Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1231: Are you chasing her

Fang Yuchen was pulled by Ye Xiaoyi to her parents, "Dad, Mom, Yu Chen is here."

Wen Yan, Fang Fu and Fang Mu ended the conversation with others and turned to look over.

"Yu Chen, long time no see." Fang father said with a smile.

"Aunt and uncle are good." Fang Yuchen nodded politely.

Mother Fang looked behind him, and asked in doubt: "How about your dad? Didn't you come with you?"

"My father will arrive later."

Father Fang looked at him up and down, his face full of satisfaction, "You really are more and more talented."

Fang Yuchen smiled, "Thank you Uncle for his praise."

"Dad, Yu Chen is of course a talented person, otherwise how could your daughter look up to it." Ye Xiaoyi raised her chin proudly.

Father Fang laughed, "Yes, your vision is the best."

"Of course." Ye Xiaoyi clung to Fang Yuchen intimately, smiling very happy.

Fang Yuchen was a little careless. He turned his head from time to time to look for Liang Xinwei in the hall.

There were a lot of people. He couldn't find anyone at the moment, and Jianmei couldn't help but screw up.

Father Fang noticed and asked in doubt: "Yu Chen, are you looking for someone?"

Fang Yuchen quickly gathered his nerves and shook his head to deny, "No, I just look at it."

There was a hint of coldness in Ye Xiaoyi's eyes beside him. Was he the woman in Liang Xinwei? Wouldn't he really care about that woman?

The thought that he might like Liang Xinwei, Ye Xiaoyi couldn't help feeling upset.

She thought about it and deliberately mentioned: "Dad, Mom, today the girl my brother likes is here."

It is said that both Fang Fu and Fang Mu were surprised, "Are you serious?"

"Of course it's true. I just saw it. Do you believe it or not? Ask Yu Chen." She turned to Fang Yuchen, smiling and Yingying asked, "Right, Yu Chen?"

Fang Yuchen tightened his hands, a faint "huh" sound.

"Then let your brother bring us over to see us, I want to see which one is the gold." Fang mother looked impatient.

She has been worried about Ye Chenyun's marriage for several years, but the stinky boy has been saying no hurry.

He is not in a hurry, but she is almost in a hurry.

"I'll call my brother here."

Ye Xiaoyi asked Fang Yuchen to speak with his parents, and then turned to find Ye Chenyun.

As soon as she left, Fang asked: "Yu Chen, what do you think of Xiaoyi?"

Fang Yuchen's eyes flashed slightly, and he replied, "It's good."

This answer is somewhat perfunctory.

Father Fang raised his eyebrows, "That's it?"

"What answer does Uncle want to hear?" Fang Yuchen raised his eyes, looking at him with a smile.

Father Fang was asked, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

Obviously asked him how he felt about Xiao Yi, why did he seem to force him a bit?

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

Fang mother smiled quickly and played round, "Okay, this is a matter of two children, good or bad, they know what. You suddenly asked Yu Chen, he is not easy to answer."

"It really shouldn't be asked." Father Fang also realized that it was his own question. "Yu Chen, I just asked casually, and you treated me as if I hadn't asked."

Fang Yuchen smiled and said nothing.


Ye Xiaoyi found Ye Chenyun, who was talking to the guests, and pulled him aside.

"Xiaoyi, what are you doing?" Ye Chenyun looked at her inexplicably.

"My parents let you take Liang Xinwei over."

"What?" Ye Chenyun thought he had heard it wrong. "My parents want to see Weiwei?"

Have you made a mistake?

Ye Xiaoyi's eyes flickered, somewhat guilty, "I told my parents that Liang Xinwei is the girl you like."

"Ye Xiaoyi!" Ye Chenyun was angry. "How can you talk nonsense?"

"Are you angry?" Ye Xiaoyi pouted, "Aren't you chasing her? I'm not wrong."

Anyway, from now on, Liang Xinwei is the person he likes!

Ye Chenyun smiled angrily, "Even if I'm chasing her, it's because of you, isn't it?"

If not to help her, would he chase Liang Xinwei?

He only regarded Liang Xinwei as his sister, because he loved others.

Ye Xiaoyi touched his nose and muttered: "But I already said that, my parents just want to see Liang Xinwei."

"I will be mad at you sooner or later."

Ye Chenyun turned to look for Liang Xinwei. He didn't see Ye Xiaoyi behind him with a smiling smile.

As long as her brother brought Liang Xinwei to her parents, and then she added more oil and vinegar, they became a pair.

Then... Fang Yuchen is hers.

Liang Xinwei and Song Ran sat in the corner, eating the little cake quietly.

A small cake entered the stomach, Song Ran took a long sigh of relief, "I'm finally alive."

"It's so exaggerated." Liang Xinwei gave her a funny look.

"It's not an exaggeration at all." Song Ran pouted, "In order to put on this dress on me, I was hungry for a few days, and finally put it on. I certainly have to make it up."

Liang Xinwei took the last bite of the cake and joked: "Aren't you afraid to wait for the dress to break?"

Song Ran collapsed, "Of course I was afraid. So I could only eat such a small cake."

With that said, she looked towards the buffet table not far away, and she could only look at the delicious food with all kinds of flavors and fragrances.

Thinking of this, Song Ran opened his mouth and said very pitifully: "Wei, you must help me eat more."

Liang Xin smiled slightly, "Okay, I will help you eat more."

She got up to get food, and Ye Chenyun came over.

"Wei, are you free?"

Song Ran's eyes lit up when he saw the handsome guy, "Wow, Slightly, when did you know the handsome guy?"

She stared at Ye Chenyun's face and suddenly felt a little familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

"What's wrong?" Liang Xinwei asked without answering.

"I want to ask you to do me a favor."

Liang Xin frowned slightly, "What are you busy with?"

Ye Chenyun glanced at Song Ran and said, "You come with me, I will tell you while walking."

Liang Xin nodded slightly and said to Song Ran: "I will go with him for a while and come back to find you later."

"go Go."

Song Ranba couldn't wait for her to go with the handsome guy. Looking at their harmonious backs, she couldn't help but sigh: "How can Weiwei know so many handsome guys?"

Suddenly, she thought of something, her eyes widened suddenly. Didn't this handsome guy come to the restaurant last time? His sister also made things difficult.

It’s over, won’t it matter?

She looked at Liang Xinwei, who had gone far, and couldn't help but worry.

After walking a distance, Liang Xinwei asked: "Brother Ye, can you tell me what I'm doing for you?"

Ye Chenyun hesitated, "Slightly, my parents want to see you."

"Ah?" Liang Xinwei stepped down, she thought she had heard it wrong, "Your parents want to see me?"

"Well. Xiaoyi told them that you are the one I like, so..." He shrugged.

Liang Xin smiled helplessly, "But you don't like me, you can tell your parents directly."

Isn't this simpler?

"Actually, I have another busy request for your help." Ye Chenyun stared at her deeply.

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