God’s Plan

-…Tell me a little bit more.

Nemi and Elysia were definitely attracted to the taste. Preserving their power as much as possible and winning the Mod League. That’s the best thing they can think of.

-For us now, the enemy we’re facing isn’t the Dragon Chimera. Things would be in trouble if Oberta had taken it, but that’s not the case. Don’t be fooled by both. Oberta just held hands with it.

– Does that mean you don’t have to worry about it?

-It won’t care about us anymore. Then, we have no reason to worry about it either. But the death is different. The battle between him and us is inevitable.

This is the conclusion I came to as a result of secretly observing Yanid. No matter how sweet Oberta seduced, Yanid did not listen to her. The girl ignored the evil spirit’s words.

That’s really reassuring. Just thinking about the Shinigami is daunting, but if Yanid heard that she wanted to grind her up, Hillai had only one option left.

Giving up his position as a minister, giving up his power, turning his back on the believers, and falling asleep just like the baby reaper did. But that’s the worst case I’ve ever even wanted to think about.

Even if you hide while preserving your current strength as much as possible, if you don’t have faith, you’ll have no choice but to slowly die. It is a risky gamble to forget the divine power and hold on until the situation improves.

There is no guarantee that things will get better in the first place. Even if the death of the Shinigami miraculously improves and things get better, no one remembers him when he reappears.

This means that if the missionary mission fails and new believers are not recruited, she will also become a forgotten god and disappear. As has been the case with many deities so far, they will decline into a single god, and in the end, they will not be able to maintain even them.

– What is prosperous is what perishes. Maybe it’s a normal cycle. But at least that day isn’t today, you all agree?

No God was here ready to face such an end. They had to do anything while they still had the strength, when there were people who believed in them, and when they had the opportunity.

– Let’s convince the priest to face the Shinigami. Even if we can’t do it, the god behind him will surely be able to drive out the tainted god.

– It’s not like I never thought of that.

Nemi pointed out an important point.

-But the Old Gods… We don’t even know what they’re thinking. God is subject to the laws of the universe, but we are not in a position to ridicule it.

The Old Gods are not as great as you might think. It is an ego that is accidentally inhabited by the laws of the universe where there should be no ego.

The three goddesses were well aware of this fact. Therefore, the Old Gods are mortal gods, and one day they will be buried in the body and disappear. Paradoxically, it proves the strength of the Old Gods.

How does it feel to know that the laws of the universe are your own body? Feeling like I’m scattered all over the world?

If you dare to guess, your mind will be split into three thousand branches, and it will feel like you are spreading out into all kinds of worlds. You don’t feel it for a short time, you have to experience it every hour and every second without missing a single minute.

All three goddesses agreed. If they took the place of the Old Gods, their feeble spirits would be scattered throughout the universe in an instant.

Just as a drop of ink on the sea adds only one drop to the sea, so the remnants of what was once a goddess will be scattered throughout the universe, leaving no trace.

At the point of enduring such a threat and preserving the self, the Old Gods are not something they dare to speak. To use such a thing is completely nonsense.

At least the goddess Nemi thought so. The laws of the universe are too big, and it is best to stay quiet and not move. Even if you shake your body, Satan will come out.

– So, is there another way? Even if you cooperate with the Empire, is there any guarantee that you will surpass the Shinigami?

The three goddesses were so precarious that they had to open their hands to such a gritty possibility.

The more I measured the power of the Shinigami, the more my confidence fell. Then the three of them looked at each other.

Then he went into the deep django. In the meantime, he continued to keep an eye on what was happening on the ground.


“The saint of the ancient gods. Excuse me, but may I ask you one thing?”

He suddenly looked up at the sky and was perplexed, then Archbishop Halonen asked a question. I also fell in love with that question.

“saint. If you used the power of the one behind you to exorcise evil spirits, could the reaper do the same? This is a really important issue. Even if you don’t answer, I can’t force you, but I’d appreciate it if you could answer me.”

“It would not be impossible if the person did not go beyond the Lord. just…”

You’ll have to try it to see if it’s possible to get rid of it.

The reason the Lord cast out the evil spirit this time was because the evil spirit was attached to his body, not his own.

Unless it’s such a special case, I can’t really say for sure. Of course, in my case, it is easier to face evil spirits than evil ones. But the extermination, that had to think a little.

“Unless the reaper stole someone else’s body, it’s difficult to get rid of it as easily as this time. I think we can give an estimate after we know the situation a little bit.”

“Read it. A letter from Count Marcus. He deduced that the famous primordial demon lord may have contributed to the birth of this Shinigami.”

