Death of the Monster

When Rocca said that he wanted to participate in the Su-wang match, what I was most concerned about was, of course, the case in which Rocca was killed by Epirna.

But the truth is, I was worried about the other way around. Maybe it’s hypocrisy. But I didn’t want Rocca to commit a murder.

Killing a monster or beast without intellect, and killing a rational and communicative being. These two are quite different. Once a person commits a murder, he can never go back.

It’s unlikely that Roca committed murder before meeting me, so the only murder I know of Roca was when she killed the Duke of Shmira’s mother and daughter. And then Rocca collapsed right after the attack and couldn’t even see what she was doing.

There, the mother and daughter died in the form of being burned by sunlight, so it was not a bloody, cruel death. So, even after that time, Loca didn’t seem to have changed at all. It was fortunate indeed.

‘I was worried that Roca would kill Epirna, but I don’t think he would kill himself.’

I didn’t even know what to do. As fast as a bonfire burns, she set herself on fire. Perhaps, for Epirna, her life was only worth that much.

‘I wasn’t the only one who was poisonous to others.’

I thought that the prisoners who ran away from Epirna deserved it. People are inherently cruel to others, but tolerant to themselves. have such properties.

But Epirna was toxic even to herself. It was obvious even without seeing how a person who was so cruel to himself would have treated others.

“Cowardly! The rattle of the wolf slew our king with the power he gained from waving his tail at a human.”

“Why doesn’t anyone try to stand up with it!”

The game has already been decided, and their leader has even thrown himself away and died. But she did not accept defeat until the end, and so did her men.

The foxes got up and made the last move. If anyone is good, they would have wanted to respond to them. But people were silent. No one was paying attention to them.

It’s not just because they saw with their own eyes that this fight was fair. The reason more important than that was that Epirna had no human network.

“Oh, come on, get up and fight! Do you want to experience a thousand years of oppression again?”

“Humans will rule us all. You really don’t mean to have that dry kid with no blood on his head as the new beast king, right?!”

The trend has already turned, and those who have left have a bad reputation. And from the looks of it, the foxes seemed even worse. People didn’t even listen to them.

“Hey, Hydra. Cockatrice! protect us! Wipe them all out!”

Even the monster had an openly grim expression. In particular, Hydra watched Yanid closely, then turned her head away and started going on her way.

The ground shook with a thump. The source of the sound began to move slowly towards the wilderness. The subject who gave the order must also be dead, choosing to avoid conflict rather than fight us.


Cockatrice also looked at us carefully, then suddenly a light burst out of her eyes. All those who touched the twinkling light hardened.

After covering my eyes with my hands for a while, I looked around, and the crowd was gone and only the statues were full.

Among the dogs, there were a few stone statues that stood out. Those stone statues with fox ears, who did not even know they were being petrified, and tried to vomit to the end.

“I got hit once. But not twice.”

I wasn’t terribly surprised. I’ve already done it once so I know. This is a reversible change. It is a small thing that can be reversed by the power of the Lord.

But it wasn’t even my turn to go.

“Since waking up from the petrification, I have sworn to this fist over and over again. I will definitely set you on fire with this fist.”

The dazzling light of the flashing red flame was so dazzling that it was dazzling. The intense light emitted by Kanggi with the properties of flame. This was to counteract Cockatrice’s monster beam and block it.

That person is also a Master who is the pinnacle of human beings. You can be beaten once, but you can’t be beaten twice with the same technique. Above all, even though he had made a surprise attack on his own, Cockatrice had already appeared in front of us.

“Can I help you?”

“I do not need. This is my job. I will definitely burn it with my own hands!”

It seems that he was vigilant without knowing that he could attack at any time. The princess also made a shield of self-defense like an iron wall around her body.

It was like putting a shield on the skin of his body, and the light rays were bounced off without even reaching the skin. Besides that, there is Yanid. This one was more special.

-that’s interesting? why aren’t you stiff? I thought I’d pretend to be stiff.

It wasn’t that he didn’t use any force to cancel or block the beam, but it just didn’t work. It’s as if they weren’t petrified in the first place.

He looked like he was in trouble, too. Rocca was so unlucky that she was petrified.


However, it begins to crack even after a long time has passed. Without my help, he immediately came out, dusting off the stones. Roka, who became very sensitive, looked around to find out who attacked her, then finally saw Cockatrice and growled.

