Howling Tiger

We followed the directions to a place called the gymnasium. A horse is a gymnasium, but in reality it is a basin with an open view.

The only peculiar thing is that the floor was so smooth that not a single stone could be seen. Clearly there were traces of human touch.

“The queen has called out a man to pick a stone.”

A fox answered a question he hadn’t even asked. Apparently, Epirna was putting more importance on this beast battle than we thought.

“So the floor is so clean. He is coming soon. Please wait for a moment.”

There were no pitfalls to worry about. Perhaps the tiger was too proud to rely on such things.

We waited for her in silence for a moment. Even the passing wind seemed to feel the atmosphere, and it blew heavily, not lightly.



A dull sound is heard in harmony with the heavy wind. The giant, visible from such a distance, was slowly approaching this way.

Compared to that which sinks the earth every time it collides with the ground, the woman standing next to it seemed too small. That would have been normal.

“It’s amazing.”

She looked at us and blinked, but that’s all. He reached out his hand to the Hydra to stop it, and then proceeded closer to him, ignoring even his dissatisfied cries.

They didn’t try to attack us with the monster. In fact, when we met again, Epirna did not put any pressure on us with a particularly special momentum.

There was only the strong feeling of being as heavy as a rock. Even Epirna looked bigger than the monster standing behind him and waving his nine heads.

It would not have been that the status quo increased in that short period of time. However, this time it must be the intention to do everything in my power.

“I never really thought you would come to me.”

A monster we’ve already seen. The poisonous beast Hydra stretched out, boasting a large body. To the right of the monster, another strange creature appeared.

We weren’t really impressed as we were seeing it for the first time, but Leon was so surprised that he shook his hands in embarrassment. It wasn’t the hand, but the legs were shaking.

“Hey, that guy… that’s right, that guy must be…!”

“I thought I was going to run away. As the wolf has always been. You rolled up your tail and ran away, thinking I’d have to chase you, but you’re here. I like that guts.”

Leon-san completely ignored him, and while the woman’s eyes were focused on Rocca, I looked at the huge beast. Apart from being huge, he looks very agile.

A lizard with a chicken’s face. However, it has only two legs, and instead has forelimbs. Then, for a moment, our eyes met.

Should I call it a beak, the corners of my lips twitch. It was definitely not a mistake. The guy was smiling.

Leon shouted hastily.

“Don’t look into those eyes. That’s a Cockatrice! Even a Master will be petrified if he is hit by a ray of light coming out of his eyes!”

“Is that the trump card you prepared? That’s funny. If you were really trying to attack me with the power of a monster, are you qualified to argue with my guts? What about the wolf?”

“A truly strong person can dispel even petrification by himself. And, I did not bring these guys to subjugate you. Let’s just say it’s my wish for a fair match.”

chuck. She reached out and pointed at us. The finger was pointed exactly at Yanid above all else.

“Actually, I thought you guys would run away with a probability of 5. Even if it wasn’t, I thought they would come in swarms and try to subdue me. I really thought the odds of accepting a one-on-one match were less than ten percent at best, but you didn’t in the end.”

Now, the two monsters watched Epirna without even moving. She was the only one who strode in front of me.

“On a subject that has just reached mastery, courage is indeed imaginary. You show that kind of courage, and as a king, it would be the proper courtesy to treat the challenger.”

She spread her arms and turned around. Rather than having any other meaning, he seemed to be criticizing the arena where he would fight from now on.

Her eyebrows narrowed slightly dissatisfied, but she immediately shook her head as if nothing had happened. Then he mumbled softly.

“Come on, come here. If you don’t like the place, you can move it. Because I’m always serious about duels.”


Only then did Roca draw the sword. Facing the bright light emanating from the road, the tiger’s eyes did not change.

“Did you believe that and come all the way here? If so, that’s really stupid. There is no strongest weapon. There is only the strongest. Do you think you can handle that weapon completely?”

“I didn’t come here just to believe this. Let’s stop talking now. We didn’t come here to fight with our mouths.”

Certainly, it has changed. If it was the old Loka I knew, it would have been provoked and angry, or would have wielded a sword and ran away. But now, he calmly accepts the provocation.

There is no sign of anger even if you glance at it. That doesn’t mean he’s really happy, though.

