“I’m glad. Um-?”
I saw something strange in my eyes as I was checking Lee Ji-soo.
Clearly, before, he was a child who had no breasts, but now he was as big as Vicky and his breasts depended on the dance.
“Did you grow your breasts during the surgery? Quite-“
Is this guy a breast augmentation surgeon comparable to a p*ssy wizard?
“It’s just that the operation was cumbersome, so I just removed the bandage that was covering the child. Why would I want to grow that child’s breasts?”
Said the man who looked at me with a frown on his face as if he had seen something he couldn’t see.
Why did you hide that desirable thing?
Suddenly, I thought that I did a good job saving Lee Ji-soo.
With a heart like this, it was worth saving.
“Once the surgery went well, you can rest assured.”
“Yes. Thank you very much.”
I sincerely thanked the man.
The man coughed and turned away from my gaze.
Someone next to me pulled my collar, so I turned around and saw Chun-oh sitting with her back against the wall.
Then I saw him there.
“Chun-oh? Why are you doing that there?”
“Looks like it’s discharged. He’s a pretty useful kid.”
The man answered my question.
“Discharge? So what should I do?”
“Looking at it, it seems to be charged with sunlight, so I guess I’ll just have to hang it up somewhere in the sun.”
When the man finished speaking, he shook off his clothes and left the room.
Looking back at Chun-Oh, he nodded his head slightly as if the man was right.
There were many words in the man’s words that I did not understand, but there was no need to understand everything.
It’s convenient if you just go ahead and say that there is such a thing.
Living with a short head, I realized this.
I thought it would be fine to leave Lee Ji-soo here until he comes to his senses, and he thinks he should put it in a place where it can be easily accessed.
I crouched down and hugged Chun-Oh.
I thought it would be heavy because I saw something like iron sticking out before, but it was lighter than I thought.
It was heavier than its size, but it was just about the weight of a Vicki.
Chun-oh, who was in my arms, bowed his head.
It felt like I was holding a cat on a human hand somewhere in the neighborhood.
I saw Lee Ji-soo, who was still unconscious, and left the room.
I didn’t know the structure of the building, so I roughly moved along the window and went to the place where the sunlight got the most.
Among them, Chun-oh was gently placed on the ground where there was something, and I lay down next to it.
After all, I couldn’t sleep because of the chaos.
I took a break and took a break for a while.
Even if I didn’t sleep for a few days, there was no problem with my body.
There were times when I couldn’t sleep for five days because of that crazy old man.
“Why are you sleeping here?”
I woke up to a soft voice.
I quickly came to my senses and looked to the side to see Seo-ah looking at me with a warm smile.
Seeing this beautiful smile as soon as I woke up, it was clear that today would be a good day.
“Ah- it’s just sunny.”
When I looked to the side, Chun-oh, who had just woken up, was kneeling and staring at me.
The charging seemed to have ended safely.
“Foot- what kind of dog is it?”
Seo-ah covered her mouth slightly and smiled.
It was obviously a curse to be like a dog to a person, but when it came out of a beautiful woman’s mouth, it sounded like a compliment.
After all, there is nothing more important to a person than appearance.
If Seo-ah was a man, she would have already been smashed by me and rolling on the ground.
“Kuh-hum- what do you hear often?”
He answered with a stiff body.
My body was aching because I slept on the floor, but after a few times, I was fine again.
“Really, Aiden-nim is a fun person.”
Seo-ah opened her eyes at my words and smiled a little again.
what’s fun
I didn’t understand, but I didn’t want to break the good mood.
“So what can I do now? Cutting off the noble’s neck? Arson? Terror?”
Now that you have joined the revolutionary corps, you must destroy the republic as soon as possible.
“Yes?! No, no!! We don’t do such bloody things!! Of course we punish the vicious nobles – but in accordance with humane procedures…”
Seo-ah, who screamed a little at my question, responded by waving her hand hastily.
If the Revolutionaries don’t do those things, what the hell do they do?
Aren’t those three achievements of a representative revolutionary group?
It seemed to be a more stuffy organization than I thought.
“Then what the hell…?”
Out of frustration, I habitually looked in my pocket.
Oh shit, I put it in the pants I threw away earlier.
“We are conducting a revolution according to a humane procedure. They say they are cruel and if we get blood on our hands, we become the same people, right? While I am actively engaged in activities that I do-.”
Seo-ah smiled brightly and held out her hand.
