Birds chirping in the morning.

I woke up to the sunlight coming through the curtains. Frowning in the dazzling light, fluffy—


I should have gotten out of bed, but it’s weird. It is hard. My back hurts too. Unlike yesterday, when I looked around with a moving body, I could immediately identify the culprit.

“This damn blonde.”

I fell on the floor and fell asleep. He kindly gave me a pillow. If I look where I was, I have a damn blonde.

I’m sleeping while scratching my belly button. what are you doing

drooling until saliva

“I can’t eat anymore, no more~ Ummm…”

“What can’t I eat…”

It was ridiculous and I laughed. I just found out today If you’re not too funny, you’ll laugh out loud.

I put my hands on the guy’s face. I put it on the ball, and changed my hand to the shape of a tongs.

There’s only one thing to do after that.

“wake up!! Patient Killer!!”

“Ahhh!! What?! What is it?! to? Sung Hoon?! Oh, it hurts!! sick!!”

“You say it hurts!! what are you doing? what are you doing? Am I a patient? Are you a patient who absolutely needs to rest for a week? A patient who almost became crippled while expanding his magic circuit?! Why don’t you take a patient’s bed and sleep?”

“no. This, this was irresistible!! And how?! You can’t take revenge on me?!”

It’s a pity if it’s the promise I made yesterday! It’s revenge for yesterday, not today!

I think something blue just went out of sight, but it’s my mood.

“hurt!! sick!!”

“great. Don’t listen to that force majeure. Tell me where.”

“…I wanted to sleep in bed. Hehe. But it looks like you are all well, but it must not have been a good choice—”


“aah!!! Or not!! hurt!!!”

All I can say is that this child is sick until the end. I kept pulling the ball. Raphael’s cheeks stretched like freshly made rice cakes, and it was fun to play.

“Is there something you need to say to me?”

“Eh? What do you mean? Please let me go?”

No. That’s not it.

“Help me!!”

“That’s what you say to a murderer!! I’m sorry if I made a mistake, you don’t have to come out!!”

Raphael stopped at my words. He looked at me tiredly, so I stopped straining and made eye contact.

I guess there is something you want to do

After about three seconds of silence, Raphael opened his mouth.

“I’m not very sorry, how can I be sorry!!”

OK. Confirm.

Don’t show me what hell is.


“Aren’t you going to school?”

“Why do I do it?”

After showing Hell to Raphael, I was the one who should be embarrassed for some reason, but I asked Raphael who was pissed off, but the answer he returned was cold.

The answer is more strange than that.

you are a student go to school


“Sunghoon doesn’t even go, but I go and do something. I do not like it. I’m not going, will you be here?”

is this crazy I climbed onto the bed and lay down on my leg. I’m not a fussy little kid, so I tried to stop him because I wanted to do something.

Power is not a child again. stronger than adults. If it hadn’t been right after the previous pinch happened, wouldn’t it have been countered right away?

Suddenly, I had a chill at the thought.

“My main job is not as a student, but as an angel~ Angels don’t go to school~ I have one more job when I have time to go. ah! Since I am an angel, I entrusted everything to my subordinates~”

proud So, there were no friends in heaven.

I tapped my f*cking blonde hair lying on the bed. With legs, of course.

“Just don’t go. I’ll die if I don’t go for a week. do it yourself.”

We don’t have to graduate here to get a job. I’ll just go back and watch the ending. I decided to leave it alone because I thought I had to go.

After all, the ending will come before graduation. you do it

At my words, Raphael jumped up and nodded her head. You didn’t want to go like that?

He left the blonde, who was expressing joy with his whole body, and tried to check the status that he couldn’t confirm yesterday.



With a light sound, the door to the hospital room I was in opened.

There was a man standing there. Blue hair and blue eyes.

triumphant face.

“I am here!! Is your body okay?!”

“ah. A troublesome person has come.”

I alternately glanced at the guy walking this way and the clock. It’s school time class starts soon

It’s time to start training in the morning canter.

“Why are you here?”

“I came to visit you.”

I didn’t ask that. I asked the boy who smiled brightly with a headache.

“Go to school.”

“It doesn’t matter now. ruler. with this with this this. get it It is better to eat this later. And—”

“what. what. Wait a minute. Wait-”

As I continued to receive the items Shin Ga-yeon gave me, my arms were full. Seeing the gift that seemed to overflow—


Looking closely, it didn’t make sense. this is an elixir increase in physical ability. increased recovery capacity. increased magic capacity. horsepower rise. Everything is there except the ones that aren’t in the magic cycle.

Seeing these many high-efficiency elixir, I had a bad idea. If it was the original me, I would have been pleasantly surprised, but I felt like I had to ask why.

“hey. Shin Ga-yeon.”


“Where did you get this?”

At my words, Shin Ga-yeon put her finger on her lips and pondered. Ummm, that’s the same thing, so I added one more word.

“Don’t lie.”

“It’s our warehouse!”

yep disease.

I returned all the elixir in my hand to Shin Ga-yeon. This one tried to assassinate me on the maid’s theme.

What happens when you receive this? That is of course one.

The master of swordsmanship is coming.

He’s a really scary person. that person.

He’s probably the one who’s going to kill me and bury me. So please don’t do this. don’t kill me

Shin Ga-yeon, who was holding the elixir, tilted her head. If I said I didn’t need it, I thought I’d forcefully hold it.

So I grabbed Shin Ga-yeon’s shoulder.

