"No wonder people recognize your Bai's toothpaste. This alone is enough to make people admire you." Prime Minister Si praised sincerely, "Is there any other similar things? Tell everyone about it quickly."

Bai Ruozhu felt embarrassed, "Isn't this why I'm here to take credit? It's all trivial, and there's no need to talk about it in particular. Even in the process of doing these, there are times when people don't understand me, just like the people in one of the villages. They didn’t believe us and thought we wanted to poison them, and some people reported it to the police, which caused a big misunderstanding.”

"Then what did you do?" Mrs. Wu asked hurriedly. She lost her previous provocation and was completely attracted by this matter.

"The head of one of the villages was particularly repulsive. He was so respected in the village that he led a whole village of people to drive away my men. The manager at the time was also very angry, but when he saw their yellowed or missing teeth when they cursed, they were all displeased. I endured it.”

Bai Ruozhu said with emotion, "Thanks to my master for sending me some capable stewards, they also handled these matters very well. By the middle of this year, the people in that village had already understood our good intentions, and collectively We went to our people to express our gratitude and even sent a banner to the shop. I didn’t go to the scene, but I felt very relieved to hear the situation reported back by the manager.”

Everyone was a little touched. Their good intentions were treated as nothing, but they continued to endure without complaint. Not everyone could do it.

What's more, it's really not easy for businessmen to make big profits, do things that make losses, and still be misunderstood by others.

"You can report this to the imperial court and ask the imperial court to send supplies to take care of these villages." Prime Minister Si said.

Bai Ruozhu smiled, "The water there won't kill you if you drink it, and it won't affect your body. It's just harmful to your teeth. Otherwise, I think the court would have taken care of it."

Prime Minister Si laughed and said, "You girl can talk. If you talk about something else, I like to hear it."

"At the beginning of last year, a steward reported that few people in some villages in the west buy fresh soup noodles. The sales of my fresh soup noodles there are very poor. It can be said that the shop there is losing money." Bai Ruozhu Started talking again.

Everyone is getting anxious, so what should we do?

She continued, "I sent someone to find out the reason. It turns out that there are some salt lakes there, and many people use the well salt for their own drying. In addition, local living conditions are limited, and the yield of crops is very limited. People are reluctant to spend money to buy fresh food. Soup noodles.”

"If I had to make money from these people, I would really feel bad about it, but we learned that their method of drying salt is very crude. The salt produced by drying is often bitter and contains many impurities. Long-term consumption is not good for the body. But people don't Maybe they don’t eat salt, so most of the people there are not very healthy.”

"I recruited the stewards below and asked them what they wanted. Some people came up with suggestions. They said that they could not open a shop, so they sold the fresh soup powder in other shops, and then vigorously promoted the advantages of fresh soup powder over coarse salt. Some people said We gave up there and went to sell in other areas. Later, we decided to take care of this matter. If we didn’t know about it, forget it. If we knew about it and couldn’t do anything, we would really feel bad about it.”

Si Yuanhang became interested, "I once went to the west and saw that kind of coarse salt. It was almost yellow-brown and unpalatable. How did you solve it?"

"I specially invited some salt-making experts to help. They went to investigate and found that the quality of the lake salt there was not bad. The problem lies in the local people's salt-making methods. We opened a local salt mining workshop and arranged People taught sophisticated salt-making methods and recruited local people to work in the workshops, which also increased their income. Now the local living conditions are much better. Their wages have exceeded their income from farming, and they no longer need to eat coarse salt. ”

Bai Ruozhu smiled. She was very proud of this matter. It was a very wise decision she made at that time.

"The refined salt there provides raw materials for fresh soup noodles and helps us reduce production costs. Of course, we have gone through the procedures for a salt-making workshop with the local government and pay a large amount of taxes to the court every year, which also helps the local economy. developed."

She paused as she spoke. This was a bit profound, and the ancients may not have been able to understand it.

Prime Minister Si clapped his hands and applauded, "What a great way to turn waste into treasure. It was originally a poor area with no sales, but you developed a workshop for producing raw materials. It is not only good for business, but also helps the local people. Great! Great! Got it!"

He said "great" twice in a row, which showed how excited he was.

Mrs. Wu, who had wanted to find trouble before, felt a little ashamed, and said: "Just hearing these things makes me feel moved. I didn't know it before, but I always felt that businessmen value profits. It turns out that this can still be the case."

Seeing her sincere attitude, Bai Ruozhu smiled at her and said, "You have to pay for what you get. If you just make money without knowing how to pay, this business won't last long."

"Okay! Well said!" Si Yuanhang's eyes were slightly red, and he was obviously very excited, "This is a sudden enlightenment for me. When I retire and return to my hometown, I will not only do business, but also benefit the village. This is also a meaningful thing, even It’s more interesting than me being the prime minister.”

He laughed heartily and said, "I will resign tomorrow."

Everyone in the room was startled, and Bai Ruozhu was also surprised. She thought that the prime minister would have to wait until at least next year before considering it. How could he resign tomorrow after listening to her words? Tang Yin knew that he would hate her to death.

"Prime Minister, you haven't arranged anything. You can't just leave. You have to have a beginning and an end. At least your Majesty is prepared." Jiang Yichun said.

He and his wife wanted to get together, and he didn't want his wife to be scolded by the emperor because of this.

"Haha, I'm so happy. I haven't been so impulsive for a long time. I'll listen to you. I'll arrange everything before we talk. There's no rush at this moment." Prime Minister Si said.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, continued eating and drinking, and looked at Bai Ruozhu a little differently.

In the past, many people envied her for her good fortune and luck. Her second brother got second place in the exam, her husband was the emperor's brother, and she had some savvy in business. However, many nobles still looked down on people from Baijia's family who had made a fortune, and even doubted the reasons why they became rich.

After all, the Bai family is now very popular, and there will always be people who will continue. Even the in-laws of the Si family, not everyone may appreciate the Bai family.

It was also a coincidence today that when they were asked about their business knowledge, they learned that the Bai family did business this way. Many people were in awe. If it were them, they would never have thought of it or could do it.

Everyone was very happy after the meal. After the meal, Prime Minister Si invited the men to admire the strange stones from Taihu Lake and the special-shaped root carvings he had just acquired. The women went to the backyard to have tea and chat.


This part written by a certain person is very touching. Nowadays, there are all enterprises silently benefiting the people, but we don’t know it. Every time I hear this kind of thing, I don’t guess whether it is true or not, but I am moved in my heart. So I hope that our heroine is also such a person. She is not a holy mother, but she does more within her ability. This cannot be accomplished just by donations, but also requires real sincerity.

thank you all!

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