Awakening Day.

Chu Xiu sat in his seat, looking around at his classmates.

There were 34 people in the classroom, all of whom were participating in the awakening trial.

It is said that nearly three-fifths of the entire school signed up this time, the highest ratio in history.

Chu Xiu and his classmates, together with students from other schools in Jiangcheng, a total of 5,000 people, will be transported to the same abyss world by the awakening array for the trial.

On the podium, the head teacher Tao Lei was making the final points for everyone to emphasize.

"Students, you are about to participate in the awakening trial."

"I know that everyone is familiar with the abyss, but since it is a matter of life and death, I will explain it again."

"The abyss world is the 'old image' left by the power of the abyss, which is the world that was once swallowed by the abyss."

"No one knows what you will encounter. Everything in the abyss is full of randomness and uncertainty. You may be hunted by the savage beasts that have been released from evolutionary restrictions and grow infinitely, you may be surrounded by fanatical demon believers, or you may enter the doomsday world swallowed by the ocean."

"But what is certain is that no matter which world you are in, it must be extremely dangerous. There is no paradise that allows you to pass easily!"

Tao Lei's words made the students' already nervous mood even more nervous.

Looking at the fear in the eyes of the students below, Tao Lei softened his tone: "However, as long as everyone is fully prepared, the chance of survival can be greatly increased."

"Does any other student remember the 'three no principles'?"

"No panic, no infighting, no risk." Someone answered him from the audience.

"That's right!" Tao Lei nodded. "I won't mention not panicking. Everyone knows that keeping calm is the top priority in any situation, not to mention that in some worlds, a decline in rationality will even attract terrifying existences."

"I want to emphasize the last two points! No infighting! No risks!"

"In the abyss world, solidarity and mutual assistance are the top priorities! Only when everyone works together and helps each other can you maximize your chances of survival!"

"Although the abyss is not protected by law, countless cases have proved that infighting will only lead to the end of the group's annihilation!"

Tao Lei knocked heavily on the blackboard.

Most of the students below listened attentively, but a few disagreed.

In their view, the abyss world is the law of the jungle, and useless students will only become a burden. Their most suitable use is to be cannon fodder for exploration and meat shields in front.

The teacher's emphasis is just a kind of political correctness that cannot be stated clearly.

Most of those who think so are students with high energy levels or good family conditions who have purchased survival equipment for them in advance.

Tao Lei knew that the three views that have been cultivated for a long time could not be changed by his words, so he did not stop and continued to speak.

"The last one is 'don't take risks'."

"You may have seen on the Internet that some people have obtained rare treasures in the awakening trial. Indeed, the explosion rate in the trial world is many times that of the ordinary world, but don't take risks for this reason!"

"Those who hold the idea of ​​treasure hunting, only one out of ten will survive!"

"Becoming an awakener, you will have a lot of opportunities to grow slowly in the future, so there is no need to rush."

"What you have to do is to avoid fighting as much as possible and find a safe hiding place as soon as possible."

"Unless you have awakened a talent above level B, or a high-level combat profession, you can consider exploring more benefits in the awakening dungeon."

Tao Lei's words reminded Chu Xiu of a case on the Internet.

There was an awakener named Zhang Quan. His talent and profession were very ordinary, but he accidentally obtained a legendary quality treasure that could grow in the awakening trial, and directly became a hot new star.

Then he died inexplicably.

No one knows who the legendary treasure ended up in. After all, there are not many high-profile fools like Zhang Quan.

"The teacher is right. Those treasures are not what I need to consider. The most important thing is to survive."

Chu Xiu thought to himself.

Next, the head teacher said a lot of words that everyone's ears were calloused. When the clock pointed to nine o'clock, he stopped and took the classmates to the playground.

Here, a huge awakening array has been drawn, and all 5,000 students have gathered here.

Most people are wearing ordinary clothes, but a few have one or two unique equipment, such as spears, giant swords, and even enchanted firearms.

Most of these people stand together in twos and threes, forming a clear circle with others.

In the abyss, only items contaminated with the breath of the abyss can be transmitted, and most of these items are extremely expensive, and there are many students who need to start naked.

Chu Xiu's family is not rich, and he can only buy him a set of ordinary clothes.