Surprised, he flinched back, but that doesn’t matter.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

My life is in danger A life like gold.

“I do not need. Did you steal this?”

“Oh, no? Not at all? Did you bring it proudly? The working lady asked me what she was doing, and she said she would bring an elixir for her future husband.”

I took it proudly.

“Bring it back. You are mad.”

I’m just worried about you said in that way. Would you have known about this?

Shin Ga-yeon nodded her head at my words. yes. I got it.



“Go to school.”

“Ah… b, yes!!”

Shin Ga-yeon, who was dazed for a moment, hurriedly went out with an elixir. What’s so urgent?



Raphael looked at me and exclaimed. Eyes stay in one place. A hand still in the air as if it were a pity.

“If that’s the case, didn’t you take it?”

“There are times when people feel sorry for them, but don’t accept them.”

I saw Raphael with eyes that didn’t understand, but that’s how life is.


I really want to have an elixir.


Lunch hour. I eat filthy tasteless porridge, and this damn blonde and rotten cat eats delicious cup noodles from the side.

don’t give me money don’t give me money

I swallowed my tears and drank a spoonful of porridge that wasn’t even seasoned.

Fortunately, the ringer was not uncomfortable to eat. Let your doctor tell you.

They say that my recovery speed is absurd. The magic circuit was tattered as if it had been improvised, but it has already been almost completely restored.

Still, I’m in the hospital because I don’t know, so I’ll keep an eye on it for a week.

“Should I eat this filthy tasteless porridge for a week?”

“Did you eat ramen?”


no. I don’t think you should eat it for some reason. There is such a thing. I thought that no matter how much I recovered, I couldn’t eat something like that in a hospital uniform.

“Who doesn’t bring any healthy food?”

As if answering my murmur.

A knock was heard.


Door opened after two knocks. There was a person there.

Short silver hair. Red eyes. awkward smiling face.

“What else are you?”

They keep coming at times I never even thought of. I thought they would come after school, but what is this?

As I watched, Sophia walked over, scratching her cheek.

“It’s lunchtime and I’m afraid I’m eating something that doesn’t taste good.”

“no. I am delicious-”

Raphael covered her mouth and looked at Sophia carefully, and there was something in her hand. Something neatly stacked with a pink furoshiki.

something square. Intuition says I’m going to eat that.

I hurriedly removed the porridge the hospital gave me.

“Can’t I eat it? it?”

“It’s garbage.”

“Sunghoon, you can’t talk like that.”

So what is this? It’s white garbage. I can’t even eat it, but who’s going to put it in my mouth?

As I waited and waited, Sophia sat neatly in the corner of the bed and unwrapped the cloth.

Then, as expected, a lunch box came out. The contents inside were so dazzling that I couldn’t even speak.

Sausage, eggs, tofu and various vegetables. I felt like I was going to cry at the combination that cared for the patient. It’s different from the patient killer where you live.

“Can’t you take care of me?”

“Look at this? Are you saying you didn’t like my care?”

“Are you a caregiver? Are you tortured?”

It’s ridiculous~ Ignore blondes who say the same thing. It’s a little rough and there are burn marks here and there, but I ate it deliciously for a home-cooked meal I ate in a long time.

Some were a little salty and bland, but overall they were delicious.

It was really delicious because I ate that raw porridge.

Sophia asked as I ate too much.

“Hey, is it that good? I rode it little by little. It was my first time making Korean food…”

“yes? It’s really delicious. I want to eat again.”

Compared to death. This is called Jinsu Sungchan. It’s home-cooked, so it’s okay to eat at the hospital. My senses say so.

“It is so delicious that I want to eat all three meals a day.”


Sophia put an exclamation point above her head at my words. Then he bowed his head and wiggled his fingers.

“Well, will you bring it to me tomorrow?”



He bowed his head so he couldn’t see well, but he seemed to be nodding his head.

I packed up the packed lunch I ate and handed it over to him.

“please! Please!”

“Yes!! Me and I have class soon, so let’s go!!”

Sophia received the lunch box and ran out in haste. Why is he in such a hurry again?

“I can’t do this.”

“What else?”

“This is a betrayal towards death. I have to go to the hospital.”



afternoon. Facing the drowsy light, I quietly watch TV. The hospital had nothing to do with it.

I’m tired of talking to Raphael, and I’m tired of the touch of Lachesis’s hair.

If I’m all right, can’t I just be discharged from the hospital?

I really wanted to leave the hospital like crazy. It’s not so much fun. hospital.

look at that Raphael is already sleeping. Let’s sigh as we look at Raphael, who is sleeping as if one with the caregiver’s chair.

The door opened.

how many times is this Can’t everyone come at once?

“Hey! What?!”

Ignoring the blonde who woke up reflexively at the sound of the door opening, I looked towards the door, there—

there’s nothing.

what? I tried to tilt my head. Clearly opened, but nothing. Who opened it wrong? It seems to answer the same thought.

Peek out.

Black hair appeared. After waiting for a while, wanting to do something, my eyes popped out this time.

“what are you doing?”


Ishia, who made eye contact with me, does not come out and continues to hide behind the door.

“What are you doing?”

“ah. Well, that’s my first visit. Can I come in?”

Can’t it be?

As I nodded, Isia slowly came out from behind the door. His face is a little bit embarrassed, and he is hiding something with his hand behind his back.

What else is a gift?

“D, are you coming in?”

please come in

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