Your Majesty listened to me and handed me a scroll. Without me to step out, the princess hurriedly went forward and grabbed the scroll.

He looked into his eyes, and his face turned pale. Soon afterward, the faces of all of us who saw the robe he had brought changed as well. Only then did I know the truth of the destruction of Elvenheim.

“The demon lord… a reaper so mighty like this…”

Now that he’s tired of dealing with monsters, is he trying to create a god? Are you helping Epirna of the Eastern Plains to study more about the Divinity?

For what? Does the Demon King also want to become a god? Or is the study itself the purpose?

The ancient demon king was such a heterogeneous existence that it could not be interpreted at all. The reason is probably only he knows.

But for whatever reason, it was certain that he was vomiting out countless tribulations. There is no law that the continent will be at peace without him, but even more so if he does.

“Business. Then the reason why the two archbishops are here…”

“It is true. The shrine also recognized the Shinigami. Since the spirit of the Shinigami is so ferocious, their intention is to hold hands and solve the problem first.”

“This is ridiculous! After attacking the Imperial Palace first and making it like this, how are you going to hold the outstretched hand?”

“Lowering. Rather, it is possible to hold hands because it is desperate.”

From the other side, a knight called Xerox opened his mouth. The two archbishops’ faces changed slightly, but they closed their eyes and covered their ears to ignore the story they were hearing.

“They are the ones who have to defend the faith of the entire continent. I don’t want the variable called the Shinigami to shake up the continent. If that’s the case, you can offer anything. This is probably the first and last chance that we can negotiate on these favorable terms with them.”

“Sir Xerox, that’s…”

“Ardain. It is inevitable to join hands with the temple. We and the temple suffered great damage. On the other hand, the reaper that appeared this time is a type that grows up by swallowing the blood and flesh of others.”

As if understanding the princess whose expression had darkened, His Majesty nodded his head. But soon he stirred. In fact, His Majesty and Kyo-guk will be resentful of him as much as the Princess.

But he couldn’t let go of that resentment. because that’s the king Because it’s not just a human being, it’s the face and representation of an empire.

“If you lose even once against a bastard, that defeat feeds him. The only way we humans can gather our heads together is to fight together as one.”

Such a person, the representative of the empire, looked at me with eyes longing for an answer.

“saint. But maybe your god can give you another answer. Can I ask you for it?”

“Putting on the Lord to drive out the reaper…”

I was embarrassed. The Lord is not a magic wand. I wasn’t even sure if he would grant such a convenient request.

It’s not a request for myself. But that doesn’t mean the Lord will hear my prayers. To be honest, I don’t know the person I serve more than I don’t know the Demon Lord.

“I’ll put the word up. However, there will probably be no response.”

Still, it would be good to try, at least once, to make a request.

I put my hands together and prayed. I told the Lord my current situation.

In fact, you probably already know. In fact, you won’t even wonder.

I knew that too. I didn’t entrust the right of wish to him, and there is really no reason for him to grant my wishes.

He saw him in the distance. But he didn’t answer.

A believer cannot call upon God for an answer. He didn’t answer, so he had no choice but to retreat. After I finished praying, I opened my eyes and sighed.

“your majesty. It’s probably difficult…”

surprised expression. perplexed voice. Exclamations from all directions.

All of that was invisible. I couldn’t even hear it. As if someone had taken all the colors of the world, suddenly everyone else appeared black and white.

Other than those two colors, no one could keep their colors. His Majesty, Rocado, and Kisea-san all looked black and white.

Well, I knew this would happen someday. I thought I could see clearly even if my eyes were broken and shattered, but I thought that one day I would be blind. It seems that it started with color blindness in the first place.

Even though he has gained the ability to see something beyond light, he seems to have lost the ability to see light. It’s sad that you’ve gained extra-human vision, but have to lose human vision instead. Because it means that I’m getting more and more non-human.

With that in mind, I looked down and saw that my arms were still colored. The hem of my clothes was also colored. In a world where everyone has lost their color, I am the only one who has preserved the color.


As if he had swallowed all the colors, the colors of all natural colors spread softly in all directions with each breath. I know him. It’s not that the look has changed.

In the past, I could only see the shell without seeing the essence.

What I was able to see a little bit now has changed. It’s not him, it’s me.

– Created apostle. Did you find the answer?

Above all, there is only one person out of many angels who calls me that way.

The messenger of the Lord, the angel of light, has once again visited me. This time he did not come as a dream. He came down directly to this reality.

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