“Seo-ah has beautiful hands.”
He grabbed Seo-ah’s soft hand and stroked it.
With their weak methods, it was clear that these guys would not be able to revolutionize even if it took a hundred years.
Even now, it was heartbreaking to think that the Republican people could not overcome the tyranny of the cruel superiors and would live in pain.
These guys ate shit.
I’ll have to fix it the right way.
In a faster and more effective way.
Let the republic fall as quickly as possible.
“Yeah?! Ah! First of all, thank you!! Thank you!”
Seeing Seo-ah blushing again, I made a quiet promise to myself.
But your hands are really soft.
Have you never held a sword like that before?
Without realizing it, I moved my hand over and over again.
“Ah!!! Why are you wearing pods?! Aiden-nim! It’s too fast!!!”
Seo-ah, whose face was red as if it was about to explode, creaked her hand that was holding me and shouted.
Only the real Seo-ah was informed that she was planning to get out of this branch.
So, I packed my share of the items and put them in the bag I had been supplied with.
It was just food and clothes.
Chun-oh also brought his own bag, but the bag was too big for his small size, making him look ridiculous.
But it didn’t fall over whether it had enough strength.
“Comrade! Thank you!!”
I was carrying the stuffed bag on my shoulder when I heard Jisoo’s voice next to me.
“Are you okay?”
When he turned his head, Lee Ji-soo was greeted with a cool smile.
“Yeah! He’s in revolutionary good shape!!”
Lee Ji-soo exaggeratedly moved his body and answered vigorously.
Lee Ji-soo’s breasts were as big as I saw them, so they shook with Lee Ji-soo’s movements.
It was a sight that I could never take my eyes off of.
“Ah…! This means- I couldn’t tie it because I didn’t have a bandage!”
Lee Ji-soo, who noticed my gaze, hurriedly lowered his hand and said.
“It looks much nicer? Don’t just tie it up.”
It was quite heavy with the bag on my shoulder.
“Ah… are you really wearing it? Doesn’t it look a little dull and fat?”
Lee Ji-soo, who blushed slightly at my words, asked in a low voice.
“No. It’s a revolutionary heart. I want to keep seeing-“
I got up from my seat and checked that my bag was properly tied.
“Revolutionary breasts… I see!! I’m not going to tie them up! If Comrade Aiden wants my chest, I can-“
Lee Ji-soo, whose face was flushed red, muttered as she proudly held out her chest.
“Come on! When everyone is ready, let’s go!”
Such words of Lee Ji-soo were buried in Seo-ah’s voice from afar.
“Huh? What?”
“Oh- no! Let’s hurry up. Comrade!”
Lee Ji-soo exaggeratedly turned around and shouted.
“If it’s heavy, I’ll listen to you.”
I said to Chun-oh, who was walking beside me holding my collar.
At my words, Chun-oh nodded slightly and walked slowly.
As I followed the people, there was an iron gate on the inner wall of the building.
People were rushing down into the pit inside the iron gate.
I couldn’t see whether Seo-ah had left first.
After waiting for a while, it was our turn.
Lee Ji-soo went down first, then me and then Cheon-Oh.
Below was a crypt made with considerable effort.
There was a strong earthy smell and a damp smell peculiar to the crypt.
There were dead bugs on the floor, whether the bugs passing by were trampled on by their feet and died.
The height of the crypt was lower than I thought, so I had to walk with my neck down.
Looking back, Chun-oh was walking without any problem.
It felt as if the remnants were sneaking away from the enemies.
“It’s great to have a comrade joining the Revolutionary Corps!”
Lee Ji-soo, who was walking in front of me, glanced back at me and smiled coolly.
“Yeah. It’s nice to be part of a revolutionary group with you.”
Lee Ji-soo’s words suddenly reminded me of joining the revolutionary troupe.
I am the imperial citizen, the Republican Revolutionary Corps.
You look like a dog bastard.
“That’s good too!!”
Lee Ji-soo shouted at first.
People in front were startled by the loud noise and looked back, and a little soil fell from the ceiling of the crypt.
“Okay. It’s a crypt, so don’t shout. It’s going to collapse. f*ck this.”
I hurriedly dried Lee Ji-soo like that.
“Ah- I’m sorry! It’s so revolutionary, stop! Still, it’s great that I’m in the same revolutionary group as my comrade!”
Lee Ji-soo, who had covered his mouth in surprise, smiled coolly again.
