Above the gray fog

Chapter 203 Prayer

Lin Shan and others who were closer to Qian Ning suddenly felt a chill, and a creepy feeling enveloped them.

"This is a strange object... but it is only a sequence 9 strange object." Lin Shan stared at the red umbrella.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he stared at the red umbrella carefully, "The umbrella frame is made of human bones, the dye is made of human blood... This red umbrella is the same as the lost red lantern."

Lin Shan did not act rashly. He moved his eyes away from the red umbrella and fell on Qian Ning's upward palm. The color of the palm that was visible to the naked eye was gradually turning gray, and as it gradually moved upward, the color became darker and darker. When it was about to touch the switch, the originally white palm had turned black.

With a "click", the bone switch was pressed, and a red light spread from the red umbrella as the center, instantly covering Lin Shan and others.

A world of distorted light and shadow, countless spiritual threads entangled together, unable to find where the starting point was, let alone where the end point was.

"Where is this?" Lin Shan looked around in astonishment.

"Is it the ghost of the red umbrella?"

He wondered in his heart. The red umbrella was obviously just a sequence 9 weirdo. How could it force him to this place?

"Will the outside world see me... the same way we saw Qian Ning before?"

"Is this the deeper space..."

Looking around for a moment, he didn't find any danger.

Just as he was about to walk forward and explore this space.

A cold breath suddenly enveloped him, and a faint stench filled his nose.

"Tap, tap, tap, tap."

A clear sound of footsteps came, neither hurried nor slow, and the position of the sound kept changing, sometimes in front and sometimes behind.


"This atmosphere...something is wrong, and this smell...is weird..." Lin Shan murmured.

Dealing with the evil for a long time almost made him forget the fear of being dominated by weirdness.

Compared to weirdness, he hoped to fight against the evil, at least the evil's ability could be traced. Most of the evil didn't even have any ability, but just relied on their powerful bodies to fight.

As for the weirdness, it makes no sense at all. Fortunately, even the weirdness energy is still conserved, and there will be no situation where Sequence 8 cannot beat Sequence 9.

Even so, few people of the same level can fight against the weirdness. If the weirdness is not unintelligent, it would have dominated the gray fog world long ago.

"Trample, tread, tread, tread." The footsteps still echoed around.

Lin Shan decided to ignore it. Before this thing attacked him, he didn't want to take the initiative to attack. If it triggered a chain reaction, it would be more trouble than gain.

Looking around, he finally fixed his eyes on the red moon in the sky, which was no different from the red moon rising outside at night.

Lin Shan, who was skilled and courageous, walked quickly towards the direction of the red moon.

He had the confidence to do this. The body of the red umbrella was only Sequence 9. No matter how weird the ability was, it should not threaten him.

Moreover, the red umbrella was in Qian Ning's hand. It should not be the first time he entered here, which meant that there must be a way out.

Going forward, passing through countless spiritual threads, if you look carefully, you will find that this space is like a three-dimensional grid, divided by dense, colorful spiritual threads, but most of the threads are entangled together. Lin Shan doesn't know what these threads represent, so it's better not to touch them for safety. As long as he doesn't condense the gauze clothes, he can't touch these threads.

No matter how Lin Shan speeds up, the footsteps keep lingering around him, and it seems to be getting closer and closer to him.

At first, it felt that the footsteps were at least ten meters away from him.

But now listening to this sound... it seems to be right next to his ear.

Going forward, Lin Shan raised his mind, his whole body tensed, and the subtle white flame in his hand flowed in his palm.

Although everything here looks peaceful on the surface, it is still full of unknowns for him.

However, things did not go as he expected. The weird did not attack him, but just lingered around him, neither leaving nor approaching.

Leaving a spiritual mark on the spot, blue light flashed, and Lin Shan disappeared on the spot.

When he appeared again, he was already ten thousand meters away.

He frowned and disappeared again, teleporting several times in a row.

Until, with a light "bang", he seemed to hit something, and his face was tightly pressed against an invisible wall.

His body slid straight down, but fortunately he did not fly high into the sky, and his feet touched the ground in a moment.

"Is this... an air wall?"

Rubbing his face, Lin Shan carefully touched it with his hand, and it was indeed an invisible air wall.

Air wall... There is also one in the Purple Soul Flower Forest.

He knocked with his hand.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

A weak recoil force came from the invisible wall.

This feeling was the same as the wall in the Purple Soul Flower Forest.

He was wondering if there was any connection between them.

"Tap, tap, tap, tap."

The footsteps still surrounded his ears.

After several attempts, if he guessed correctly... the footsteps were not from the outside world, but in his mind.

Lin Shan shook his head hard, trying to get rid of the sound from his mind, of course, this was impossible.

With nothing to do, Lin Shan sat cross-legged next to the air wall and tried to take out the parchment, but something happened that shocked him.

The parchment and the quill... were all gone from his mind.

"When did it happen?"

He didn't think the parchment and quill would leave his mind. He could feel that the two things were bound to the body, and the body had become his soul, which meant that the two things were connected to his soul.

Does this situation mean that his soul is not here?

What is his situation now?

Is everything an illusion? The ability of the red umbrella is not to pull people into an unknown space, but to create illusions?

How should he break this illusion? Everything seems too real. He doesn't need to pinch himself to know that he still feels pain. The feeling of hitting the air wall just now can't be fake.

Just when he was at a loss and was about to destroy everything violently, there was a sudden movement in his arm.

The ice flame on his arm dissipated, and a blue eye embedded in his arm was turning restlessly.

During this period of time, this eye was like a three-dimensional tattoo, without any movement, so that Lin Shan almost forgot its existence. He didn't expect that the reaction was so intense at this moment, as if he would have no chance in the future if he didn't move now.

The eyes blinked, and a piece of water-blue handwriting floated in the air.

Lin Shan looked at it and suddenly his face became strange. It was a prayer.

[Great God of Mountains and Seas - Gnomm, although the mountains and seas have passed away, they have not been forgotten. You are a living being who has returned from extremely long history. You are the incarnation of mountains and seas. Your devout believers are here to pray for your blessings. ]

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