Steel Tiger

It wasn’t my intention, but looking back, my life wasn’t very peaceful.

If it’s normal, then it’s normal. If I wanted to live a peaceful life, I could have done it, but I myself rejected that path.

Come to think of it, I’ve met a lot of strong people so far. Among them were monsters, humans, and shinigami.

If you were to pick the strongest of them all, there is no need to worry. Demon King Grimudo. He was something outside the standard that no one could compare with.

If I had to pick the next one, I would put Phoenix in second place. I’ve seen Shinigami, and I’ve seen humans too, but in terms of the size of their power, maybe Phoenix is the best.

In the end, we defeated it using a miracle, so strictly speaking, we did not defeat it by our own strength. We haven’t crossed Phoenix until at least that point.


But the second place in my heart started to shake. The momentum emitted by the white-haired woman flying in the distance with her sleeves flapping was never under the big bird.

It was so fast that the atmosphere cracked at every moment, and a continuous pounding sound rang out. When Leon saw that, he swallowed a sigh.

“Indeed, as expected. “While I turned to stone and stagnated, she didn’t stay at all.”

“Can you win?”

“Am I alone? It’s probably difficult girl there. If a fight breaks out, take the lead.”

“Am I just putting it in too?”

Rocca showed an annoyed look. In fact, we and these people here are new to each other today.

But if you keep asking him to do something, there is no way the child will like it.

“You can do the Jugong by your uncle.”

“My flame has never reached before. Even more so now. Among them, only your explosive power has the potential to be eaten by Epirna.”

Hastily, the lion waved his hands and made an excuse.

“It’s not just because I say it, it’s because it’s the best. Tigers are cunning. Don’t fight to lose. We don’t even have to fight him and win. Even if I can only hurt you, I can bring you to the negotiating table.”

“…I’ll pretend to be deceived and believe.”

“Things like that won’t make Epirna go, but it’s not a difficult request for her to let us go. If you show your strength, we will most likely have a conversation.”

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Meanwhile, she comes. It does not hide its momentum, but rather spreads it out, so its presence is felt even from afar.

It is as heavy as a mountain and sharp as a blade. It’s heavy, but it’s sharp. Even if it was not a combination of two opposite attributes, it was a more complex momentum than expected.

“It’s Epirna’s light gold. Ganggi itself is heavy but not sharp. Because light gold is iron that has not been smelted.”

“Then smelting it and sharpening it…”

“okay. It is purely her own ability. The reason we accepted Epirna’s rise to the throne is because she was at least as talented as that.”

The princess swallowed her saliva, and Roka burned her fighting spirit.

If there was Kisea-san, it might have been helpful… Anyway, he wasn’t there right now, so he couldn’t help it.

“Aren’t you taking out your weapon?”

“My fist is my weapon.”

Red flames erupted from both hands of the lion, clenched in fists.

“I have two hands that I inherited from my parents, but using an additional weapon is something only humans do. A lion always strikes the world with both hands.”

you are fighting It’s a job you don’t see often on the continent, so it might exist these days.

Surely we humans know martial arts as a technique used only in a gambling arena that assumes non-lethality. Against the monster, he picks up a laundry bat and starts a fight.

“Are you an idiot? If you fight with something, you will not become stronger.”

“Your wolves and dogs are always like that. I gave up on the path of an orthodox beastman and accepted the path of humans.”

The lion gritted his teeth in return.

“I have a lot to say, but I don’t have time for more. Non-combatants back down. Epirna has come.”

I also nodded. We don’t have to kill her. Of course, we shouldn’t be dying to her either.

It is enough if you can just push them into the defensive position to a certain extent and gain the initiative in negotiations. Leon-san’s purpose is not to become a new Beast King, but to live in the Empire.

I wanted to avoid bloodshed as much as possible, but that’s a problem because it doesn’t go my way.

In the air, the tiger rolled its white eyes and looked at us. We also looked at the tiger. Their eyes met for a moment, and she gave a look of surprise.

“blue Wolf. Are there still objects left?”

“Do you know me?”

“Maybe one of your ancestors knew.”

Shaking her snow-white hair, the woman responded.

“I don’t know the name. I don’t even have to remember the loser’s name.”

“I don’t even pretend to have seen it. Have you forgotten your name because you are a loser?”

“Leon. I want to forget it, but the name is so simple that I still remember it.”

Still, it’s a tense atmosphere. But there is no such thing.

