Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1246: You are fine but i don't like it

As soon as he heard that Jin Fengchen had returned home, Jin always wanted to visit Kyoto in person, but Jin Fengyao stopped him.

"Mom, you can't do much now, so stay at home and wait."

Mother Jin frowned, worried. "Don't you say your brother has amnesia? I'm waiting at home. When should I wait?"

"Mom." Jin Fengyao sat down on the sofa according to her and calmed down softly: "You can rest assured that the sister-in-law will take brother home."

Mother Jin thought for a while, but she still couldn't rest assured, "No, I have to run by myself to see what the vassal is."

Seeing no way to persuade his mother, Jin Fengyao had to cast his eyes on his father for help.

Father Jin coughed softly and persuaded: "Okay, you don't have to mess up, the children will find a solution by themselves."

"You think I'm as big as your heart." Mother Jin gave him an angry look. "I'm worried that I can't do it alone, and I want to help."

"Mom, you're in the past, really just adding confusion to the sister-in-law."

After thinking for a while, Jin Fengyao told his parents that Jiang Seser went to Shangguan's house as a servant.

After listening to it, Mother Jin was even more worried, "Will she be in danger? That Shangguan Yuan is not good at it. If you do anything to Thurso, then it will be troublesome."

"Mom, don't worry, we have arrangements to protect the sister-in-law."

"The children must be more thoughtful than we are, and you should stop thinking about it." Jin Father echoed the sentence.

Mother Jin sighed heavily, "That's all right. But you must tell me immediately if there is any situation, you know?"

Jin Fengyao nodded with a smile, "Well, I know."

To appease his mother, Jin Fengyao went upstairs and returned to the room.

Song Qingwan saw him coming in and made a silent gesture quickly.

So he walked past lightly.

In the crib, the baby fell asleep.

Looking at the baby's childish little face, Jin Fengyao's eyes were suddenly gentle enough.

"How's mom?" Song Qingwan asked in a low voice.

Jin Fengyao turned to look at her and smiled slightly, "It's alright."

Song Qingwan nodded.

Then, Song Qingwan took him out of the room and came to the study, and then let go of his voice, and asked, "What is the situation on the sister-in-law's side?"

"Sister-in-law is now at Shangguan's house. I don't know exactly what happened."

Upon hearing this answer, Song Qingwan was worried. "You don't know anything. What should I do if something goes wrong with your sister-in-law?"

"Don't be excited first," Jin Fengyao held her shoulder and smiled to appease: "I mean, I know that the sister-in-law is safe now, but the specific situation is not clear."

"That's good." Song Qingwan felt a little relieved, but still worried, "I think we have to do something, can't we pin our hopes on the sister-in-law?"

Jin Fengyao raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you say we can do?"

Song Qingwan got serious, and after a while, his eyes suddenly lighted up, "You can take Xiaobao and Tiantian to find the elder brother, maybe he sees what the two children can think of."

Jin Fengyao immediately agreed, "This method is good."

"If you think the method is feasible, then hurry." Song Qingwan urged him.

"I know. I will take time to take Xiaobao Tiantian to Kyoto as soon as possible."

Whether this method works or not, but as long as there is a little hope, they should try it out.


On the other side, as soon as Fang Yuchen finished talking on the phone, the person just sat down and a short knock on the door suddenly sounded.

"Come in."

As soon as the door opened, Song Yao walked in.

"President, Miss Ye is here."

Ye Xiaoyi is here?

Fang Yuchen frowned, "What is she doing here?"

"She said she was here to bring you lunch." Song Yao replied cautiously.

"Tell her that I have eaten and let her go back."

After talking, Fang Yuchen looked down at the document.

Upon seeing this, Song Yao could only turn around and convey his meaning to Ye Xiaoyi.

Ye Xiaoyi heard it and immediately became unhappy. "What did he eat it? I don't care. I must see him today anyway!"

She is the wife of the future president, and Song Yao doesn’t dare to anger her. She can only laugh and explain patiently, “Miss Ye, the president has really eaten and the company is busy during this time. No time to accompany you."

"Who wants him to accompany him?" Ye Xiaoyi snorted coldly, "I just want to see him, can't it? And I won't disturb him for work."

"This..." Song Yao was embarrassed.

"Forget it, I'll go in myself."

After talking, Ye Xiaoyi pushed him away and walked toward the president's office.

"Miss Ye, you can't..." Song Yao hurried to catch up and tried to stop her, but it was too late.

Ye Xiaoyi pushed the door open and saw Fang Yuchen sitting in the boss's chair at a glance, shouting softly, "Yu Chen!"

Fang Yuchen looked up and saw her coming in, and then saw Song Yao behind her. Her entire face suddenly became half black.

What is Song Yao doing? Can't even stop a woman?

Feeling a strong sense of oppression, Song Yao burst into cold sweat on his forehead. He quickly explained: "The President, it is Miss Ye who insists on seeing you. I didn't stop for a while..."

"Don't blame your assistant, I want to see you myself."

Ye Xiaoyi put the lunch box on the desk, walked around the table and walked to his side, grunted, and said grievously, "I just want to see my fiance, won't it?"

Fang Yuchen waved his hand and motioned Song Yao to go out. Then he got up and looked at Ye Xiaoyi rather helplessly.

"Miss Ye, I said that, I don't like you. I didn't agree on the marriage of Fang Ye and the two, I am not your fiance!"

Ye Xiaoyi's eyes turned red instantly, and looked pitiful. "What the **** is wrong with me? You tell me, I can change it."

"No, you are fine, but I don't like it." Fang Yuchen said very ruthlessly, just didn't want to give her the slightest hope.

"Since I'm fine, why don't you like it?" Ye Xiaoyi changed her grievance just now, frowning, and said dissatisfiedly.

Fang Yuchen didn't want to say too much to her, but simply said: "If you don't like it, you don't like it. There is no reason."

"No, you must give me a reason!" Ye Xiaoyi refused to give up, "If you don't give me a reason, then I will treat you as we agreed to our marriage."

"Ye Xiaoyi!" Fang Yuchen felt helpless. "You want me to say it several times before you can understand? I don't like you. Do you want to marry someone who doesn't love you?"

"I just love you." Ye Xiaoyi has an indifferent attitude. "And I believe you will like me."

"Impossible!" Fang Yuchen blurted out.

"How is it impossible? Unless you like others!"

At the mention of this, Ye Xiaoyi suddenly thought of something very important. She narrowed her eyes and tentatively asked, "Do you really like that Liang Xinwei?"

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