With such strict guarding against death, Jiang Sesur thought that he might not be able to see Jin Fengchen in a short time, and he was a little flustered.

Unexpectedly, I saw it in the afternoon.

While she was tidying up the restaurant, Jin Fengchen suddenly came over and asked gently: "Where is the orange juice?"

She turned her back to the door, and when she heard the familiar voice, she quickly turned back, and the face that was deeply bone marrow fell into her eyes.

"Feng..." She subconsciously called out his name.

"Where is the orange juice?"

Jin Fengchen asked again and again, just interrupting her, and her strange and polite tone made her wake up instantly.

She lowered her sour heart and smiled, "Orange juice is in the refrigerator, do you need me to help you?"

Jin Fengchen smiled back, "No, I'll get it myself."

Watching him enter the kitchen, Jiang Sezuo squeezed his palm and pressed down on his chest.

It seems that she has to try to treat him as the master here, temporarily forgetting that he is her vassal.

Jin Fengchen came out with orange juice, walked in front of her, looked at it carefully, and asked with a smile: "Are you new here?"

Jiang Sese was slightly surprised, "Do you know that I am new here?"

"I'm not asking you?" Jin Fengchen thought she was a bit silly.

"Oh." Jiang Sesu suddenly realized, "Yes, I'm new here."

"Yuanyuan told me that there were a few new servants in the house. I thought I was quite old. I didn't expect you to look young."

Jiang Selu smiled, "Is it?"

"Hmm." Jin Fengchen opened the orange juice and drank, asking casually, "Are you from Kyoto?"

"That's right."

"Then do you know where is fun in Kyoto?"

"Do you want to go out to play? Jiang Seso did not answer him, but asked tentatively.

Jin Fengchen nodded honestly, "Yes. It's a bit boring to stay at home and want to go out for a walk."

"Miss agree to let you go out?"

The cautious personality of the above official Yuan will definitely not allow him to run around, after all, the Jin family and Fang family now know that he has returned to China.

"Reluctant." Jin Fengchen pursed his lips, somewhat simple but gentle. "She may be afraid of something and won't allow me to go out alone."

Because the feelings are stolen, Shangguanyuan will be afraid.

Fear of losing him.

Jiang Sesel smiled, "If you want, I will secretly take you out to play one day."

Jin Fengchen's eyes lit up, "Are you serious?

"Of course it is true, but you have to wait for the lady not to be home."

"Then we said yes."

Jiang Sezhu nodded, "Well, that's it."

Jin Fengchen smiled, like a pure child.

Suddenly, she felt that his amnesia might not be a bad thing, because she had never seen him laugh so easily and so happy.

She stared at him deeply, trying to engrave what he looked like at the moment.


Shangguanyuan's voice came from outside.

Jiangse's face changed, and she should never let Shangguanyuan see her meeting with the vassal.

So she lowered her voice and said: "Don't say you have seen me."

Jin Fengchen looked blank, "What do you mean?"

"No matter what you mean, just listen to me."

When the words fell, Jiangse hurried into the kitchen to hide.

Shangguanyuan walked into the restaurant and saw that Feng Jinchen was there, narrowing his eyebrows, "What are you doing here?"

"I am thirsty and want to drink orange juice." Jin Fengchen raised the orange juice in his hand.

Shangguanyuan nodded and looked around. "Did you see anyone else?"

"I..." Jin Fengchen remembered Jiangse's explanation and quickly replied: "No."

"Really?" Shangguanyuan didn't believe it.

Jin Fengchen bent his lips and smiled, "Really, I am alone here."

Shangguanyuan looked around again, and it really did not look like other people were there.

She sighed in relief and took Jin Fengchen away, "I will accompany you to walk outside."

Jin Fengchen looked back at the kitchen as he responded.

I saw Jiang Sezhu protruding his head.

He smiled and compared with an "OK" gesture.

She smiled, her eyebrows were very cute.

What flashed in my mind was so fast that Jin Fengchen was too late to catch it.

The smile at his mouth slowly faded.

What was it just now?

Going out of the villa, Shangguanyuan turned to look at Jin Fengchen, only to find out that his face was wrong.

"What's wrong?" she asked hurriedly.

Jin Fengchen looked up at her and was silent for a few seconds before speaking: "Just like something flashed in my head just now."

Upon hearing it, Shangguanyuan's face changed slightly, and she asked, "What is it?

"It's too fast, I don't know what it is." Jin Fengchen frowned, "What do you say it will be?"

It turned out he didn't know what it was.

Shangguanyuan secretly sighed and said, "No matter what it is, let's go over there."

She said that Jin Fengchen didn't think about it anymore, and was led by her to the backyard.


Finally saw the vassal.

Jiang Sesu walked out of the kitchen and sat on a chair, thinking about what had happened just now, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help rising.

Although he forgot her, he did not exclude himself.

This is a good beginning.

I hope that in the days to come, she will see him often.

The housekeeper came in and saw her smirking in a chair alone. She could not help but raised her eyebrows and asked, "Shu Yun, what are you laughing at?"

Suddenly, the sound that sounded drove Jiang Sesel back to God. At first glance it was the housekeeper, and quickly stood up, "Uncle Zhang."

"What are you smirking alone?" The butler asked again with a smile.

Jiang Sezhu scratched his head and shyly replied: "Nothing."

"No matter what you are laughing at, work harder, you know?"

"Yes." Jiang Sezhu nodded.

The butler turned his head to look outside, then moved closer, and whispered, "Did the vassal master just come to the kitchen?"

Jiang Sese pretended to be confused: "Are there, why didn't I see it?"

"It's good if you don't see it, otherwise you will know it, but you'll feel good." The housekeeper gave her a glaring glare. "If you see the vassal master coming to the kitchen in the future, it's best to hide, don't let him look To."

Jiang Sesur said, "Oh," curiously asked, "Uncle Zhang, why doesn't Miss let me see the vassal master?"

"Is this what you should ask?" The butler lowered his face and scolded in a harsh tone: "Remember here, it's right to say less and do more. You are just a servant, don't speculate on the master's mind, okay? ?"

"Understood." Jiang Sesu lowered his head.

For her obedience, the housekeeper still couldn't help saying more: "Shu Yun, Shangguan's family is obviously the young master, but in fact, the young master cares about the young lady, and generally listens to her."

"Uncle Zhang, I know. I will talk less and do more in the future, and I won't cause you trouble." Jiang Sesur assured him.

The butler smiled with satisfaction, "I believe in you."

He looked around and said, "You keep busy, I'm out."

After Uncle Zhang went out, Jiang Sesur sighed heavily. It seemed that he really had to be more careful, otherwise all this would be in vain.

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