Above the gray fog

Chapter 829 Statistics

Most of the extraordinary people in the seats had no emotional ups and downs.

They just listened quietly to Lin Shan's cold words.

They couldn't help but understand what Lin Shan said, but no one had done it before, or no one had the ability to do it.

For various reasons, it has been delayed until now.....

Facing the gazes of tens of thousands of extraordinary people, Lin Shan slowly spoke out his expected structure.

"Youhuo, from now on, strength is respected, and strength represents position."

"Above me, set up the Supreme Council, composed of the seven of us who have changed qualitatively. I am now the chairman of the council. If there is any more changes in the future, I can directly become a member of the Supreme Council."

"The leader of Youhuo is also the chairman of the Supreme Council. As the second-level power under the Supreme Council, he is responsible for leading and supervising the operation of the entire organization and making decisions on major affairs."

"The third-level power is for members of the Supreme Council, that is, the strong people who have changed qualitatively, to participate in important decisions and strategic planning."

"The ministers of each department are also the third-level power, selected by the Supreme Council from the members of the Supreme Council, and their strength must be a qualitative change."

"The fourth-level power is the deputy ministers of each department, and their strength must be sequence 5."

"Currently, only three departments have been set up."

"The first department, the Intelligence Department, the only requirement is that the sequence ability has the ability of reconnaissance type or concealment type."

"The second department, the Youhuo Department, is named after the organization and is responsible for combat."

"The third department, the Civilization Department, this department is quite special. I think whether Youhuo can be stable depends entirely on the operation of this department. There are many responsibilities. The first point , responsible for recruiting Youhuo members and connecting with the civilizations behind Youhuo members. Second, unite all civilizations that join Youhuo to help trade and development. All trade currencies are changed to Huobi. Third, count the merits and demerits of Youhuo members and give contribution rewards and punishments. "

"Each department is organized into teams. A sequence 7 captain leads 5-10 sequence 8 members. Sequence 6 is the squadron leader, with 5-10 teams under him. Sequence 5 is the deputy director, responsible for supporting each team at any time. Team members must eat, drink, live, and have any routine together. "

"Youhuo There is no limit on the number of people in the Fire Department. The Intelligence Department and the Civilization Department can have a maximum of 50 teams, about 500 extraordinary people. "

"In the next seven days, you will all stay in the City of Fire and upload your detailed information to the regional network of Fire so that your superiors can select according to your ability."

"Everyone, go and rest first. We will hold the first Supreme Council to elect the ministers of each department. The ministers will then elect the deputy ministers, and the deputy ministers will elect the squadron leaders. From now on, after you upload your information, just wait for notification."

After all the extraordinary people left, only Lin Shan and six other extraordinary people whose strength had reached a qualitative change were left in the auditorium.

Yun Qi gave a thumbs up. "Amazing."

Lin Shan smiled, "You can say that."

"He said no." Zuo Hong interrupted, "He can only use his strength to suppress others, but he can't do the effect of you convincing most people."

"Anyway, Youhuo has changed a lot in the past two hundred years. You will all be parliamentarians and ministers in the future. You can't be lazy like before." Luo Lin looked at Hai Lingna and Yu Sha meaningfully.

These two have been two invisible people since joining Youhuo.

"Ahem." Lin Shan coughed lightly and interrupted the dispute that was about to start, "What do you think of the positions of the three ministers? Is there anyone who has recommended himself?"

Yun Qi, Zuo Hong, and Luo Lin are a small circle, and Hai Lingna and Yu Sha are another circle. It was precisely because of these people's inaction that he got the advantage.

However, if Lin Shan had joined Youhuo in the first place, the situation would probably be similar to theirs...

He himself didn't want to manage the human race, let alone this more complicated organization.

Luo Lin glanced at Zuo Hong, "Let Zuo Hong, the muscular guy, be the head of the combat department."

Yun Qi raised his hand and said, "Then I will be the head of the civilization department."

Before Luo Lin continued to speak, Hai Lingna said coldly, "I want the position of the head of the intelligence department."

Luo Lin thought about it, and since two of the heads of his side had already taken up the positions of heads, he did not speak again.

The so-called Supreme Council ended in such a sloppy way.

Lin Shan saw that everyone acquiesced to the current position, so he said, "The current framework is relatively simple, and it will continue to be optimized according to the situation in the future. The three ministers should select the deputy ministers they like as soon as possible, and try to build the preliminary framework within three days. Within seven days, all members of each team should be familiar with each other."

After making these arrangements, Lin Shan returned home, and the rest of Youhuo's work was handed over to the three ministers. He had more important things to do.

Sitting on the sofa, Lin Shan took out a crystal clear stone from the storage space.

This was the medium he asked Yun Qi for to contact the council.

It is a full fifty light years from the City of Fire to the Human Circle. Even at the fastest speed now, it takes ten years to go back and forth. For some unknown reason, there is no jump channel between the two places. If you want to communicate, you can only use this object made by the original technology, which is similar to a walkie-talkie as a medium.

Lin Shan slowly injected spirituality into the stone.

A faint light began to appear on the surface of the stone, and there was no response after dozens of seconds.

This is because no one on the other side answered the call.

Another stone is on the current supreme leader of the Council.

Lin Shan does not know who it is.

Usually, only Yunqi contacts him, and Yunqi has never told him about the Council.

After not getting through, Lin Shan placed the stone on the table and began to check the information uploaded by the members of Youhuo.

This was the first time that Youhuo synchronized the information of all members.

In addition to Lin Shan and the other seven people whose strength had reached a qualitative change.

Youhuo also had Sequence 8, 21,030 people.

Sequence 7, 990 people.

Sequence 6, 71 people.

Sequence 5, 63 people.


With the number of Sequence 8 Supernormals, the structure of a Sequence 7 leading 5-10 Sequence 8s to form a team would definitely not work, and only half of the captains could be selected from the Sequence 8 Supernormals.

The number of Sequence 5 and Sequence 6 is not small. I wonder if this force can compare with the strongest tribe before the migration.

Just as Lin Shan was thinking, the crystal clear stone on the table suddenly glowed.

A familiar voice came out.

"I'm Tushan Ranqi, what's the matter?"

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