Above the Seven Towers

: Wedge day of fall

Siro's face was pale, his facial features were twisted, his thin brown hair was soaked in cold sweat, and the **** in his hand had already fallen to the ground. Around him, thousands of townsmen were like flocks of headless flies, screaming and running away, avoiding the beatings of hundreds of soldiers.

These soldiers, dressed in leather armour and helmets, held sticks in one hand and shields in the other, and beat everyone unscrupulously. Townspeople who run around will be knocked to the ground two or three times; those who want to resist will be beaten with blood, and the worst luck will even break their necks.

Silo regretted it.

He was just a small businessman with a quiet life. He had a considerate wife and a 13-year-old boy, and his life was decent.

It was all the fools of Scarface, who encouraged everyone to resist the tax, and surrounded the ancestral house of Count Carlos Arias, but was ambushed by the guard sent by the count from the fief.

Although the town of Floro is tough, but how can a group of peasants, craftsmen, and small businessmen holding **** and wooden stick beat a heavily armed soldier? The Arias family is a descendant of the mad warrior Merlot, who has always been wild and willful in his work. Who knows how the count will treat them? Doing hard labor? Relegated to slavery? Even hanged directly on the roadside? Siro dare not imagine his own ending.

He saw the Earl's entourage Pinto shouting loudly: "Fight me hard and let the tax-resistant fools remember this lesson all his life."

He saw that Scarface Pars, under the attack of the Battis Knight, was disorganized and about to collapse.


He saw that the familiar men, women and children were screaming, crying and begging for mercy.

He felt his strength was exhausted by this nightmarish scene.

Silo kneeled on his knees, put his hands on his chest, lowered his head, closed his eyes and prayed: God of nature, ancient gods, no matter who it is, please save us poor people.

He was not a believer, but prayed again and again. I do n’t know if I really want something in my heart, but I just wait for the final destiny.

Perhaps which great existence really heard his prayers, and when the soldiers waved their sticks to his head, the sky suddenly darkened, and a small yellow light appeared in the sky above the Earl ’s mansion, a strange The whistling sound rang through Shino.

The light spot was suddenly big and small, vomiting like a breath. Suddenly, countless rocks and stones poured out of that small spot out of nowhere. They rolled and rotated, just like a naughty boy poured the building block out of his pocket. They grew bigger and bigger, from scratch, in a blink of an eye to cover half of the sky, the earl's ancestral house under the impact of these stones, instantly fragmented.

Everyone has forgotten the battle, watching the stones in the sky continually gathering together, and finally formed a large island, with many tall buildings on it, towering solemnly in the dust, just like a giant beast. Then, as if the island was supported by an invisible hand, it landed on the ground in a slow and heavy gesture, and the splattered rocks and the rising dust enveloped the crowd. The first to bear the brilliance is the count and his guard.

Heaven and earth fell into a dark ...

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