Belated Regrets

The world is unpredictable. Sometimes, opportunities come unexpectedly.

Carneil, the knight of the Imperial Tomb, who would never have been called again if it had been originally, laid down his post as a knight of the Imperial Tomb with an easy mind. There were few things that could be passed on to his successor. This is a place where I usually wait for the day I will resign from my job.

‘Finally, liberation. Now I can work like a knight!’

It’s just the difference between being caught by a pod and forcing them to take off their clothes, or taking off their clothes by themselves saying they can’t stand this kind of treatment. Under the circumstances, would there have been someone who could even arrange matters to be taken over from his successor?

It is common to write a resignation letter when it is time to organize and hand over such things, or to make it look good to the high-ranking people in the center who sometimes come to visit the Hwangneung. A successor who would be relegated to this place without luck was not even in sight.

Of course, if the successor has an accident and there is a problem with the tomb, the predecessors are not healthy. So, I had no intention of letting go of it at all, but it would be enough to tell me enough to avoid responsibility. Like her predecessors, she had no intention of revealing much.

It’s not hard cancer. Am!

Even his unlucky successor must not be unaware of the fact that being a knight in the royal tomb is a job that must be done with evil and savagery. Anyway, it didn’t seem to matter to her anymore.

‘My lord Ardain hasn’t forgotten me…’

Upon receiving the letter Ardein himself wrote, and the imperial order that arrived the very next day, the knight was truly moved. She has forgotten her master, but the master has not forgotten her.

The master abandons his subordinates. And the subordinates abandon the master. In both cases, one person abandons one person, but when asked which is the heavier sin, everyone says the latter.

What she committed was a betrayal no matter how good the words were. Rather, I was restless as to whether it was only arousing anger.

However, the reason he found Ardein was because he had the illusion that he deserved to be moderated to some extent.

‘I didn’t completely betray myself, because I suffered so much because of it.’

I couldn’t make a career out of it because I didn’t stick a knife in Ardein’s back, so I thought for a moment that I might have kept my integrity. Until I met her and realized that I had nothing to talk about.

At that time, Carneil was choked up at what to say to the princess Ha-ha, whom she had not seen in a long time. After all the old memories were laid out, there was really nothing more to say!

No matter how busy he was with his life, Carneil realized what he had done when he remembered who had cut the ties while avoiding contact with his master. A few years is a long time than I thought, and Ardain has changed a lot during that time.

Since he wasn’t next to him, he didn’t know anything about Ardain. After all that, I wanted to go into a mouse hole, no matter what I was hoping for.

– For now, let me fulfill my current duties. Good things will happen soon.

That’s why I was moved to hear Ardein’s words. In fact, it was just that he didn’t get kicked out by kicking his butt.

There may or may not be ‘good things’, but I was grateful that nothing bad happened. But what is this? An unexpected ‘good thing’ really came.

Ardain called her as his bodyguard. In terms of rank, it is higher than what she had done before being demoted to the Imperial Tomb Knight.

She summoned the traitor again and gave him a higher position.

“Lowering. This time, I will dedicate all my life to you! this carnival. I will plunge into the pit of fire, if the Lord orders it.”

He went to Ardein again, this time wet the floor with tears and swore his allegiance. It wasn’t tears that lied, it really did.

Seeing her like that, Ardein just put on a complicated expression. The reason she forgave this traitor was simple. Because he doesn’t deserve to not forgive Carneil.

This knight was an Ardain knight, but he did not owe him even his life. He just served Ardein as his lord. That such a person betrayed him, he grinded his teeth.

Then, he owes himself and his father’s life.

Even so, he did nothing when that person jumped into the pit of fire.

I mean, how should it be treated? It wouldn’t be a problem that would end with just grinding the teeth, but the good person said a word of blessing to him and left.

When I thought about it, my face went hot.

In the end, he wrote a letter with his own handwriting to Carneil. He had done something worse than her and scolded her.

Cheommyeon-hui, who knows no shame, may not have been her but herself.

“Mr Carneil. This is a carriage from the Imperial Palace. We will take you to the Imperial Palace.”

“Well. Thank you.”

Excited by the feeling of success, Carneil nodded her head. The imperial family is one of the workplaces with the best welfare, so anyone who escorts the imperial family can rent a wagon or driver and ride it as if it were their own. It was a good enough benefit for Carneil, who came from commoners and was not from a rich family.

Living on the outskirts of the island, she usually commuted to the Imperial Palace on foot. It would be nice to have at least one horse, but the horses belonging to the Knights Templar have no relationship with her, a knight of the Imperial Tomb.

