Three are afraid of one

one day before that. The Demon King suddenly questioned the existence of the Old Gods.

The Old Gods are the laws of the universe. But is it really? That insignificant question was, in fact, the question that contained the most fundamental secret.

In order to uncover the facts, the Demon King investigated. The conclusion of the investigation was, well, ‘unknown’. Because the Demon King had no way to experiment with the realm of the Old Gods. If there is no evidence, no matter how great a theory is, isn’t it just an inference?

However, the Demon King thought. In fact, what we call the Old Gods may not be the law of the universe.

Just as weeds grow naturally when there is good quality soil, the spirit naturally born from the body called the laws of the universe. That might be the Old Gods.

“There was no evidence, but thinking that way gave me a lot to explain.”

It’s not something you can ask the Old Gods, so there’s no confirmation. However, the Demon King was confident in his theory.

If the Old Gods are not the laws of the universe, but only the mind bodies that are created from them… The reason why they are so hard to control their own bodies is finally explained.

Well, because the body is the body, and the mind is just something that naturally arises from the body. Just as humans do not know much about the human body, the Old Gods do not know much about their own body, the laws of the universe. Some parts come naturally to you, while others you don’t know until you explore them.

‘Even if it’s an ancient god, in the end, it’s only that much. That was the first time I had doubts.’

He watched the vampire’s downfall right before his eyes. To drive out a race called vampires, the Old Gods destroyed themselves and changed the laws of the universe.

If they were really great, would they even have to self-destruct to get rid of just one land race? From then on, the Demon King had doubts about the absoluteness of the Old Gods.

Aren’t they essentially the same as personal gods? Shouldn’t it be a psychic body that grows naturally from the laws of the universe, and should be separated from the laws themselves?

Until now, it was just a theory and there was no confirmation, but now there is a piece of evidence. In experiments on the fruits of the world tree, all conclusions were reached.

“I am thrilled. The process of proving that a theory is correct is always like this. It’s hard work, but it’s worth it.”

The Reaper, Modrig is the proof of that. The divine power that Grimudo has gathered is based on faith, and is fundamentally the divinity of a personal god. On the other hand, the fruit of the World Tree is the deity of the Old Gods, and its source is the law of the universe.

However, human beliefs and the laws of the universe, the two divinities with completely different origins, naturally merged with each other. What does this mean?

The Old Gods are not actually the laws of the universe, but the gods as their names suggest.

Experimental results prove that he is a God who only has laws as the basis, and therefore does not require faith.

‘The laws of the universe usually exist as dead laws, sometimes when the self is born, then it becomes the Old God we know.’

So, it is normal for the original law to be dead. Being alive with an ego is abnormal.

That abnormal state is the Old God, and that state will eventually return to its normal state over time. Perhaps the most pitiful being in this world was the Old God.

From the moment of birth, the fate of being worn out and destroyed is set as a default, and no matter what they do, they only advance the moment of destruction.

If you want to hold on for a long time, you should not do anything without thinking and without the reward of gaining self at the best. But even if you do, it’s a dead end in the end.

The Demon King did not want to have such a seat even if he was given it. Just thinking about it gave me chills.

In any case, the Old God who lowered the World Tree was already destroyed and returned to the law. As with the laws of the universe, the world tree and the fruit of the world tree are just things that exist without any self.

In those things, the divinity of Grimudo permeated and merged with each other, and the self was finally born.

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Modrig, a reaper who possesses the attributes of a world tree and a grimdo at the same time, looked at his creator unfavorably. It quietly stared at Grimudo, who was thrilled with the success of the experiment, convinced that the demon king was not attacking him, and took the opportunity to expand his domain.


No elf could escape the black thread that was wound like a parasite. The thread, as thin as a silkworm moth spit, was firm and sticky.

Once wrapped around the thread, it is impossible to even run away. It screams like an insect caught in a spider’s web, and turns into a cocoon.

“Sa, save me!”

“I don’t want to die like this. Not yet…”

Rather than preparing for battle, the elves were leisurely chewing dried fruit as if watching a play. No one was ready to face this.

There was not even the slightest contrast, so the thread covered the entire area of Elvenheim. In the meantime, the black little boy leisurely looked around his family.

There is a saying that it is free.

