Above the gray fog

Chapter 189 Light is short

"Chen Er...is it appropriate for you to come to my place every day? After all, I am now your immediate boss."

"Go home and go to bed quickly. I'm too busy here to take care of you."

"Give the order." The woman named Chen Er said calmly.

Chen Yi was stunned for a moment, pretending to be stupid and said: "What order?"

"Although I am your sister, I am also a member of the human race. What do you mean by only letting the special team go over? Is it enough for Sequence 8 to fight? Quickly order the hunting team to snipe together." Chen Er said impatiently, "Otherwise... I'll go by myself."

Chen Yi smiled bitterly and said: "You are overthinking. Since I am sitting in this position... to me, the survival of the human race is more important than anything else. The hunting team cannot go. That is the guarantee for the continued development of the human race in the future. Don't worry... .I believe that the current power of the human race, the eight-head sequence 8 is not enough to shake..."


In a small room, four people were playing mahjong, and one person was lying on the sofa, fast asleep.

"Captain, I received the order. Evil degenerates have broken into the clan's territory. We have been asked to snipe them."


"Just outside the city... the evil degenerates of the Eight-Headed Sequence 8 have crossed the border defense line, and the team that went to the border to snipe... were completely wiped out."

"Captain..." A woman in gray clothes looked at the young man next to her. Three pupils in the young man's eyes were flowing, and he looked out the window.


The Eight-Headed Evil Ones are heading towards Yongchang City at a neither fast nor slow speed. They want to speed up, but the 'flies' above are always harassing them, and they don't want to spend time chasing them. Regardless of whether they can catch up, they Their goal was not to kill people and destroy the clan territory. In desperation, they could only rush towards the location where the markers were stored while preventing attacks.

"Whoosh whoosh."

Dense and overwhelming spiritual beams are shooting towards these evil degenerates. Their bodies are too large and they cannot avoid these intensive attacks. However, these attacks whose intensity is only at Sequence 9 or even less than Sequence 9 are like scratching their heads. The itching is normal, and the occasional small wound heals in an instant.

Only the occasional flash of black light can make them alert and avoid it.

High in the sky.

Lin Shan, Zhao Xiaoan, Wu Wang, and Jin Tianzong stood in the air, looking at the huge group of evil spirits below.

"What's going on with these evil deeds?"

"More than ten kilometers ahead is Yongchang City. They cannot be allowed to move forward."

"Are you coming?" Zhao Xiaoan asked softly.

Lin Shan frowned, looked around at everyone, and then looked down.

Apart from him, Zhao Xiaoan was the only one who had the strength to withstand one or two. Facing these evil deeds, Wu Wang and Jin Tianzong were no better than those Sequence 9s with spiritual weapons, and he was unable to defeat four hands with two fists. ...There are two Evil Fallen at the peak of Sequence 8 below, and the others are all from Stage 5 and up. He can only block two or three of them with all his strength.

At this moment, the weakness of the human race was completely highlighted. The enemies were all at home, but they had no fighting power to stop them.

"I contacted Xia Xuan. She is on her way back. The others are too far away and there is no need to come back."

"So...are we going to go up or not?"

"The strength gap is too big to fight. Let them approach Yongchang City. Yongchang City should have already arranged it. We will try to hold down a few of them in a while."

"What on earth have gone crazy with these overlords in the gray mist..."

"Devils of this level can live for at least hundreds of years. Even if their intelligence is not high, it is not too low. There must be reasons why they do this that we don't know."

"Wait for me for another ten minutes. I will go down and kill one in a second. You guys create opportunities for me. During this period, we will only harass you, don't fight desperately." Lin Shan said, this is the best way. If he fights forcefully, he will definitely There is no chance of winning. These villains are not at the level of small soldiers. To put it simply, the double sequence is just double blue bars. The same sequence and the same strength are enough to fight one against two or three against three.

"Okay." Everyone nodded solemnly.

