Above the gray fog

Chapter 1012 Good Man

Lin Shan was injecting supernatural power into the spear.

This spear was a true spirit weapon transformed from a living body, but Lin Shan injected the supernatural power of a strange body into it, causing it to mutate slightly.

The tip of the spear collided with the giant scorpion.

The ground between Lin Shan and the strong man instantly cracked into an extremely huge natural chasm.

The entire black planet had a deep groove because of the collision, as if it had been hit by a meteorite.

This blow caused the dark planet to completely deviate from its orbit, and the air on the planet began to become turbulent, with lightning and thunder, strong winds, and iron sand filling the sky.

The entire planet has entered the countdown to destruction.

Lin Shan seemed very relaxed, while the strong man looked solemn.

Although both of them broke the second ban, in the brief confrontation, the strong man already felt that Lin Shan was a bit stronger than him.

Although this break was not enough to be fatal, it would make him very tired.

Even so, the strong man was not timid at all.

Those who can reach this stage of transcendence are all favored by heaven, and the sequence combination is also as appropriate as possible. In this case, the opponent can still be stronger than him. The only possibility is that the opponent has a gain sequence, or even an over-specification sequence.

The strong man is madly absorbing the free and ownerless spirituality from the outside world. Lin Shan's total spirituality has not decreased at all. The strange world provides him with 20 times the spiritual blessing, which allows him to maintain almost unlimited spirituality among the same level.

Lin Shan pursues the victory and does not intend to give the strong man a chance to rest.

Their energy is intertwined to form a spectacular and majestic battle scene. The huge black planet is gradually collapsing and decomposing under the battle of the two.

In the far distance, after the caterpillar settled the son of destiny, it was ready to rush to help the strong man, but found that the aftermath of the battle between the two was too strong, and the caterpillar could only stare blankly outside.

Although it is also a sequence 5 breaking the first ban, it is not at the same level at all.

Compared with breaking the first ban, breaking the second ban is not only a difference of doubling the total spirituality, but also a world of difference in spirituality quality.

The caterpillar can only wriggle left and right on the periphery of the battle circle.

The battle above is getting more intense, and the two people's probing is over.

Next, it will be a real battle.

Lin Shan holds the spear in his hand, and his body exudes hot energy. The energy gathered on the spear forms orange rays, which cut through the sky like orange lightning.

The strong man holds two small flags, one blue and one red, and his body is filled with blue and red energy.

He holds the flag high, and the blue scorpion and the red scorpion appear beside him, majestic and imposing. The blue scorpion roars and spits out ice-blue waves, and the red scorpion spits out hot flames with its claws and teeth.

Lin Shan and the strong man attack each other, and their forces collide with each other, triggering a series of explosions.

There are more and more cracks on the black planet.

Both of them began to exert their strength gradually.

Lin Shan's spear stabbed at the strong man, and the orange-yellow energy drew arcs in the air, like starlight flashing. The strong man controlled the blue scorpion and the red scorpion to resist, but was defeated step by step.

The scale of the battle between the two became larger and larger. Every attack caused huge impact and destruction. Mountains collapsed, land churned, and lakes boiled.

At a certain moment, the black planet finally couldn't bear the weight and was torn into pieces by the aftermath.

In the void, the two were too fast and had become a series of afterimages. The scope of the battle continued to expand, and the entire star system was affected.

The figures of the two scorpions were still above the star in the last second, and appeared at the outermost edge of the star orbit in the next second.

The afterimage transformed by Lin Shan followed closely, not giving it any chance to breathe.

One fled and the other chased.

The battle lasted for half a year and destroyed several surrounding star systems.

After a long period of high-intensity mobilization of spirituality, the strong man was already very weak. He was resurrected dozens of times, and his true spirit was almost completely disintegrated.

Lin Shan's breathing was steady and nothing happened.

He hadn't used his full strength yet, and hadn't used any of his spiritual armor, dark dragon scales, or other means.

This was his first time fighting for such a long time. For a normal supernatural being above Sequence 5, it was normal to spend a year or two fighting.

"I'm probably familiar with the power now. I'm going to be serious." Lin Shan looked at the sturdy man opposite him and said lightly.

"You go first." The sturdy man's pupils shrank, and he gasped heavily, whispering to the caterpillar watching the fight, "I'm no match for him, go away."

Lin Shan gathered all his spiritual power and injected it into his spear.

The spiritual power reserve far exceeded that of his peers, which suffocated the sturdy man.

"Can you block this attack?" The spear in Lin Shan's hand became transparent, and the spiritual power in it was very unstable, as if it would explode at any time.

Gathering all the spiritual power in the body to give a fatal blow is a very dangerous way of fighting.

If the opponent has no chance of resurrection, this is also the best way to execute him.


Lin Shan roared, and the orange-yellow aurora flickered at the tip of the spear, illuminating the void of tens of thousands of kilometers.


The spear attacked the strong man at a speed close to that of light, leaving him no way to avoid it.

The strong man took a deep breath and called back two scorpions to block him.

The spear hit the target.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The orange-yellow circular light wave spread outward from the point of impact, and all the objects affected were directly vaporized, leaving no trace of their existence.

"Qiu centipede!" The caterpillar shouted and turned into a ball of water vapor in the aftermath.

Lin Shan panted heavily and frantically absorbed the surrounding ownerless spirituality as a supplement.

He has no means to directly hurt the opponent's true spirit. He can only use constant wear and tear to resurrect the opponent, thereby consuming the true spirit.

This is also the main reason why extraordinary beings above Sequence 5 rarely gather all their spiritual attacks. Using the strongest strike can indeed catch them by surprise, but the opponent will be resurrected soon. After the opponent is resurrected, there will be no other side effects except the loss of true spirit.

But those who have used the most powerful blow will actually become weak.

Most of these extraordinary ones are mainly based on temptation, killing the opponent with the lowest consumption as much as possible and consuming the opponent's true spirit.

This process often takes a long time, and the opponent has a high probability of escaping.

"Hoo ho!" A fierce wind sound suddenly appeared behind Lin Shan, and a red scorpion with a big hole in his chest swung out its tail stinger and penetrated him.

The strong man showed a bitter smile behind him, and fell to his knees in the void unwillingly, "How...how could I end up here?"

Lin Shan's calculation was very accurate. The strong man's true spirit was already extremely weak. If he died again, it would be a complete death. .

The black trench coat fluttered gently, and Lin Shan appeared in front of him after resurrecting.

"Although the aura on your body makes me uncomfortable, you are a good person."

Lin Shan's words made the strong man's eyes flash with hope of life, "I don't want to kill you, hand over all the storage devices and the Son of Luck on you, and I will let you leave."

There seemed to be two Lin Shan fighting in my heart, one saying kill to avoid further trouble.

The other said that he cannot be killed. The existence of this kind of good person is extremely high. Killing will only increase the sin. Moreover, he was at fault in this matter. Since he won, there is no need to kill them all.

The two Lin Shan had a fight, and the one who advocated not killing seemed to win inexplicably.

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