It means nothing changes. The elves dreamed of being paid, but there is no such thing in this world. What did the elves do when the demon king fiercely tried to attack them?


I didn’t do anything.

He thought that the protection he had until now would last forever, and settled in the present without any change. It refused to make even the slightest improvement. Against the Demon King, he did not show any improvement.

There is a saying called Dotae.

This means picking out only the good ones, but it also means that unnecessary parts flow and disappear.

A race without development or change is the natural order to be culled. Now, that was happening in real time. The darker the world, the stronger the power of the Shinigami.

The black child looked around with quiet eyes, then looked at Grimudo and his eyes flashed. Now the child is a little more confident.


A bundle of threads rushed in and wrapped around the Demon King’s arm. As with the elves, it was an attempt to contaminate the entire Grimudo and make it his own.

Since all the elves to protect have disappeared, the barrier of the World Tree also lost its meaning and was lost. The Demon King leisurely watched all of it, and when he was attacked by the Shinigami, he grinned.

“That attribute you have. The power that pollutes everything in the world. You don’t seem to know who it came from.”

A river that pollutes the entire well with just one drop. Grimudo’s purple heukganggi swallowed up the divine power of the reaper like a pure black nightmare.

When black and black fight, the blacker wins. that’s the devil

The thick darkness swallowed the light darkness, and the reaper quickly cut off its power. It was only one exchange of numbers, but the child was terrified and backed away.

An existence that transcends common sense that makes people tremble in fear of God even though it is not a God. Each time the Demon King took one step, the Shinigami took three steps back.

“Well, it happened. You are like my son in a way, and I have no intention of getting rid of it with my hands.”

As if playing with him, Grimudo laughed. As if looking at a work of art created by his son, he exclaimed as he looked at the black cocoons all over the place.

The first high elf that turned into a cocoon, a woman once called Kania, slowly broke the cocoon and came out. Her skin and hair turned black, and behind her was a single wing like that of a butterfly.

Grimudo smiled as he looked at the woman who spread out her elegant silky black wings, but had no light in her eyes.

“This is not what I expected. That’s pretty good, Mod League. Are you polluting those who are not yours and making them yours? It seems that a lot of mutations are taking place in the process.”


A woman who had once looked elegant and old-fashioned at one point rushed in with her mouth wide open.

Apparently, the members of this Shinigami’s family seemed to feel extreme disgust when they saw an uncontaminated person like themselves.

Is it their way of doing things to contagious pollution, gradually increasing it and creating more believers?

They do not have reason and are full of instincts, so of course the faith that sits at the center of those instincts is bound to be great. That belief is passed on to that god as it is, and the Shinigami grows.

At least for this guy, the believer must win, not preach. When other personal gods are looking for believers, this guy creates believers.


Well, that’s special. To the Demon King and to the Ancient Demon King, he was left with only that much sentiment.

The masterpiece created by Grimudo, Modrig himself, far from polluting the Demon King, was almost swallowed up again. So no matter how hard they try, there is no difference.

When the Demon King snapped one finger, a shock wave swept through the ‘butterfly’, and the first thing to do was torn the wings and shatter them. Then, the bones and flesh were torn to pieces and scattered in the air. It was completely destroyed and disappeared without a single drop of blood left.

But that was because the opponent was the Demon King.

If this guy was standing in front of humans or demons, he would have forced a great sacrifice just for his ability to assimilate and pollute other beings, aside from his fighting ability.

“This is fun. I’ll watch you go wild until the next cycle comes.”

It is a masterpiece created by the belief that the Demon King has accumulated for eons. Compared to this one, the other shinigami were poor and poor from the start.

No, even the three gods were not born with these conditions. It is as if they were born with a gold ring in their mouth, and by analogy, they are royalty.

In fact, it could even be compared to the imperial family. Unlike the three gods, this god had his own body.

That means you can directly intervene in this reality. power, ability, and divinity. There is no blemish even after being born now. But this god has now withered like a frightened chick.

-who are you? no one can control me I will pollute everything.

A frightened dog rolls its tail between its buttocks and runs away, but a frightened god speaks vaguely.

Either way, the Demon King shed a single smile and disappeared.

Until he made a dark gate and disappeared beyond it, the reaper could not do anything and just stared at his back silently. After leaving, I swallowed my anger and cried out.

