Above the gray fog

Chapter 509: Wangchuan

Rosa Carlo's eyes were a little dull, which was different from what she expected.

"It has animal nature... no wonder."

"It sacrificed a whole clan, no wonder its body is so strange."

Rosa Carlo then glanced at Lin Shan who was wrapped in black flames, and said coldly, "If it continues to burn, there will be sequelae."

"Hmm..." Lin Shan hummed lightly, mobilized the power of faith accumulated before, and extinguished the divine flame.

The giant earthworm above saw that Lin Shan had reinforcements, and its movements did not slow down at all, and continued to crash into the two.


Rosa Carlo whispered.

In the unknown deep pit, a dim mist suddenly filled the air.

In the depths of the mist, the sound of running water could be heard faintly.

At first, the sound was far away, and then it got closer and closer.

The original pit disappeared, and they were pulled into a strange space, and all they saw was dim mist.

A chill radiated from the heart to the limbs.

A vast river, across the sky, the dim river water, rolling forward.

The giant earthworm stared at the river water, it was just the ability of Sequence 6... but this river water made it want to retreat.

However, the gray flames had completely enveloped it, and reason had lost its effect on it.

Losing reason does not mean losing the brain. It knew who summoned this river water. In this case, it would directly attack the source.

The giant earthworm, which was more than ten meters long, first shortened its body, then suddenly rushed out, and the speed it reached in an instant even exceeded the extreme of Sequence 6.

Rosa Carlo, covered in blood, calmly mobilized the dim river water to protect herself.

At the same time, the giant earthworm plunged into the river.

The next second, the earthworm disappeared for no reason, but a small boat appeared on the river that spanned the sky, and there was no one on the boat.

"Forget River... Ferry." This boat reminded Lin Shan of the authority fragment "Ferry", and "Ferry" was now in the hands of the old lady.

The other half of the ‘ferry’ fragment, the ‘soul combing’ fragment, is in Lao Wang’s hands.

Is the ‘Forgetful River’ here the legendary Forgetful River? There are boats on the Forgetful River, but no ferrymen.

Are ‘Forgetful River’ and ‘ferry’ related? Are they from the same genealogy...

No, ‘soul combing’ and ‘ferry’ are both fragments of authority from the old days, while ‘Forgetful River’ is a lower sequence of the original hell genealogy. It should be difficult to have a connection between the two. Perhaps they are just similar in power, or perhaps ‘Forgetful River’ is... the master of hell in this era... a new sequence created by imitating the old system.

Lin Shan felt that the latter possibility was more likely.

If he was the master of hell and asked him to create a new genealogy, what would he do?

He might copy the original system. Even if he became the master, he would want to be lazy...

Just when Lin Shan's thoughts were flying.

"Ah!" A shrill mental wave came from the river.

The giant earthworm appeared on the river surface. It was intact, but its body was constantly twisting and turning.

‘Lethe’ was aimed at soul attacks. Although it was not as powerful as Sequence 5, Sequence 6 without soul power would find it difficult to resist.

This was a bit like... the touch attack of ‘Mirror Moon’, but ‘Mirror Moon’ attacked the spirit.

The unknown things hidden in the river water could make the giant earthworm extremely painful, but it could not really kill it in a short period of time.

Rosa Carlo’s figure disappeared instantly, and a few stars appeared in her hand.

The next second, above the river.

A huge palm appeared. This palm was exactly the same as Rosa Carlo’s palm, but it was countless times larger.

The surface of the huge palm was covered with a layer of mysterious star power, and it slapped the giant earthworm fiercely.

The river water was surging due to this palm, and the entire Lethe River was directly broken. The dim and strange space also disappeared in an instant, and they returned to the big pit again.

At the bottom of the pit, there was a neat palm print, with a diameter of a kilometer.

In the center of the palm print, a half-dead red earthworm lay inside, and the gray flames burning on it even dimmed a lot.

"So strong..." Lin Shan was a little surprised. Rosa Carlo's strength was also Sequence 6, and the giant earthworm was still enhanced by the resentment of the clan. As a result, it was beaten half to death by Rosa Carlo in two moves.

The gap between them was quite big.

While the earthworm was still weak, Rosa Carlo gently lifted one foot and put it down.

A terrifying big foot fell from the sky.

The giant earthworm below was obviously scared, and it learned Lin Shan's previous moves and drilled into the soil.

The huge foot crushed the ground again by a hundred meters with a crushing force.

Rosa Carlo, not giving up, slapped her palm down one after another, as if she wanted to kill the earthworm in the pit directly.

At this moment,

The dark pit suddenly became brighter.

An extremely dazzling beam of light fell from the sky, destroying everything it touched, and the surrounding void was directly torn apart.

"It's the starship above." Lin Shan suddenly remembered that a huge starship had drilled out of the crack at first, but only the spring creatures came down from the starship.

Apart from the spring creatures, the only one who could launch this attack... was the giant starship.

While Lin Shan's mind was turning, he had no time to give any hints, and this fatal attack had already arrived.

However, neither he nor Rosa Carlo were pushovers. It was a bit too slow to say that they were both slow in an instant. Almost immediately after they noticed the attack, their figures disappeared into the pit.

Did the other party ignore his teammates?

Did they want to die together?

Doubts flashed through Lin Shan's mind, but his figure kept shuttling through the mud. The aftermath of the beam almost chased him all the way to the ground before it barely stopped.

The power of time was useless in this situation. It would hit sooner or later.

Although the weapons of the old days were strong, they were not as flexible as those of the extraordinary. Even if ordinary people held weapons of Sequence 8, they would not necessarily be able to kill Sequence 9. Sequence 9 had countless ways to avoid attacks.

Lin Shan looked down. The land of the Kirin Horn tribe had been shattered. Under this attack, it turned into countless islands floating in the cracks of space.

Lin Shan noticed that the tops of those islands were all stained with a layer of black sauce-like substance.

Originally, the tribe land became a relic, which could leave a trace of hope for the Kirin tribe. Now it is broken like this... It can't even be a relic, and it has completely become history.

The cracks in the air are slowly healing, and the giant starship is gradually shrinking back. The earthworm is hovering on the top of the giant starship, with one end facing Lin Shan and Rosa Carlo.

Feeling the provocation of the other party, Rosa Carlo gently pressed down with her palm, and a huge palm appeared. The giant starship, which originally had only a corner left, was forcibly pressed out in half.

The engine at the tail of the starship suddenly became bright, and then it turned into a black line and disappeared.

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