Goddess’ Favor

“The collective suicide of the elves.”

When I reported this to the Imperial Palace, neither the princess nor Roka came to this place after hearing the rumors. No, he wasn’t even from the Empire side in the first place.

A while ago, Archbishop Björn Halonen brought people with him with a tongue-in-cheek. He looked much older and more tired than before.

People think that the dead go to the ground. So, to comfort the dead, they usually call those who worship the earth goddess.

It is not necessarily set, and if your family is a devout believer of another god, you can call a priest of that god. Some believe that the dead go to heaven rather than to earth.

There are those who call Aldehirs to pray for the essence rather than the burial, but it is not mainstream.

“How did this happen? ttt.”

“I didn’t know that the Archbishop would come in person for something like this.”

“There is no reason not to come. Especially now…”

Trying to say something, give up.

Then, silently, he prays out the prayer. This is probably not what the archbishop of the diocese does, but for some reason, he quietly led the memorial service.

I also knelt next to him and prayed devoutly. That reverent atmosphere, indeed, miraculously, was shattered in a matter of minutes. A familiar voice resounded through the synoptic street.

“Oh, my God. What the hell is this? It doesn’t smell like blood, but it’s full of corpses.”

Kisea-san, who had definitely left to receive the title, appeared here with a bunch of people behind her. The priests who collected the body and memorized prayers gave them glances, but Ms. Kisea was not interested.

But who the hell are these people? All of them look like civil servants, but without anyone saying who came first, they slam the door of the embassy and break in.

“No, who are you all?”

Archbishop Halonen also asked absurdly. I also approached Kisea-san and asked her what she was doing.

“Oh, were you here too? Hey, I’m just saying this just in case, isn’t the god you worship some kind of disaster god? How come there seems to be a riot everywhere you go?”

To be precise, we only go to the places where the uproar is happening. If you only go to places where problems may arise, events are bound to be constant.

Hearing this from someone who really came to cause trouble, I felt a little bit subtle. Anyway, Kisea-san came here for some reason.

“The noble members of the aristocrats say that because of His Majesty’s command, I will give them a title, but it is difficult to be recognized in the aristocratic society. It is difficult to find a precedent in the case of the Beast people becoming nobles, so you are saying that more achievements are needed?”

“That’s what my grandfather called the director was there. By the way, you’re a wolf and your nose is fine, so take the drug enforcement officers and do a search. Then, for the sake of the safety of society and the public interest, I will do my duty as an aristocrat.”

I’ve heard that there are people who train dogs to crack down on drugs. Is it similar? It seems that Kisea-san has just passed the troublesome work that no one has applied for among the piled up to-dos…

Anyway, you should be satisfied. Mr. Kisea, whose nose has risen that much, slammed the door into the residence, leaving a request to call him Viscount Kisea from now on.

Even though being a noble is close to an honorary position with no real power, many people envy it. Because the old Yurinelle also wanted it, and in the end, she got it.

Rather than that, aristocrats are usually called by their surnames rather than their first names, don’t they? With the exception of special cases like Count Marcus, it would have been standard for everyone to be called by last name.

Even Yurinel was called Count Lakponcia when he was given a title. Originally, when I went to receive a title, I had to deal with such a thing at the aristocratic court, did I pass it on to the Beast people?

“drug. tt You came here to crack down on drugs.”

“Were the elves originally famous for drugs?”

“Everyone I knew knew. Because it was drugs such as hemp and poppies to grow with good water, good soil, and good air in Elvenheim. In the past, even crops that could not be grown in one place because they consumed a lot of intellectual power were still able to be farmed in Elvenheim without interruption.”


“Originally, such drugs cannot roam the continent recklessly. saint. I don’t know how you view our Tritheism, but if we really were a group that only harmed the world, we would have been abandoned by that world. I do not know the details of the other two religions, but we can be proud that our Nemi Church is playing a big role in its own way.”

“Farmers call our priests every year to pray for abundance this year. It really works. The Goddess will replenish the intellect that was consumed over the past year.”

“If you do that and see you growing drugs in the fields, we will uproot them all and set them on fire. I will never tolerate such a thing. Fields exist to grow food that people can eat.”

Without saying anything, I just looked at him. Whether you know it or not, he changed the subject again.

“However, Elvenheim, protected by the barrier of the World Tree, is the domain of only the elves. There was no way we could get in there and plow the drug field. So is the empire. There was no way to destroy the production area.”

“No matter how repressed, as long as there is supply, the demand for such things will never decrease. In the end, they had no choice but to acquiesce to their business.”

“No matter what we say, they make drugs and sell them. If the drug distribution hid in black trade outside the control of the Empire and the Temple, we had no way out. If there is money, the merchant is willing to accept any price. There were a lot of people who tried to get the right to distribute drugs by making contact with Elvenheim, even though they knew they could be sentenced to death if caught.”