He is just standing there with a dagger as if he is going to do his best.

Did you feel something from such a child? Epirna was silent for a moment.

“Maybe it was my mistake to give you two weeks.”

She looked around for a moment. We followed our gaze and looked around.

All of a sudden, a group of beasts who did not know where they came from were watching us from afar, with sweat on their hands. If you think about it, this battle is the battle to decide their king.

“But even so, I don’t break the words I spit out of my mouth. Now that we have gathered enough people to gather, let’s begin. You won’t need more time to prepare.”

Was it because he was overwhelmed by the heavy atmosphere of the seat? Even though so many people had gathered, this place was as quiet as a dead mouse.

Not a single word came out of their mouths. He simply looked at the current king and challenger with anxious eyes.

Rocca suddenly turned to me and nodded.

“I will come back to win. Do not worry.”

I didn’t care.

’cause I believe in you

“Whatever you do, you win and come back. Even if I can’t win, I’ll come back healthy.”

“yes. certainly.”

The child, who clenched his fists and made up his mind, stepped forward in front of Epirna over there. Conversely, we stepped back and kept our distance.

With Epirna and Lorka between them, when everyone else retreated with a gap between them. The two moved almost simultaneously.

The magic of all directions swayed here and there like waves in a storm. It blew up to such an extent that it was dangerous to even get close.

As if no one could interfere in this fight, ferocious forces collided. The first thing that jumped out of the storm was the cry of a tiger.



As soon as the battle began, the roar of a tiger that made people tremble echoed through the mountains and streams. Not only did the world resonate, but also the hearts of people. The weak fell by grabbing their hearts, and the strong ones were stiff and unable to move.


The second tiger’s roar spread with a vicious force as if it were tearing the world apart. shook the whole place. This time, the sound itself had physical power, and the wind hummed and spread like crazy. Everyone’s complexion turned blue. Of course, there were exceptions everywhere.

-Even though they are of different races, they think the same thing. that roar. Looks like your Dragon Fear?

A pure spectator, the evil god could truly enjoy this fight regardless of victory or defeat. Oberta grabbed Yanid next to him and stuttered. Yanid, who was looking at Epirna carefully, shook his head.

“different. I can’t say anything, but definitely.”

The second cry was stronger than the first, and perhaps even more so the third. It is a kind of reenactment period that continues to strengthen the momentum.

A cry that increases in power as it goes on. It is only superficially the same as the Dragon Fear, which gathers and releases all its powers at once.

That’s something completely different, and it’s probably a technique that Epirna invented herself. Such technology has never been seen by anyone before.

“Is that something you were hiding? That girl, she really didn’t put her best effort into the last fight. What kind of power do you have…”

Leon shook his hand. It was then that I realized my mistake.

Epirna’s abilities are completely beyond calculation. Soon, he could feel that fact even more thoroughly.


The third tiger roared like lightning, and it rang like thunder. As if the sky resonated and vibrated, a loud sound ran and ran with a destructive force.

If you are a clumsy person, just hearing the sound will cause your soul to go out and not come to your senses. With normal determination, it would be difficult just to wake up in front of Epirna.

“He could have stopped me along the way, but he was just listening.”

After she vomited up to the third cry, Epirna cleared her throat and opened her mouth again.

A fourth cry is theoretically possible, but you must do your best to vomit only one cry. This is the limit of the mnemonic period, which is getting stronger and stronger.

As the power increases, the power consumed also increases exponentially. Even so, if you can stand up to the third cry, you can clearly see that you have the right to fight with yourself.

So her tone of voice became stern. The opponent is definitely the strongest among the beasts he has met. Among the ‘suin’.

“Can you tell me why?”

“You’re losing power on your own, so there’s no reason to stop.”

Loka chuckled and replied back. Even the rain from the sky can flow away, so how difficult is it to let the power contained in only a cry go to the heavens?

There are times when a difficult situation can be easily solved by focusing on striking it. Now is the time. Loka smiled broadly.

“Aren’t you going to call me a coward?”

“Fufu, it can’t be. pleased. I am really happy.”

The tiger’s eyes changed from white to the color of raw iron. Soon, it flashed with a chest light.

“Because fighting with you looks like it would be fun somehow.”

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