"A Xiu, come to me as soon as you enter the abyss." Zhang Qingshan finally reminded.

"Don't worry." Chu Xiu nodded heavily.

As all the students entered the magic circle, a dazzling glow appeared above their heads.

The next moment, the magic circle was bright, and five thousand students disappeared on the spot.


With a deafening buzzing sound, Chu Xiu felt his body floating up, and the space around him began to twist and change, as if he was traveling through endless dimensions.

Before he could react, he fell heavily to the ground.


The palms supporting the ground felt rough like gravel, and the impact of falling made his knees ache slightly.

The dizziness hit his brain like a tide. He resisted the urge to vomit and tried to open his eyes.

The dazzling light pierced his iris, forming a halo in his eyes. Chu Xiu hurriedly lowered his head. It took a long time for him to gradually adapt to the blazing light.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment.

This seemed to be a bedroom that had not been lived in for a long time. The floor was covered with dust. The wooden bed in the corner was shaky and the paint was peeling. The bedding on the bed had lost its original color. Only vague cartoon patterns could be seen.

Chu Xiu sat against the wall. There was a window with only a wooden frame above his head. Dry hot wind kept blowing in from outside.

He propped himself up and glanced out. What he saw were dilapidated high-rise buildings, yellow sand sweeping across the streets, and a lifeless doomsday scene.

He seemed to be in a modern doomsday city that occupied a large area.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow quickly passed by below, and Chu Xiu was so scared that he quickly retracted his gaze.

"That seems to be a...huge flying bird?"

No, it is a creature more terrifying than a bird. Although it was just a short glimpse, Chu Xiu saw the sharp bone spurs growing backwards on the back of the unknown creature. That is not the form that a normal creature would have.

He secretly sorted out the situation in his mind:

"I should be in an apartment building, about 20 floors high. This seems to be a doomsday world with mutant creatures. It is not clear whether there are local survivors."

Just as Chu Xiu was thinking, a faint subtitle appeared in front of him.

[Trialer digitization.]

[Dataization completed, loading into world information]

[Loading completed. ]

[Current world: β-21272417]

[World danger level: seven]

[Regional danger level: three]

[Trial task: survive for seven days]

[Challenge task:

[1. Kill 100 ordinary life forms cumulatively]

[2. Kill any soldier life form]

[3. Destroy a nest]

[World task: Kill the zombie king in the central city]

[Note: You will return after completing the trial task. The challenge task and world task will be retained for thirty days. The trial participants can enter and continue to try at any time after the cooling period. ]

Looking at the words that appeared in front of him, Chu Xiu was secretly shocked.

"It seems that the difficulty of this trial is not low. The regional danger level has reached level three! Three challenge tasks and one world task have been spawned."

Generally speaking, most trials are at a danger level of one or two, and some lucky ones may even encounter level zero.

Of course, the higher the danger level, the better the reward for completing the trial.

As for challenge tasks and world tasks, they are both extra tasks with extremely high rewards. They allow multiple people to form a team to complete them, and each person's contribution will be automatically determined based on their specific performance.

The difference is that there is only one world task, and if someone completes it, others will have no chance.

Of course, these two tasks are also extremely difficult, and few people can complete them during the trial stage.

However, as long as you pass the trial, you will leave a [beacon] in this world, and you can enter it at any time.

So, Chu Xiu now has only one goal.


"This should be a zombie apocalypse world." He began to think in his mind.

"But based on the huge mutant creatures I just saw, the zombies here are most likely not the slow-moving targets in movies and TV dramas, but creatures with considerable combat power."

"The tasks given by the system are obviously sorted by difficulty. The later the tasks, the more difficult they are, but the rewards for completing them will definitely be better."

"Should I honestly try to survive for seven days? Or should I try to complete the difficult tasks?"

Obviously, the answer to this question depends on what kind of [talent] and [profession] Chu Xiu has awakened.

Knowing that this was the moment that would decide his fate, Chu Xiu took a deep breath and opened his character panel.

[Name] Chu Xiu

[Level] Ordinary Level 0 (0/100)

[Constitution] 0.94

[Spirit] 2.25

[Energy Level] 0.81

[Equipment] Worn cotton clothes and pants

[Occupation] Heir of the Magic Path

[Talent] Perfect Refining

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