I’m Going to the North Pole!

A girl staring at herself with her arms crossed with her black wings spread out.

She looked at Epirna with a cold expression. He glanced at the side where the people were, and stood in an immovable position like a stone statue with his arms crossed between them and Epirna.

“good night. they won’t touch But who are you? Are you human?”

Epirna asked with a wary expression on her face. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen such a hybrid in the world.

What the hell happened to the continent while the country closed its doors and implemented a policy of isolation? Are you saying that even a guy like that roams around now?

Yanid didn’t answer, he just stood there. There was no sign of any attack. It was then that Epirna realized what she had come to do.

‘Are you really here to protect those helpless bastards? Was that all the purpose?’

When the three of them, who had been fighting against him, looked at Yanid, a look of embarrassment was evident. They didn’t know each other, or even if they were acquaintances, at least they weren’t on the same side.

It was then that a thought came to Epirna’s head, that an alien invader had hunted Griffin and Deathworm. However, looking at it now, it seemed that there were several intruders, not just one.

‘I thought the blue wolf and the blonde man were intruders, but what else is this guy? Was it this guy who defeated the monster?’

The woman, unable to grasp her purpose, just stood still with her arms crossed. Even if I intentionally show a loophole just in case, I really just look at it.

It didn’t look like he really wanted to attack. The tiger looked at her with a questionable expression, and looked away. If you don’t want to attack, that’s it.

He won’t move first, but is this a sign of his intention to punish him severely if he provokes? under. The tiger has already lost all its excitement.

If you’re going to fight, fight with all your might, what does that mean? Thanks for making my head cool. Epirna’s eyes lit up as she looked around her completely destroyed museum.

“So… what are you going to do? Do you really want to fight to the end?”

“Epirna. I’m here to make a deal!”

The lion shouted loudly, not missing this opportunity.

“We acknowledge your position as the king of kings, and we will not do anything that could distort your position. But permit us to go to the Empire. Why is this such a difficult request?”

“You’re already sabotaging my face and prestige and talking nonsense.”

“If you don’t like it, let’s fight until the end. Let’s see who lives and who dies.”

The lion came out strong. Loca and Ardain didn’t want to do that at all, but they couldn’t come all the way here to light a candle.

He closed his eyes tightly and radiated momentum as if he had the will to fight a decisive battle. Inside, he was swearing at the lion.

If you show me your strength, you will go away on your own! It didn’t end until someone died. That’s why you shouldn’t believe what other people say. But it’s already out of date.

Here, the first to retreat loses. Even if the pain is sticky, you have to show a strong appearance to receive concessions.


ok. The tiger sighed.

Going all the way here is not what she wants. When I tasted the taste of Dragon Breath, I became quite cautious.

There that young wolf has a really fierce strength. The unknown technology used by human women is also tricky. Considering this and that, fighting to the end was not a good idea.

They can’t kill themselves, but they can force them to run away. The dignified tiger would rather hide its tail between its crotch and run away than die.

If such a situation arises, we would rather do the same, but it is best not to create such a case in the first place. Now, the tiger wanted a reasonable cause and retreated.

“There is one condition.”

However, you cannot withdraw yourself first. She is the absolute king of the beast kingdom, and is the spokesperson for all beasts. It is a body that has to keep its face even when retreating.

Although face and prestige seem like nothing, in fact, they are something that cannot be put down by those in power. No less, this beast kingdom is a country maintained by the prestige of Epirna.

The collapse of this is no different from the chaos of national identity. How can I finish this work without hurting my face? After much deliberation, the tiger uttered a single word.

“I will hold a new water king battle. You, go to Suwangjeon.”


“If you beat me in a one-on-one match fairly, I will admit defeat and accept all your terms. Let me transfer even the seat of the Beast King there.”

Face is face, but the important thing is to get rid of future competitors in advance.

Yanid is out of the question. I don’t know what that woman is, but it’s definitely not a beast. You don’t have the right to shake your place.

“Are you going to kill the ground?”

“If you lose, I am also establishing a minimum of prestige. Because I have proven that I am the strongest beast in front of all the beasts. Do I even need to kill you, who became a loser?”

But that wolf is different. He has the ability to reach himself if he has been trained in hiding for a long time and only increases the size of his strength. Before that happens, you must unconditionally bite the neck to death.

“Okay, that condition. We will accept it.”

While I was thinking, someone hit the player. Rocca blinked her eyes. Whoops, he turned his head toward the side where the voice came from.

The dog, Urban, who had been quiet until now, decided with a strong and confident voice to participate.

“See you in a week.”

“Hey, are you sure?”

“Enough is enough. I can finally put an end to your oppression.”

“No, wait. What are you talking about!”

“good night. So let’s do it. A week is too few, so let’s make it two weeks.”

Perhaps he liked the appearance of the fierce Urban, the tiger roared with laughter. Now that she had a reason to step back, Epirna smiled contentedly and floated into the air.

“See you at my royal castle in two weeks. Until then, I will prepare the stage. I warn you in advance, if you do not come to me by then, and if you run away without keeping your promise, I will come to you.”


I watched the tiger leave without looking back, and the lion looked at Urban with protesting eyes.

“Hey, Grandpa. Do you even need it? Robo and Kisea will also be coming soon, wouldn’t it be enough to just push them away with an all-out offensive? There are five masters here, five! If you include the older sister who doesn’t know who the master is or what, it’s six.”

“I know yeah! Whoever wants others to participate!”

When someone spoke up first, Roca got angry too. The dog patted his beard and murmured.

“Whether it will be a general offensive or an individual breakout, that is unknown. Epirna’s personal abilities are superior to any of us. Unless you are sure that you can defeat them with a lot of numbers, you shouldn’t push the tiger into a corner.”

“What do you mean?”

“There was no guarantee that that woman over there would help us attack Epirna. We could beat her, but we wouldn’t have driven her to death.”

If a tiger really renounces face and prestige and goes back to being a beast instead of a king, if it only attacks when it is weak, like a predator that preys on its prey.

If she is not afraid to run away when she is disadvantaged and attack when she is advantageous, no one can stop her. Because Epirna’s personal power is absolute.

If she is still alive, even if the beast kingdom collapses, the threat has not diminished in the slightest. No matter where I run, I will live in fear for the rest of my life.

“Then one-on-one isn’t that bad anymore, is it?”

“Did I tell you? You have a very powerful weapon that someone left behind.”

Urban, who reached out and pointed to Roka’s heart, responded with a confident expression.

“If I can refine the mother’s womb, I can assure you, it will be more than enough to kill Epirna. Trust me once. It would probably be the worst defeat she gave us time.”

Loka blinked her eyes.

“You’re not going to do that?”

“Well? What else do you mean?”

“I’m not going to go to the Suwangjeon.”


Rocca struck the ground with her tail. I mean, the girl was very dissatisfied with these ‘kin’. Whether it was a wolf, a dog, a fox, or a lion, they were all the same in the end.

“I am going to the North Pole! To be honest, I can’t trust you. So does Uncle Lion. If you open your mouth very much, you are lying!”

Right now, just a moment ago. Hamata would have put the person he loved at risk.

The girl is very angry now. I saw a lion and pointed it out.

“What did you say before? She said that she is a clever person, so she can’t just rush into a battle for nothing! But what is this? It must have been really bad.”

The honey-eaten lion shuts its mouth…

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