"Are you going to drive me away?" Jin Fengchen looked at her with a smile.

Jiang Sese got up and patted the dust on her butt, saying, "I have something to do and I don't have time to chat with you."

Shangguanyuan is coming back. If she is seen by her vassals, she will definitely drive her away.

I originally wanted to take this opportunity to get along with the vassal alone, to see if he could remind him of the past.

If she was kicked out of Shangguan's house because of this, it would be more than worth the loss.

The more I thought, the more I was shocked.

Jiang Sesur started directly and introduced Jin Fengchen to the flower room.

"Hurry upstairs, and have time to talk again someday."

She was the one who called him down, and she was the one who asked him to go upstairs quickly.

If you call it, then you go?

Seeing that he was still standing and looking at himself in doubt, Jiangse said anxiously, "You hurry upstairs!"

At this moment, she forgot that she was just a servant and had a bad attitude.

But Jin Fengchen did not feel angry, and even felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

——“Republican, I don’t allow you to read the document again, let me go to bed earlier.”

A woman's voice suddenly sounded in her ear.

Obviously an angry voice, but with a touch of coquettishness.

Jin Fengchen frowned, wondering, who is this?

Seeing that his face was wrong, Jiang Sesu quickly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Jin Fengchen returned to his eyes, shook his head in the eyes she cared about, "I'm fine."

"Is it really okay?" Jiang Sesu felt uneasy.

"Well." Jin Fengchen smiled, "I'm upstairs."

Looking at the back of his departure, Jiangse frowned, always feeling that he was a bit wrong?

Wouldn't it be uncomfortable again?

When he thought that he might be really uncomfortable, Jiang Seather was angry, and Shangguanyuan was angry.

Jin Fengchen's body has always been very healthy, but since his disappearance, he did not know what Shangguan Yuan did to him, which made his health worse.

When he recovers his memory, she must make up for him.

It's just... when can he recover his memory?

At the thought of this, Jiang Sesur couldn't help getting restless.

She looked at the second floor, her eyes showing a firm light, no matter how, try to restore the memory of the vassals by all means!


Fang Yuchen returned to the company, and as soon as he walked into the office, the assistant's internal phone called.

"President, the vice president is looking for you."

Fang Yuchen frowned, why did Fang Yiming come to him?

"Let him come in."

Fang Yiming pushed the door open and saw Yu Chen sitting above the office chair with a glance of jealousy under his eyes.

If the old man was not partial, he should be sitting in that position!

"Is there anything?" Fang Yuchen raised his head and looked at him faintly.

Fang Yiming walked over, "In the past two days, a foreign pharmaceutical company contacted me and said that he wanted to cooperate with us. I came to you to discuss this matter."

"Cooperation?" Fang Yuchen's lips twitched a bit, "How do you know that you want to discuss with me this time?"

Fang Yiming is not a fool. Of course he can hear the irony in his words. Although his face has become a little ugly, he still said: "I was wrong before. I hope you don't worry about it."

Don't you mind?

Is this to hope that nothing happened to him?

Last time, because he privately cooperated with SA Group, the group lost a lot of money, he could not forget in his life.

But Fang Yuchen didn't want to talk about this matter again, just asked: "Which foreign company?"

"A&Z Group."

Upon hearing this company, Fang Yuchen was surprised, "A&Z? Are you kidding me?"

"I'm not kidding. Their person in charge did contact me and made it clear that they want to cooperate with us."

Fang Yuchen thought about it for a moment and asked aloud: "What do they want to cooperate with? Medicinal herbs? Or other aspects?"

"A&Z Group intends to develop in our country and needs a partner to enable them to open the domestic market as soon as possible."

Fang Yuchen raised an eyebrow. "Meaning you want to use Fang as a pedal?"

Hearing the words, Fang Yiming frowned, "Why do you think that? Perhaps it is mutual benefit and win-win?"

"Mutual benefit and win-win?" Fang Yuchen sneered. "In my opinion, Fang is the pedal. Once A&Z has a firm foothold in the domestic market, it will kick Fang immediately."

Fang Yiming disagreed, "A foreign company wants to gain a foothold in the country, it takes a short time, and we Fang's reputation in the country, how dare they cross the river to demolish the bridge?"

"Why don't you dare?" Fang Yuchen got up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the street view overlooking the soles of his feet, and chuckled. "The domestic market is so big, we are not without the strength to do it. Why should we distribute the cake to others?" "

This is something that Fang Yiming did not expect.

He was silent.

Fang Yuchen turned around and looked at him expressionlessly, "I disagree with this cooperation, you can directly refuse."

Fang Yiming also wanted to use this cooperation to turn over and change his impression on the directors.

"Yu Chen, you think about it again. A&Z is a big company, they will never do anything that harms Fang's interests, you have to believe me and trust partners."

Fang Yuchen looked at him quietly for a while, and said directly, "I just don't believe you."

Fang Yiming didn't expect him to be so direct. He suddenly choked and didn't know what to say.

"Is there anything else?" Fang Yuchen asked.


Fang Yiming moved his lips, trying to persuade him to agree to cooperate, but he still swallowed back to his mouth.

If this cooperation was brought up by someone else today, perhaps Fang Yuchen will also consider it.

Fang Yiming is very clear that Fang Yuchen is deliberately targeting himself, but he has no way to take him.

Who made him the company president?

"Yu Chen, you will regret it."

After saying this, Fang Yiming turned and left.

Watching the door close, Fang Yuchen chuckled. Will he regret it?

Everyone may regret it, but he can never regret it.

This time A&Z proposed to cooperate with Fang Shi, certainly not only want to enter the domestic market as simple as this, for the sake of insurance, he can not take this risk.

Even if cooperation is really a win-win situation, it must be investigated clearly to be feasible.

Back in his office, Fang Yiming was so angry that he swept the table down to the ground.

He put his hands on his hips, and his face was horrible.

"Fang Yuchen!" He gritted his teeth and spit out these three words from his teeth.

Finally, he waited for the opportunity to turn over, but Fang Yuchen was pushed back.

Yes, Fang Yuchen disagreed, he thought of another way.

Anyway, he has to promote cooperation with A&Z anyway!

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