Lee Ji-soo had a pretty face before, but when she smiled with an ignorant big chest, she looked much more beautiful.
After all, women have breasts.
“Yes. I wish you well in the future.”
I decided to think good.
There’s no crazy old man here.
Better than the Continental Academy.
“Yes! Comrade! Trust me! Revolution!”
“Ugh! Aren’t you walking straight?!”
Lee Ji-soo, who was full of enthusiasm, took a step back and pushed the man in front of him, and the man fell.
“I’m sorry!!”
Embarrassed, Lee Ji-soo hastily raised the man up.
Pulling the collar from the side and turning his head, he saw Chun-oh, who gave a lot of strength to his dazed eyes.
Chun-oh’s mouth was clenched as he didn’t know what to say.
“Are you okay?”
Now that I’m used to Chun-oh, I roughly guessed the meaning of Cheon-oh.
Chun-oh nodded hard at my words.
I habitually stroked Chun-oh’s hair and moved on again.
The dirt that fell from above got my head dirty.
He spit out swearing as he brushed his dusty hair.
Ah- What kind of gangster is this because of Deshon, damn it.
“Hurry up, go away!! Ganna bastard!!!”
Deshon, shuddering at the harsh man’s voice, hurriedly moved.
How did this happen?
Obviously, I was lying with two elves up until recently.
Deshon took off his clothes and put on a prison uniform.
Everything he already had was taken away and nothing was in the water.
Even his arms and feet were tied with chains so heavy that it was difficult to move.
Why are you taking me to jail instead of expulsion from the academy?
Aiden What did this bastard do?
That I killed the president’s son.
De’Shaun wanted to open his mouth for injustice, but he had already opened his mouth earlier, but he shut it again because he had been beaten hard.
He dragged Deshon along the men and dragged him to the prison where it was difficult to escape.
A tall, thick wall was erected outside the prison, and in the middle were towers to watch the outside.
Deshon resisted seeing that if he was dragged in, he would never come out again, but he was only beaten again.
Inside, there were men big enough to resemble a monster, with their eyes wide open.
Deshon, who was shuddering at the bloody atmosphere, bowed his head and was just led as he was led.
After completing various tests and procedures, Deshon was handed over to men in black.
There was a man in front of Deshon and two behind him.
“I am not guilty!!!! I am not guilty!!!”
“Heh heh heh heh!!! It’s shit! It’s shit!”
“You filthy Republicans! Aren’t you afraid of the sky!!”
“Mother- heh heh heh heh-“
Through the iron gates lined up on both sides, the voices of people’s evil were heard.
If there was a hell, wouldn’t it be here? De’Shaun barely resisted the urge to pee in fear.
Deshon wanted to run away from the terrible appearance of his surroundings, but he was dragged away by the harsh power of the man who was ahead of him.
The man who was dragging Deshon stopped in front of a certain room.
The man pulled out a long club from his side and unlocked the lock on the iron door with his thick arm.
The lock was released with a loud noise, and the man slowly pushed the iron door with force.
The weight of the iron door was so heavy that the veins on the man’s thick arm who opened the door were about to burst.
As the door opened, the man pushed De’Shawn roughly.
The strong force pushed Deshon powerlessly and fell into the room.
The sound of the world’s door closing was heard behind De’Shawn.
Deshon, terrified, slowly raised his head.
When he looked up, he saw De’Shon, a man who was so mean to the point that the man outside looked like a child.
“Ata- hey. How are you doing?”
One of the men smiled viciously and slowly approached Deshon.
Deshon moved desperately to avoid such a man, but soon collided with a cold wall touching his back.
“Heh heh. Let’s run away? Let’s go somewhere.”
Seeing the frightened Deshon, the man slowly released his hand.
“I- I’m De’Shawn! House Conred-“
Deshon opened his mouth as if exasperated.
“Because it doesn’t matter if you’re a noble or something in this place. If you’re a noble, you’re a little more sassy?”
The man grudgingly grabbed Deshon’s hair and pulled him back.
Deshon, who was dragged by the man, was spread out in the center of the room.
The men surrounded the fallen Deshon.
To De’Shawn, the world seemed full of vicious men.
“Hey, what is it? Have you ever sucked on a man’s thing?”
One of the men asked Deshon, revealing his yellow teeth.
Hell was evident here.
Deshon noticed the man’s thick finger tapping his cheek.
De’Shawn shrugged in tears in fear.
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