It’s misleading. He seems to be able to afford to yawn. There are only three Masters gathered here, but there is no sign of nervousness. It’s as if you don’t assume the situation itself that you’re losing.

“You don’t even ask how you got out of petrification.”

“Anyway, once you are a loser, you are always a loser. Do you think that two chances will make a difference? If you think so, go ahead. I will let you know the subject.”

She stretched out her hand and stirred it quickly. The princess raised the dragon’s flag, and the energy of the sun and moon drifted around Roca’s body. Leon also wrapped the flames with a tense expression on his face.

…and nothing happened. Epirna frowned and heard a murmur. For the first time, a slightly puzzled light appeared on her face.


I tried to do something, didn’t I? Or is that even a high degree of deception?

It made no sense even if I judged it. A princess who has traversed the battlefield. Rocca faced Phoenix with a sword. In words, I have no choice but to believe in Leon-san, who is the best warrior of the Lion family.

“Now! Attack!”

Leon rushed in as if he thought this was a loophole. The princess and Roca followed and started the offensive. A ferocious light emanated from the tiger’s eyes. But his expression didn’t change at all.

“Do you think something will change if a group of people come?”

As she spread her hands, the white light-geumganggi began to radiate sharp anticipation.

It’s like it’s going to tear us all apart.

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My stomach stinged, as if I had swallowed the blade into my throat.


The tiger was slightly, very slightly offended.

‘I thought it would be enough to tear it apart with water.’

I came to this place feeling the wind, but there was a riot of water everywhere. I was also happy in my heart. I thought it would be an opportunity to test out the water-management ability I had acquired while turning into a monster.

Thinking that he wouldn’t even have a chance to use his own hands, he waved his arms, but the water didn’t move. That doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with his abilities.

Just as anyone can tell when an arm is broken, the innate ability comes immediately when it is sealed or lost. This is not what it feels like. The woman’s eyes narrowed slightly.

What’s wrong? In her view, there was no possibility that there would be a problem with the operation that the Demon King had handcrafted. Perhaps this was caused by his own inexperience in handling new abilities.

‘But it doesn’t matter.’

In fact, all the water standing on the floor was holy water consecrated with blessings, so it was impossible to dare to control it. Anyway, now the reason doesn’t matter anyway.

The three masters rushed in, taking advantage of the moment in which they had lost their mind. The tiger scoffed. You might think you’ve got your chance, but it remains to be seen if that’s an opportunity.


Geumganggi was condensed with fierce momentum, and it was shot like a needle under her hand. Hundreds of sharp needles whirled around the air.

Just because I became a monster doesn’t mean I lost the strength I had built up as a beast with my own hands. She has been a Master from a long time ago, and she is, and always will be.

It would be fun to defeat these bugs with only one’s own power without the monster’s ability.


Swans know how to swim on water without anyone teaching them.

Having a dragon’s body doesn’t mean just having a strong body. Different races cannot be dismissed so easily.

‘What is that?’

Yanid’s eyes narrowed. In her eyes, the powerful magical barrier surrounding Epirna in the air was visible.

There were not one magic circle, but several layers of protection made by overlapping each other, building a strong barrier in succession.

Its strength may not be known, but it cannot be compared to a wall made by humans.

“…which one do you think will win?”

[I don’t know either. It’s the first time I’ve seen both sides fighting.]

The evil spirits were satisfied with the spectacles they could not see even with money. There was nothing more and nothing more.

No matter which side wins, nothing comes back to her. both good and bad.

[By the way, is that woman the king of beasts that I only heard of rumors? This is a monster beyond imagination.]

He didn’t see the magical barrier, but instead, the evil god who saw what Yanid didn’t see responded.

Unlike this girl, the evil spirit had a lot of experience and many years of experience. As she had already met and observed several masters, she immediately realized that Epirna was not an easy-going person.

[Yeah, I thought he was the village chief, but… Maybe it’s more dangerous than Harmael.]

Shall we throw away this unsung saint and reach out over there? Oberta, who was so worried, looked at Epirna for a moment, then immediately shook her head.

extremely arrogant He is as talented as he is arrogant. It’s virtually impossible to subdue that type unless my skills overwhelm him.

I could immediately figure out that the tiger was a race that puts its power first. It wasn’t strange no matter how I got hit in the back of the head if I held my hand in an awkward way.

‘But he’s a good kid…’

Now was not the time for Oberta to venture out. The damage has already been so great that tears are flowing.

If there is a twist, the seat of the minister is goodbye forever. Even if there was no big gain, staying by Yanid’s side was better than taking that much risk.

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