“You mean you don’t want to live?”

Then, when both hands were joined together, the figure of a large wolf stood tall behind his back. Cockatrice spread the collar of her neck, showing a nervous look, but Rocca was more surprised than Cockatrice. It didn’t seem like the intention was to call that out in the first place.

“What, what? Why are you here now?”

Was it a mistake to feel that the wolf’s eyes were gleaming? His gaze was like a dog looking at a bone. Those eyes were directed towards the Chamryundo that Roka was holding.


Then he suddenly opened his mouth. and it broke It had already been severely damaged in the fierce battle with Epirna, so it was shattered and destroyed.

The boy with a blank expression blinked his eyes. He seemed to be confused as he saw his own magical power devouring his weapon.

“What are you doing! Don’t let this go right now! Why, why don’t you disappear? Go in! Come in! Spit it right now! Or eat something else! Hey, bite that one!”

I begged, pushed with my hands and feet, and pointed at Cockatrice, but nothing was answered. The shape of a wolf made of Tanseoganggi devoured the entire Chamryundo. He ate it wildly without leaving a single handle.

ugh play!

Then he opens his eyes and stiffens. The limbs are folded into the body, and the body is elongated. The teeth are forged into blades, and the eyes change into the shape of the sun and moon and begin to circle around the body that has become a swordsman. The wolf that ate the weapon became a weapon.

It was a little different from Chamryundo, which was simply gorgeous at first glance, and was not an ordinary thing to anyone looking at it. Overall, it was clunky, and it didn’t look pretty. Even so, Roka looked at Doo with a look that had lost her soul. Without realizing it, he reached out and caressed the sword.



I looked around with my new sword, looked at me and waved it as if to brag about it, then found the thing Roca was looking for. If you look carefully, it is the ax fragment of Epirna that Roca had broken earlier.

Whether it’s usually made of unusual materials, Epirna survived the self-destruct, and only a few pieces remained. Loka smashed the piece back. Then, a sound that would normally not be able to fly when a weapon and a weapon collided began to be heard.

Woodduck! Quad Duck!

Rather, it sounds more like a child chewing star candy.

I don’t know what kind of structure this is possible. But the day of Tao was clearly opened. It’s like an animal that eats food.

Black! Duck!

Then he chews it and swallows it inside. With that alone, that Dao is already the most special Dao in the world.

The child who had already forgotten about the cockatrice hugged her tightly. He smashed the ball against the sword as if he was thrilled. From afar, Leon-san’s screams were heard as he rushed at the monster with curiosity.

“I’m sorry, Princess, please help me. This guy is taller than I thought. I thought he was a little guy as long as he was careful with his rays, but the poison that comes out of his mouth is amazing. It’s hard to burn them all with my red salt rig!”

The princess took a breath, huh, and ran to her. Yanid also participated because it seemed boring to watch. Embarrassment first appeared on Cockatrice’s face, but it was already too late.


After a while, Cockatrice, who left only a shriek, twisted herself to escape. But Yanid grabbed his tail and never let it go.

The nice crown-shaped crest was completely peeled off after being hit several times by the dragon. The bald-headed monster desperately exhaled poisonous breath, but now I am assisting it with divine power from behind. No matter how desperately they spit poison, they will only be purified and transformed into something harmless.

-It’s not comparable to Hydra, but Cockatrice’s Dokdo is very poisonous. There is even a legend that the master who stabbed the cockatrice with a sword died from the poison.

“Is this believable?”

– Believe it or not. According to legend, not only the master died, but the horse he was riding with also died. If you are curious, give it a try. I wonder

The evil spirit responded with a mischievous smile.

-If you miss this opportunity, the question will be forever unsolvable. I think I’m going to die soon.

after a while,

Leon, who seemed to be in sign language, roared like a maniac as he dug out Cockatrice’s eyes with both hands. It seemed as if he was trying to spit out all the evil and anger he had harbored.


Its gigantic fuselage trembles and collapses with a thud. No matter how monstrous he was, he couldn’t stand a one-on-three fight in the end, and he couldn’t even run away.

Now I can dare to argue with certainty.

Even without Leon-san, the level of our party is clearly superior to that of the Braves party.

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