And it wasn’t even a good thing to take a sneak peek and raise it at home. Even if it is really stolen, the finances will be ruined just by the cost of feed.

They cannot maintain their muscles by eating grass on the roadside. In fact, it doesn’t even keep you healthy. Disadvantages of breeding Without meticulous management, it is worse than ordinary words.

However, it was a waste of money to buy a horse in an uncertain situation of not knowing when to retire, even if I just bought a horse. So when I just walked around and rode a wagon to work, a laugh leaked out spontaneously. I felt like I was floating all over the place.

A car that seemed to be deliberately stern, holding weight and talking was fun, but the carriage that was going well came to a sudden stop. Carneil, who was about to say something, kept her mouth shut, imitated tall people, leaned her chin and pretended to be enjoying herself. Nobles should be relaxed and relaxed in everything they do!

‘Oh, it’s frustrating.’

How many minutes did you hold that position? As if I didn’t care if the road was blocked, Carneil, who was playing leisurely, could not hold out for even ten minutes and called the driver. The driver scratched his head and explained the situation.

“That’s right, my front is blocked. There are too many people, so it is difficult to get through.”

“What… ah, no. what?! Why the hell is that?”

“It is said that the gate that was normally open just stopped suddenly. So, the protesters also got confused and flocked to see the gate… People from the Republic were angry at whether the Empire was doing its job… Well, it is.”


The driver nodded and unraveled the story. People in charge of the transport business like him are also keen on information.

“The people of the Empire are angry that those coming from the republic are taking their jobs, and they throw stones at them for taking our grain. People from the Republic are outraged that we came here because we wanted to, and that we are in debt.”

Conflict between foreigners and indigenous peoples is inevitable and has always happened. That in itself is not such a big deal.

The problem was that the gate stopped abruptly. It was also the reason why the whole area is now in chaos. People from the Citadel Republic were outraged when the movement of family, relatives and friends was blocked. It wasn’t something they did, so the people of the Empire had a lot to say.

‘Is the gate stopped? It’s a protest anyway. how is this I will be late from the first day I was appointed as a member of the bodyguard. no. Then how do I see Ardain’s face?’

They were startled by the fact that the wizards and the gates had stopped, but Carneil, who was not a wizard, had neither interest nor interest. Conflict between Citadel citizens and imperial people? is it alba? I’m busy with my life right now.

“Park the wagon back to the house!”

In a hurry, Carneil jumped out of the wagon and ran again on two legs. Running is the fastest means of transportation when the traffic is so heavy and the roads are full.

By the time the waitress, who had drawn up almost all of her breasts and ran to Ardein’s room, reached Ardein’s room, he was not an escort, but rather became an escort.

Ardain was surprised to see the handsome knight. Tired and exhausted, seeing Carneil, who seemed to collapse at any moment, was speechless.

“What’s going on? Why did you run so quickly?”

Even as a bodyguard, how many times would Master Ardain need an escort?

If she’s the kind of person that needs an escort, wouldn’t having a carneel help?

So, whether Carneil was late or not, Ardain didn’t care. Still, seeing how he ran like this not to be late, I thought it was a bit odd.

“Heh… heh… that, that… heh…”

“Take a breath and speak. Myen. Bring me some water.”

“Yes, lower.”

The maid brought cool water in a glass. It was only after he drank the ice-filled water, Carneil calmed her breath and was able to continue her conversation.

She was also a knight, so she had good stamina. Even if it takes a little time, you will quickly recover your stamina.

“I’m sorry, my dear. When the gate stopped, there was a huge crowd of people around it, and the task of protecting him was almost delayed. But that Carneil, the body that gave everything to you. Even where the wagon couldn’t go, I broke through with my two legs and came this far!”

“Oh yeah. The gate stopped… the gate stopped?!”

While thinking about Carneil’s words without thinking, Ardain stood up and screamed. She grabbed Carneil’s shoulder with both hands and shook it.

“Tell me what the hell is that. as detailed as possible! Suddenly the gate stopped, this is nonsense! Perhaps, perhaps, the gate was destroyed?”

You’ve been going straight here without asking a word, so maybe Carnell knows anything?

I had no choice but to answer that I didn’t know to every question, and my head went down more and more. Eventually, it flopped. From the first day at work, she has been of no help to the master…

“Definitely. This must be the work of the temple!”

There was no evidence and, in fact, she didn’t even go to the scene, but the princess made a decision right away. She rushed out without paying any attention to the carnails she had entered. Gate, let’s see the gate. Obviously there will be no problem. certainly…

Obviously, nothing will happen. It will be just a small commotion.

That’s the way it was. Please, please, I just hope so.

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