Above the gray fog

Chapter 396: Mermaids

The reconstruction work of the human race was handed over to other pioneers and Chaofan, while Lin Shan rushed to the Sharks.

Flying to the edge of the barrier, a very strange change occurred here. Thousand-meter-deep water, as long as it passes through the barrier, it will reach the gray fog outside.

But this water is blocked by the barrier and cannot flow into the gray fog.

The clan land and the outer space seem to be connected together, but in fact the two are not connected. The clan land is located in the gap between the scale 8 prison and the outer space, forming a small world of its own.

It is more appropriate to say that it is a barrier, rather it is a barrier in a small world. Under the obstruction of the barrier, all accumulated water can only be restricted within the clan's territory.

Lin Shan has also tried breaking barriers. No matter how many layers are broken, the accumulated water will only flow into the mezzanine space and cannot enter the gray fog, because the space on each layer is independent, and the water flow does not consciously choose the space like living creatures. Unless it is brought out artificially, the water flowing into the mezzanine space will still circulate near the tribe's territory, and the expansion of the tribe's territory will instantly envelop these water flows in again.

There is too much water in the clan land, so instead of doing useless work, it is better to think of other ways.

In the scale 7 empty prison, a beam of red light passes through. Compared with the outer space, the weirdness in the scale 7 empty prison is still active.

The Shark Clan is about 300,000 kilometers away from the human race, which is only twenty minutes away for Lin Shan.

Twenty minutes later.

Lin Shan looked at the endless sea in front of him and waited quietly. Under normal circumstances, there is a sea outside, and there should also be a sea inside. Like the human race, where there is flat land outside and a sea inside, it is a special situation.

After a while, the space in front of him fluctuated, and Yu Cong walked out.

"Lin Shan, you are finally here." Yu said with joy on his face, "Come in, I have someone prepare delicious food."

"There's no need to eat." Lin Shan shook his head, "Just find me a place to live."

"Now that you are here, you might as well try the special delicacies of our Shark tribe and live like ordinary people, which can effectively suppress the spread of the divine flame." Yu said with a smile.

"Can it still be like this?" Lin Shan was stunned for a moment. He really didn't know about this. Then he thought about it and realized that it might be like this. Tushan Ranqi and the grandmother in the Ascension Tower are both high-order people. Logically speaking, it has long been freed from everything that ordinary people need.

But they still live like ordinary people... It turns out that the reason is not that they want to experience life, but that it is beneficial to do so.

"No need." Lin Shan still shook his head. He had enough faith stored in his body. As long as the divine flame spread, it would be extinguished immediately. The recent disasters in the human race have made the overall faith of the human race a lot more pious.

The inability to use faith as fuel has also caused his level to be stuck in the third stage. He doesn't know how long it will take to advance naturally.

Seeing Lin Shan's refusal, Yu didn't try to persuade him any more, "Okay, then I'll take you directly to where you live, and you can wander around the clan. I'm busy at this time and may not be able to entertain you well."


Lin Shan followed Yu into the Shark tribe.

As soon as I entered, a row of birds flew by.

Looking down, Lin Shan even thought that he had returned to the human race.

In front of you is the endless sea.

"Were you attacked in the same way?" Lin Shan looked at him. He just asked deliberately. This sea was most likely formed naturally and was not caused by the federation.

It can be seen from the outside environment that the salt contained in the water must be accumulated all year round.

"I, the Shark tribe, originally lived in the sea," Yu explained with a smile.

Then, a gray light flashed, and Yu's legs turned into fish tails.

"We live underwater, but there are a few tribesmen who like to live on land. Come with me and I will take you to Sameori Island."

One minute later.

Lin Shan saw Sameori Island.

On the huge island with a radius of a hundred kilometers, sharks are constantly emerging from the water on the shore, transforming into legs and walking towards the island.

There is a row of drainage blue houses on the island. I don’t know what materials they are made of. In front of the houses, you can always see a shark sitting in front of the house. The spiritual instrument under his feet is shining. He is using the power of the spiritual instrument to weave. Different colors. The gauze appears freely in their hands.

This is also the origin of the name of Sharkori Island. The Sharks here are all weavers.

"We sharks live in the water, so we have very high requirements for the clothes we wear. Clothes must be made from the shark gauze we weave ourselves. The shark gauze will not get wet in the water and will not affect our life in the water." Seeing Lin Shan's curiosity, Yu opened his mouth to explain.

"It really matches the legend." Lin Shan said to himself.

"What legend?" Yu wondered.

"In the world before time travel, there are stories about your shark race. The shark yarn weaved by the sharks will not get wet when soaked in water. When you cry, your tears will turn into pearls, and shark oil can burn for thousands of years." Lin Shandao.

Yu was slightly startled, "When you cry, your tears will turn into pearls, and shark oil can burn for thousands of years. Isn't this obviously nonsense? I have been a shark for more than a thousand years, why didn't I know that it still has this function?"

"But, then again, after coming to this world, the original world is rarely mentioned again. Thousands of years have passed, and the original world of our Shark tribe has been integrated with the clan. Your current location is the former Canghai Star. "

"Star in the sea? The moon in the sea has tears..." Lin Shan suddenly thought of this poem for some reason.

Yu's body visibly stiffened and he asked with a smile, "Can you also compose poetry?"

Lin Shan glanced at him, "What about the poems written by the world-famous poet? Have you heard of them?"

"No." Yu shook his head, "I just feel it sounds good and has a very artistic conception."

Lin Shan nodded without thinking too much. This poem was written in the Tang Dynasty and has nothing to do with the old days. How could Yu have heard of it?

According to Lin Shandao's understanding, the old days should be the mythological stories recorded in books such as "Shan Hai Jing" or the legends circulated before the Shang and Zhou dynasties. After all, "Shan Hai Jing" has many mysteries, and the history before the Shang and Zhou dynasties is also confusing.

As for how these mythological stories are passed down in the same vein when they are obviously in two different worlds, it is not something Lin Shan knows.

Like the Investiture of the Gods and Journey to the West, they should not be considered orthodox Chinese mythology. Their essence is ancient novels about gods and demons.

The mermaids are a race in Chinese mythology, and it is normal to have a similar culture to the human race.

Yu led Lin Shan to the ground, an extremely luxurious private courtyard, with young and beautiful mermaid girls standing neatly at the door.

"It's here. I hope you like it. If you need it, call these maids. They will satisfy you." Yu said meaningfully. He heard a lot of things from the human race.

The humanoid races have some cultural connections, but the aesthetics of each race are different. The aesthetics of the mermaids and humans are very similar.

Lin Shan looked at the six young mermaid women in front of him who were considered to be extremely beautiful. Except for the ears that curled outwards and looked a little weird, everything else was perfect.

"I can live here by myself. Let them go back." Lin Shan said.

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