Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 2895 Doctor, Bandit

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help it anymore. Dr. Ge and the others were indeed not good people. Anyone with some medical ethics and conscience would give priority to the patient's condition instead of locking up the children and letting them be afraid if they got angry now. Crying without looking at it.

She raised her feet and walked forward. Doctor Ge glared at her, "What are you doing?"

"Go to the doctor and get out!" Bai Ruozhu lost his patience and had no intention of giving them a good attitude.

"Tell me to get lost? What do you think you are?" Doctor Ge shouted through gritted teeth and suddenly hit Bai Ruozhu in the face.

The bad people in Sujiacun all stared wide-eyed, and some people shouted in a hurry.


If this lady is knocked down, she doesn’t know how injured she will be.

Tian Bing moved very quickly, and the man had already rushed up, but the next second his eyes were dazzled, and then he heard a scream like a pig being killed.

The scream was naturally not made by him, nor by Bai Ruozhu, but by the fierce-looking Doctor Ge.

Bai Ruozhu stepped on his head with one foot, and his jade face was so cold that it seemed like it was covered with ice.

"I told you to get lost. If you mess with me again, you will die today!" After saying this, she stepped on Dr. Ge's face, passed through the three stunned doctors behind, and walked straight towards the house.

The other three doctors finally reacted and rushed towards Bai Ruozhu together. Bai Ruozhu also made a new discovery. The four of them, including Doctor Ge, were all practicing practitioners, but they were far inferior to her.

She ignored the other three people. Aosong was already happily beating someone. She opened the door and walked in.

This house has a good orientation and natural lighting, but there is a smell as soon as you enter the house.

It's the smell of rotting food scraps mixed with children's feces and urine.

She looked for the cry and went there. There was another bedroom inside, and the child was locked in it.

There was a knock on the door, "I want my mother, I want my mother!"

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly quickened her pace and walked to the door of the house.

"I'm here to save you. You push away from the door." She looked up and discovered the problem.

The door of the house had been tampered with from the outside, and a wooden bar was inserted into it. The door was stuck and could not be opened.

The crying inside was a little quieter, and the children probably didn't expect that it was a woman who came.

"Don't be afraid. I'm a female doctor who's here to treat you. I've also brought you candy. You should step back, lest I push the door and hit you." Bai Ruozhu said softly.

She said: When she was "seeing a doctor," the crying started again, so she quickly said that she had brought candy, and the crying subsided again in an instant.

She jumped up and chopped off the wooden bars on the door with a dagger, and the door was finally able to be pushed open.

The door was opened, and a room full of children looked at her pitifully.

The youngest of these children is three years old, and the older ones are only five years old. All of them are dirty, with tears on their faces.

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly took out the candy she had promised. This was specially made for the children at home. It was not as sweet as ordinary candy, and it also added ingredients to protect teeth and clear the throat. When the children at home clamor for sweets, they eat this "healthy candy".

She took out a box of candy from the space, opened it and gave it to the children one by one. She found that although the children looked at it eagerly, they did not grab it, which showed that the children in Sujiacun knew the rules and were very polite.

Bai Ruozhu reached out to hold the youngest child's hand, "Your relatives are outside, come out with me."

The child who was pulled shrank his hand, looking a little inferior. He lowered his head and said, "Dirty, dirty."

He was only three years old, and his speech was not very clear, but he knew how to say that he had a red rash on his palms and was embarrassed to give it to Bai Ruozhu.

Bai Ruozhu raised her hand and touched his hand, and said gently: "It's okay, I will cure you."

The eldest child looked up at her and said, "We can't go out, otherwise Doctor Ge will be angry."

"It's okay, I already told him to get lost." Bai Ruozhu became angry when she mentioned Doctor Ge, and her tone was not very good. She regretted it after saying this. She said "get lost" in front of her children. How bad it was.

Fortunately, the children didn't pay attention to that word. They just looked at her in surprise, "He is very powerful. He can hit people? Aren't you afraid?"

Bai Ruozhu laughed, "He can't beat me, could he beat you?"

"No, he slapped the table to pieces. It scared me to death." said the oldest child.

Bai Ruozhu stretched out her other hand to pull him, "Let's go out together."

At this time, Huzi's father had already followed, and he quickly rushed over and picked up Huzi.

"Huzi, dad is here, don't be afraid!" Huzi's father's eyes turned red. What on earth were they doing, to hand over their sick child to someone like this?

But Huzi smiled and took out the half-eaten candy from his mouth, and was about to stuff it into his father's mouth, "Dad, the candy my sister gave me is delicious, you eat it!"

"Daddy has a toothache, you can eat it." Huzi's father's eyes turned red but he couldn't hold back the tears, and he burst into tears.

Bai Ruozhu pretended not to see it and took the children out to the yard.

At this time, many parents came forward to see their children. After seeing that they were not injured, they asked repeatedly and felt relieved.

"Why did you lock the door?" Bai Ruozhu walked over and kicked Doctor Ge and asked.

Doctor Ge was beaten up by Aosong, and now his face was swollen and looked more like a pig's head.

"What if we don't interrupt them and run around?" He said unconvinced, "What if they run away and disappear, or something happens, and we won't be responsible?"

"Then you can lock up the children like animals? Have you treated them well?" Bai Ruozhu kicked him again, "Where are you doctors? From whom did you learn medicine? Is this the medical ethics?"

Doctor Ge screamed. He didn't expect to encounter a tough situation, and hurriedly said: "Xia Xia, Xia Xia, please forgive me. I, I used to be in the stockade, but I am very good at trauma. Later, when the imperial court took care of it, we I went down the mountain to make a living.”

"What!" Tian Feng couldn't help shouting no matter how calm he was, "What kind of village?"

Aosong couldn't help laughing, "Haha, you refused to find a doctor from the Doctors Alliance, so you invited a few bandits to come down. You should be lucky that Ruozhu came to take care of this matter, otherwise it would be easy for you to ask the gods to bring trouble." , let’s see how you send these bandits away.”

"We have stopped robbing a long time ago. Since we have washed our hands in the golden basin, we are not considered bandits." Another doctor argued.

This excuse can be regarded as an admission that they were bandits in the past. Although heroes do not ask where they come from, they will not discriminate against you as a bandit, but are you a serious doctor?

You are a bandit who treats trauma, who gives you the confidence to treat children? Do you just think that these bankers are honest and easy to cheat?

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