At this moment, five people appeared out of thin air in front of Evil Fall.

"Why are you here again!" Jin Tianzong's face darkened. Every special team of the human race is the best of the best. Two of them have been destroyed before. They are watching from above but there is nothing they can do. They are dragging, dragging these. The traveling speed of the Evil Fall restricts these Evil Fallen from entering the dark space.

"Come on..." Zhao Xiaoan's chest rose and fell, "We are the strongest fighting force in the human race, how can we let them continue to die!"

"It is precisely because we are the strongest fighting force of the human race that we should do our own thing well." Lin Shan said lightly. As long as he is given time, he can completely wipe out these evil degenerates, and the human race will naturally be able to preserve it. At this time, the human race Faced with an attack of this magnitude, trying to block it without injury would be a dream. Sacrifice is inevitable, and their impulsiveness will only put them in danger.

Looking at Zhao Xiaoan, Lin Shan added, "Because we can't rush through the dark space in them. If you take action to break the balance, the result may be worse." He was afraid that Zhao Xiaoan would take action directly on impulse and fight him. He couldn't take care of so many people. If the pioneers were to break here, it would be a real loss to the human race. The following battle... really wouldn't be enough to fill the teeth of Wu Wang and Jin Tianzong next to him.

Now he can only hope that Yongchang City's defenses can stop these evil deeds and buy him time.

Hearing Lin Shan's words, Zhao Xiaoan's expression darkened and he took a deep look at Lin Shan.

"Du Yue!!" A shrill scream came from below.

A woman in gray clothes below was stuck by the tongue of the one-horned toad. No matter how much she struggled, it was to no avail. The tongue of the one-horned toad rolled up and wrapped the woman in gray clothes. With a slight force, there was a "bang" and the woman suddenly shriveled up. Like a persimmon, it fell to the ground.

"Ah!" a young man below yelled sadly, and in less than two minutes, there were only three teammates left around him.

How ridiculous it is for five Sequence 9s to fall evilly in the face of eight Sequence 8s.

The order they received was, drag, drag with your life... Yongchang City needs time to evacuate the people, and the weapons need to be charged and deployed. It can be said that every second they delay, they will gain more opportunities for the rear.

Looking up at the behemoth that was blocking the sky and blocking out the sun, He Awei took out a cloth bag that was as tall as him from behind, unbuttoned it, and held a silver sniper rifle with a cold light in his hand.

This is the highest technological crystallization of the human race - the photon short-range psychic sniper cannon. Its range is only 500 meters, but its power is such that if it hits a critical point, it will kill even the highest level Sequence 8 gun. Due to material limitations, the entire human race only has three.

Each gun is hand-made by pioneer Jin Tianzong. Ninety-nine level 8 vortex spirit patterns are embedded in the spiritual instrument of this gun. This kind of spirit pattern can pull spirituality ten times faster than energy level 9. Among the clan members Only Jin Pioneer can give the whirlpool spirit pattern energy level 8 spirit-gathering properties.

Even so, this gun can be charged for a month and can only be used once. Unless it is hunting sequence 8 materials, it will not be used easily.

"That gun..." When Jin Tianzong saw the silver-white sniper rifle, he muttered to himself: "Although it is extremely powerful, it can only be used by the fallen body. If it is used by a living body... it will be affected by the shock force. The spiritual organs will be shattered and you will become an ordinary person, or even die directly."

"The young man below is obviously a biological sequence... How did he get this gun? This gun is made by integrating the core of sequence 8, plus various alloys. I only used the materials collected by the human race to build three Although the names are the same, the effects of the three guns are different due to the different cores. I also have one in my hand, and I am carrying it on my back now." Jin Tianzong patted the cloth bag behind him.

"The one in his hand is silver-white, and the core characteristic is 'light'. He will die after using it, and the probability of hitting a vital point is not high..."

"Create opportunities for him..." Lin Shan said.

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