Above the gray fog

Chapter 1058 You are not you, and he is not him

"Where are we now?" Lin Shan asked.

"It's the same galaxy just now. We haven't gone very far, just a few light years away."

"He caught up in a moment. Keeping running is not an option. Is there any way to completely get rid of the order's pursuit?" Lin Shan looked at Carrot.

"You have escaped. They should chase me next. There is a rule for the order to hunt down those who violate the balance. They can be hunted up to three times. If the hunted person escapes three times, he will not be hunted by the order again for a hundred years. But if it is because of If external forces escape capture three times, these external forces will be contaminated by the cause and effect of the order, and the external forces involved will be marked by the order. Obviously, I am your external force." Luobo looked at Lin Shan with a smile.

"So...this is your purpose?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. It's all for no reason. Who wants to offend the order? I'm helping you." Carrot shook his head slowly.

Lin Shan sighed, getting more and more confused.

The things around him were real and fake, fake and real, and he couldn't tell the difference.

"Can you see any changes in me?" Lin Shan looked at Luobo and asked.

"The decline is so obvious." Carrot glanced at it.

"Failing Tribulation, I still have a lot of life left, how come this declining calamity suddenly appears on me?" Lin Shan asked, the gods should have been mortal spirits at first, and the evil god in front of him also passed by mortal spirits. He might be able to see Come out with your own problems.

Only by knowing the cause can he prescribe the right remedy.

Carrot smiled and said nothing.

Lin Shan stared at the carrot.

"Do you want to survive this calamity?" Luobo put his hands behind his back and took a few steps forward.


"Let nature take its course." Carrot's voice became farther and farther away, becoming transparent until it disappeared.

"Huh..." Lin Shan took a deep breath.

Look at the parchment in your mind.

Parchment: [Let nature take its course. 】

Lin Shan: "..."

Since all of the co-authors are Riddlers, wouldn't it be good to just tell them the answer?

Since the parchment said to let nature take its course, Lin Shan could only give up.

Just pretend that there is no such calamity in you.

After getting on the Jixiang, Lin Shan flew towards the Sun Temple.

The Sun Temple seems to have a shielding function that can block his presence.

He stayed in the temple for several years, and no one from the Order found him. As soon as he appeared outside, he was found by the Order. There should be no such coincidence in the world.

Why didn't you take action against his split soul?

Who knows, maybe they don’t want to, or maybe they feel that the clone is not worth their effort.

It only took less than a day for Lin Shan to return to the Sun Temple smoothly.

The giants have been busy, as if they have endless things to do.

Lin Shan found a corner to rest with his eyes closed, and occasionally communicated with the separated soul remotely.

Time flies, and after the Sun Temple stayed in this star system for three years, it changed its course and headed towards the depths of the star system.

During this period, Asbuma visited Lin Shan and discussed their general plan with Lin Shan.

It's nothing more than a point of breaking the surface.

First integrate the giants scattered in the edge corners of this galaxy, starting from the edge and gradually moving towards the center.

Until the giant race in the entire galaxy is completely integrated.

After all the giants merge, they will establish a synchronized social system and communicate with the cyanobacteria galaxy.

Although this star system is dominated by giants, it is not all giants.

After the giants are unified, they will have to subdue other old races and force them into the giant system, making the entire galaxy become a whole.

Although the giants are big in size, they are not stupid in their brains.

They had arranged all aspects in place. Lin Shan did not give any advice, but just said that if you encounter trouble, come to him again.

After watching the progress of the giants, let’s look at the human race.

Both, one heaven and one earth.

In terms of heritage and strength, the human race has nothing.

In this environment, the rise of the human race is destined to be impossible.

The so-called letting nature take its course, Lin Shan didn't know when the results would come.

Over the past three years, he has had more and more gray hair and his physical fitness has been declining every moment, which has had a negative impact on his overall strength.

Continue to the Temple of the Sun.

It took Asbuma ten years to unify all the giants in the edge star system.

Lin Shan's hair on the temples has turned half white, and his strength has dropped by a full 20% compared to before.

The only good news is that lifespan has reached the 55,000-year mark.

He has harvested all the children of destiny in this galaxy.

There is some white destiny left, and it is a pity to throw it away if it is tasteless.

In this way, Lin Shan slowly aged during his journey among the giants.

With the dual blessings of destiny and the giant's weapon, the Sun Temple, the giant's progress is getting faster and faster, and it has ruled five surrounding galaxies in thirty years.

The number of gods they came into contact with was close to forty. Fortunately, the gods did not participate in the war between the same races. Asbuma's team became larger and larger, and they advanced faster and faster.

During this period, Lin Shan received a piece of news that he was concerned about.

There was a woman in red who had a big conflict with the giants.

Lin Shan saw the photo and it was Zhao Xiaoan.

Zhao Xiaoan disappeared after massacring countless giants and surrounding races.

Why did Zhao Xiaoan kill the giant?

Lin Shan didn't understand, but he really didn't have the energy to care about such things now.

Forty-three years have passed since the calamity of decline came.

He is getting older.

Life span is also gradually approaching the 70,000-year mark during this journey.

I don't know... before he dies of old age, he won't be able to collect 100,000 years of life.

Another thirty years passed, and the giants had no idea where they were.

His lifespan reached the 80,000-year mark.


Lin Shan needed to eat, drink, sleep, and even go to the toilet.

He needed these to maintain his body's functions.

Although he still had the strength to break the ban, his body was still aging, and he was no different from an ordinary person now.

Lin Shan didn't know how long he could hold on.

If calculated from the beginning of the decline, his current body was equivalent to an elderly person in his 70s.

The split soul could only stabilize at the strength of breaking one ban.

The most important thing was that the split soul needed to eat, drink, defecate, and urinate just like him, which greatly affected the efficiency of collecting lifespan.

During this time, the fox transformed into a human form and took good care of him.

The two seemed to have returned to the time when they were in Tushan, the fox clan.

In that house that could change the seasons.

At night.

After Lin Shan fell asleep.

Jiuqi sat next to him.

Staring at the red shadow not far away.

“In the long river of time, how many people return to a certain node again and again, wanting to find what they once lost, but can only wander on the boat. Even if the lost things are not here, they will still think that it is here that they lost them. You are not you, and he is not him.”

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