Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1260: I just want to marry him

Suddenly, a muffled sound came after him.

Frightened, Ye Yemu turned back quickly, and their faces suddenly changed.

I saw Ye Xiaoyi fell to the ground, motionless.

"Xiao Yi!"

Ye Ye Ye mother exclaimed and hurried over.

Ye Xiaoyi's eyes were closed, and there was no blood on his face.

"Come on, call the doctor!" Ye Father anxiously ordered the housekeeper who rushed to hear the sound.

The butler answered "Yes" and turned to call the doctor.

With the help of the maid, Ye Xiaoyi was helped to lie down on the bed.

Mother Ye held her cold hand, tears kept falling, "Xiaoyi, you must not be okay, otherwise what can mother do?"

"It's okay." Ye Father put his hand on her shoulder, comforting.

His slightly trembling fingertips revealed his fear at this time.

Ye Chenyun returned home and learned from the mouth of the housekeeper that Ye Xiaoyi was fainting, and immediately asked: "How could this be?"

"Miss didn't eat yesterday, she just fainted."

"It's not because of the young master of the Fang family, the lady saw his gossip news and was so unwilling to eat for a day."

When the housekeeper said this, Ye Chenyun remembered that he also saw the news.

But he was just a scandal, not true.

Because he knows who Fang Yuchen really likes.

Just because of seeing the fake gossip, Xiao Yi was so angry that she didn't eat. If she knew that Fang Yuchen and Weiwei were together, it would be a real uproar.

Thinking of this, Ye Chenyun's mood could not help becoming heavy.

"Have you called the doctor?" he asked.

"Yes, it's already on the way."

Ye Chenyun nodded, "That way, you let the kitchen prepare some porridge, and wait for the lady to wake up and let her drink."

After he finished, he ran upstairs.

Walking to the door of Ye Xiaoyi's room, you can hear a cry coming from inside.

Is mother.

Ye Chenyun walked, his expression was dignified, and suddenly a guilt surged in his heart.

He helped to conceal her and Fang Yuchen's love affairs, and has harmed her parents and Xiaoyi invisible.

So...would he tell them the truth?

Just when he hesitated, Ye Father found him.

"Chen Yun."

Hearing the sound, Ye Chenyun quickly gathered all her thoughts, quickly walked in, and looked at Ye Xiaoyi's situation, "Mom, what the **** is going on?"

"Not yet Fang Yuchen!"

As soon as Fang Yuchen was mentioned, Ye Mu was in a anger.

I think they love Xiao Yi more.

Contained in his mouth, he was afraid of turning, holding it in his hand, afraid of falling.

This is the baby they hurt on their apex.

But Fang Yuchen didn't even know what to cherish, and didn't even care.

This made Ye mother so angry that she rushed to the Fang family and questioned fiercely.

Seeing her mother being so angry, Ye Chenyun knew that she couldn't tell clearly, so she looked at Ye Fu, "Why are dad and mom so angry?"

Father Ye looked at Ye Xiaoyi on the eye bed and said: "Because of the scandal between Yu Chen and Shangguan Yuan, Xiao Yi was angry and hunger strike all day..."

Speaking of which, he paused and frowned, "I heard just now that Yu Chen didn't recognize the marriage."

Hearing this, Ye Chenyun was not surprised.

Now that Fang Yuchen and Liang Xinwei are together, how could they agree to the marriage of Fang Ye and the two?

He moved his lips, trying to tell his parents about it, but when he spoke, he swallowed it back.

If he talked about it today, the life of Weihe and An'an will definitely not be calm.

An na's innocent face flashed in his mind, he couldn't bear it, he didn't want to destroy their peaceful life.

"Dad, Mom, do you really think Fang Yuchen and Xiao Yi are appropriate?" Ye Chenyun asked.

Father Ye frowned, "Is it inappropriate?"

"Chen Yun, what do you mean by this?" Mother Ye turned to stare at him suspiciously.

With a sigh, she said: "Xiao Yi is my sister. I really don't want to see her wronged. Since Fang Yuchen doesn't care, why should we force it. Xiao Yi deserves better."

"No... I want Fang Yuchen."

A weak voice rang in the room.

It was Ye Xiaoyi, she woke up.

Mother Ye cried again. She wiped her tears and complained: "Your child will scare me to death."

"Mom, I'm sorry to worry you."

Ye Xiaoyi didn't know how she would faint, either hungry or irritated.

But fortunately he woke up.

Father Ye was relieved and looked at her distressedly, "silly boy, you also know that we are worried, so why not eat well?"

"Sorry, dad."

"Okay, don't be sorry." Ye Ye clapped her hand. "You're wronged, Mom and Dad will get it back for you."

Ye Xiaoyi smiled slightly, "Mom, thank you."

"Stupid boy." Mother Ye clenched her hands tightly.

"Xiaoyi, did you feel uncomfortable?" Ye Chenyun asked with concern.

"No." Ye Xiaoyi licked some dry lips, and then said: "Brother, Yuchen will love me."


It's really impossible.

Ye Chenyun wanted to say this, but looking at his sister's determined expression, she couldn't say anything.

"Xiao Yi, listen to brother, give up, okay?" He tentatively persuaded.

"Not good!" Ye Xiaoyi shook her head hard.

A burst of dizziness struck her, and she frowned deeply.

Frightened, Mother Ye asked hurriedly, "Xiaoyi, what's wrong with you?"

"Dizziness." Ye Xiaoyi raised her hand and rested on her forehead, her brow locked tightly, and she looked very uncomfortable.

"What about the doctor? Why hasn't the doctor come yet?" Ye Mother shouted excitedly.

At this time, the housekeeper hurried in with the doctor.

"Madam, the doctor is here."

After the doctor's examination, Ye Xiaoyi was fainted because of the low blood sugar caused by not eating for a day.

"People are fine, but you have to eat something, otherwise you won't be able to carry your body."

After listening to it, Ye Mu nodded quickly, "Okay, I'm ready now."

After Mother Ye went out, the doctor told a few words before leaving.

Father Ye also went downstairs to see how the mother Ye was preparing. Ye Xiaoyi and Ye Chenyun were left in the room.

Ye Chenyun walked to the bed, looked down at Ye Xiaoyi's pale face, and felt very distressed.

"Xiaoyi, where is Fang Yuchen? Is it worth your suffering for him?"

Ye Xiaoyi was silent for a while before slowly speaking: "He is good everywhere, I just like him, I just want to marry him."

Looking at the sister who has always been used to it, there is also a day that is persistent for love.

Ye Chenyun didn't know whether to tell her the truth, let her give up, or support her to continue to be persistent.

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