Above the gray fog

Chapter 244: Seeing the giant beast again

Deep in the gray fog.

In a strange space.

All around are twisted illusory lights and shadows.

In the center of this space, an oval island is suspended there.

The melodious sound of the piano echoes and ripples.

If you look closely, you will find that it is a little grass fairy playing there. It is wearing a green long skirt and sitting cross-legged under the eaves of the hut. A long piano is placed on its legs and it is gently playing with its claws.

Not far away from it, a woman in red is busy in the field, turning the soil for the herbs in the medicinal field. She did not use her ability, but just shoveled the soil one shovel at a time. The red hem will not be stained with any dust even if it passes over the muddy land.

Suddenly, the woman in red turned her head and looked at the hut next to her.

There is a white figure behind the little grass fairy.

"Wake up."

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded, then asked, "How long..."

"Four and a half years." Zhao Xiaoan put down the shovel and looked at Lin Shan, "Back to the tribe?"

"Where is this?"

Zhao Xiaoan smiled and replied:

"Deep in the gray fog, at least 200,000 kilometers away from the tribe, I have been here for almost four years."

Lin Shan looked at her in surprise. This distance is enough to circle the earth five times. Although 200,000 kilometers is not too far for him now, it only takes 20 days to cross, but he has never walked so far.

"Why are you here?" Lin Shan asked curiously.

Zhao Xiaoan would definitely not stay here for such a long time without reason. People are creatures that seek benefits and avoid harm. There must be something here that attracts her.

"You will know if you go out and take a look." Zhao Xiaoan did not answer him directly, but just smiled and waved his hand.

The environment in the sight changed rapidly, and after the light and shadow were distorted, the sight became clear.

Two people and a grass spirit appeared in the air, and below them were rows of small wooden houses.

Lin Shan looked down at the race that looked like prawns.

"Is this the land of the alien race?" Lin Shan asked.

"Yes." Zhao Xiaoan nodded, "I found it by accident. They just crossed over and were bullied by a strong tribe next to them. I helped them migrate, protected them here for a while, and taught them some survival skills."

Lin Shan noticed that there was a wooden statue in the middle of the wooden house, and the statue was Zhao Xiaoan's appearance.

"Can it receive the power of faith?" Lin Shan asked.

"Yes." Zhao Xiaoan replied.

Lin Shan carefully observed the behavior of these prawns and found that their intelligence did not seem to be high.

"Is there something wrong with this race? It doesn't seem very smart. Do they have their own civilization?"

Zhao Xiaoan led Lin Shan down, and the prawns immediately crawled on the ground when they saw Zhao Xiaoan, holding up their two large claws.

"Their intelligence is indeed problematic, even inferior to some smart evil creatures, but one thing is certain, they have their own civilization."

When the prawns saw Lin Shan next to Zhao Xiaoan, their round eyes like soybeans immediately turned left and right, as if they were thinking.

Zhao Xiaoan sat on the grass, and the prawns immediately sent some grilled fish to him.

Lin Shan took a string and smelled it, it was quite fragrant.

"Interesting." Lin Shan murmured.

If such a race is not protected by a strong person, it will either be exterminated or become a vassal.

It can be said that they came here to deliver food, and there is no such thing as stable development here.

"Why do you suddenly want to help them? To collect faith?" Lin Shan asked after taking a bite of the grilled fish.

"The faith of this tribe is very pure, but there are too few people to make any sense." Zhao Xiaoan bit the grilled fish in his hand and said while eating, "You just said it, because it's interesting, I just want to find something to do when I'm bored."

Sequence 8, for this prawn tribe, it is really no different from a god.

"I want to go back to the tribe. Do you want to stay here or go back with me?" Lin Shan asked. 'Ice Flame' has reached its peak now. As long as it returns to the tribe and absorbs the tribe's faith, 'Pendulum' can also reach its peak. Then we can consider Sequence 7.

"Go back. There were some problems with the tribe's fortune in the past two years. I went back once. It's time to go back and take a look."

"What's the problem?"

"The tribe's fortune declined seriously, and then it recovered for some reason. I didn't pay much attention to it. If you want to know, you can ask others when you go back." After that, she asked again, "You want to be promoted to Sequence 7, right?"

After a moment of silence, Lin Shan nodded and said, "Well..."

If he is promoted to Sequence 7, if he is discovered, the entire human race may be in danger of extinction.

"I still have no clue now. Don't worry, it won't implicate the human race." Promotion is the path he must take, and he can't give up just because of restrictions.

"Call me if you need me." Zhao Xiaoan grinned.

Lin Shan burned the fish bone in his hand into powder and said, "Let's go, go back to the tribe."

Ten days later

Lin Shan led Zhao Xiaoan all the way to fly, covering 100,000 kilometers in ten days. Since they were always at an altitude of 5,000 meters, they did not encounter many dangers along the way.

Sequence 7 did not take the initiative to attack, and Sequence 8 was already a top expert in this land. As long as they did not commit suicide, they could walk sideways anywhere.

Of course, accidents were not ruled out.

While rushing along, they suddenly felt that the sky was getting dark. Lin Shan and Zhao Xiaoan looked at each other and immediately realized that something was wrong. There must be a huge monster walking nearby.

Although this situation is rare, it is definitely not rare to walk in the gray fog all year round.

Lin Shan immediately descended and stood on a small hill, listening to the rumbling noise in the distance.

His sight was blocked by the gray fog, and he could not see any corners of the creature, but the sunlight above his head was completely blocked. The size of this creature must be very large.


The earth was shaking violently, and it was getting closer and closer.

Zhao Xiaoan felt that the situation was not good, and waved his hand to open the dark space, "Do you want to go in and take shelter?"

"Wait, let's take a look." Lin Shan said, he was still a little curious about what this creature was. Anyway, there was a dark space to hide at any time, not to mention that this huge creature would not care about these two little ants.


Another loud noise, accompanied by the violent shaking of the earth.

An indescribable impact swept away the gray fog around, and Lin Shan was able to see the creature's... one foot.

In the far distance, a foot that was so huge that it filled the entire sight, looking up, the thick brown legs went deep into the clouds, and there was no end in sight.

The other foot fell behind, too far away to be seen even if the gray fog was cleared.

The earth was still shaking, and the aftermath of this step had not stopped.

Then, an even crazier scene appeared. Another foot stepped over from the clouds, and the two feet were almost parallel. A small hill that was at least a thousand meters high was flattened like a small mound, and it shook the earth.

Under this vibration, both of them were a little unstable, and they quickly floated in the air to stabilize their bodies.

A terrifying claw stretched down, a bit like an eagle's claw, the claw stretched to the ground, and a mountain thousands of meters high below was grabbed in its hand.

This is not a mountain, it is a huge beast with a huge body and covered with white hair.

The white-haired beast did not dare to move at all.

The giant claw grabbed the white-haired beast and slowly retracted into the sky.

The dull chewing sound sounded like thunder.

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