-I, I am the ultimate being. ruler of nature. One day, you too will not be able to avoid being tainted and become a member of my family.

In the eyes of the Shinigami who was just looking around, I could feel the world tree that had lost its function but was still there. This gnome is a god created by combining the faith accumulated by Grimudo and the fruit of the World Tree.

If the Demon King is the father, the World Tree is no less than the mother. Since the World Tree and I have the same origin, I naturally felt that something was pulling this Shinigami away.

As if possessed, the reaper who approached the World Tree and touched it hurriedly removed his hand and hit the buttocks. He was so startled that he fell like a reed tossed in the wind.

– This is…

I just tried to contaminate this whole tree and make it my own, but at that moment I felt terrible. Rather than pain, I felt myself being shattered!

I feel like I am drifting through my own ego. I feel like my existence has disappeared and I have been swallowed whole! He was everywhere, he was everywhere. But that means complete destruction as an individual.

The result was almost unbearable for him. After taking a breath, the Shinigami carefully reached out again. This time, without any attempt to contaminate it, he just touched and explored the World Tree.

-The… laws of the universe.

This world tree is a kind of terminal that communicates with the laws of the universe. To contaminate this is to contaminate the laws of the universe.

Of course, this is something that the power of this little reaper cannot handle. Even the Old Gods lose their ego in the recoil of even the slightest twist of the laws of the universe.

How much less to contaminate the whole thing and make it your own? A giant cosmos that can’t even handle how big it is? If you try to do that, you will immediately be torn and absorbed into the laws of the universe. When a person tries to absorb the universe, the results are disastrous.

Of course, he is a Shinigami, but in the universe, the difference between a personal god and a human is nothing. If you drop a drop of ink into the ocean, will it pollute the ocean? Or does the ink become part of the sea? Just thinking about this gave me the answer. The universe was infinitely huge for his capabilities.

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Modrig gulped and swallowed his saliva. Although greed remained, no matter how much he thought about it, he could not overcome the laws of the universe with his power. The moment he touched his hand, it was obvious that he would lose his self by being pressed by the great presence of the universe.

– I can’t help it. I have no choice but to give up the function as a terminal and get what’s left.

Anyway, this Shinigami had the same origin as the World Tree, so he connected to the World Tree and cut the connection with the laws of the universe. It was impossible for him to reconnect once he had cut it, but he had no choice but to do it.

The World Tree is no longer as special as it used to be, but it can be swallowed up.

The World Tree, which was no longer a tree connected with laws, was still a special tree. Because the faith that the elves devoted to the World Tree remained intact.

Darkness stretched out along the large stem. Contaminate the World Tree smoothly, and now the newborn reaper rubbed his face against the branch.

“I love you, mother.”

Now that they were no longer tied to the laws of the universe, the World Tree needed more nutrients to sustain its existence. As a result, the World Tree has spread its roots.

Wherever the polluted water, which can no longer be called a world tree, spreads its roots, the ground is polluted with the power of the reaper, and the groundwater is also dyed red. It is holy water for the believers of Modrig, but for ordinary creatures, it is a terrible disaster.

Taking the break of the decisive battle that took place in that system, a new dark and terrifying reaper was born.

Samshinshin was the first to discover the existence of this Shinigami, with a great dream of coloring the entire continent in darkness. The three saw one and were afraid.

Dang Dang!

The bells rang in succession in the main hall of Gyoguk and the Three Gods Church. A real threat arrived without warning. Now, in the eyes of the three goddesses, what was happening in the Empire was literally nothing. Because it is always another god that threatens a god.

Secular power was no longer important. A challenger who can challenge their own throne was born with a different rank and power than the previous Shinigami.

This is a major issue. The more left unattended, the more he pollutes the continent and grows his power. It must be destroyed as quickly as possible and with the greatest force possible.

Please, I just hope it’s not too late yet. Contrary to the wishes of such goddesses, a great battle was taking place in the present system. The clash between the two forces, which had already been scheduled, took place as planned.

It wasn’t someone who ordered it, but the people in the island closed the door and went in, and didn’t even take a step outside. The imperial power and the teaching power have collided, and that is not a matter for them to intervene.

But no matter which side wins, one thing is certain.

The World Tree is spreading its roots across the continent even at this moment, spreading pollution wherever it passes. If you can’t stop it, all that’s left is ruin.

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