So the policy was changed to paying taxes and condoning the distribution of drugs, Bishop Halonen said. Of course, the elves paid a huge amount of tax every year, which was a big help to the finances.

However, people from somewhere in the empire became addicted to drugs, paying more to buy drugs and ruining their health. From the Empire’s point of view, this is an unwelcome deal.

“So what can I do? If you hide in the shadows at all, you won’t be able to collect even the taxes you collect. In the end, they built an embassy and half-authorized their business. I even gave you the immunity. Empire is just an example. A country on a continent is not an empire. They all looked like a market for drugs.”

Bishop Halonen said: Once upon a time, it was definitely humans who brought drugs to elves who didn’t know about drugs.

I don’t know why. Money could have been the purpose, or the elves themselves could have been the purpose, but humans gave the elves drugs.

When the elves who tried drugs out of curiosity quickly fell in love with pleasure and became addicted, those who planned the plot would surely laugh.

There were certainly elves who could sell themselves to humans in order to get drugs.

However, the change of thinking was rapid. The elves decided not to pay the humans expensive to buy drugs, but rather to sell them. Once you get the seeds, the rest is easy.

Now, the elves sell drugs all over the continent, and with the money they buy everything else and send them to Elvenheim. Those who once walked through the forest now wear jade bracelets and gold necklaces and drink expensive alcohol in silver glasses. Those who first gave them medicine were driven out of the market by the elves.

Everyone was hurt. Archbishop Halonen said so.

“I can feel the wind behind that frame over there! There seems to be a secret passage. Hurry up!”

“There is something strange about this land, this mound. Hurry up and get a shovel and dig. If you find anything strange, dig it all up and bring it to me!”

There was a constant noise from inside the building. Occasionally, Kisea-san’s voice rang out loudly, indicating that he was completely absorbed in the work.

– It’s always like that in the beginning. The original intention is something that cannot be restored again. Once upon a time, I had that passion. I did my best for that one goal.

Archbishop Halonen opened his mouth. But the voice that comes out is not his.

I heard the voice of a tired and weary woman. Without even asking, I think I know whose voice it is.

-Once upon a time, I was a sullen child. My parents gave their daughter a bowl of porridge even when they were starving. Thanks to him, I survived and survived the famine. So I was left alone in the world.

Earth goddess, Nemi.

She, too, must have been just a human at some point in the past.

Not everyone is strong from the start. Even that Demon King would not have done this from the beginning.

The goddess was also once a ubiquitous girl. She was just a girl with great intentions.

– So I hoped. May the day come when grains are plentiful enough to be enjoyed by everyone in the world. I did a lot of research to make sure the earth always promises abundance.

The girl finally made her dream come true.

But will she be happy?

-So I shared the methods I found out with the farmers. They believed me to be the incarnation of the earth. An unexpected path to a god opened up, and my followers grew more and more. Eventually I became a god. But I didn’t covet the throne from the beginning.

– The position was just a means to me. At least in the beginning it was. I just wanted to fertilize more land. But how did this happen?

He looked straight at me. I didn’t avoid that look.

“It seems that you were seeking to become a more powerful divinity, with the means becoming the end.”

– From one day on, I lost my original intention. Drunk with faith, drunk with divine power, seeking more faith and power. The grand ambitions I had in the beginning were already gone.

Slowly, Archbishop Halonen stood up. I knew very well that the Archbishop wasn’t in control of that body now. I saw her in my eyes.

-After all, I was not a vessel of God from the beginning. To use divine power, you need divine wisdom, but before I could acquire that wisdom, I became addicted to more powers.

As if tired, he stutters while walking and suddenly turns his head and looks at me.

– So, it’s probably natural to face such an ending. Because I lost myself the reason I was able to gain great faith.

“The people of the world still worship the three gods.”

He shook his head. And I said it seriously.

“God gives everyone a chance. In my opinion, you still have a chance. I have received a lot of faith in the meantime, so now is the time to fulfill that duty.”

-…If he really gives everyone a chance, can I ask you one favor?

Then came a serious answer.

-Does my daughter still have a chance?

“If it’s your daughter…?”

Actually, it wasn’t that long ago,

Now, in a memory that feels like a long time ago.

A name that was almost forgotten came to mind.

-Aradel. The reason I adopted him as a saint is because he resembles me in the past. Stupid, stupid, vain, optimistic… Yeah, now that I think about it, I saw the old me in that kid. So I was drawn to it without knowing it.

“Did something happen to him?”

If it was Araidel, the saint of Nemikyo, she would be with Urinelle’s party right now.

I was wondering if there might be a problem. Because the Demon Realm is far from this system, from the Citadel where there was a riot a while ago, and from Elvenheim, where the Shinigami rose in the distance.

-Have you ever heard of the Polymorph Curse?

However, they said that there is no safe place under the sky, and there seems to be a real problem.

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