Jiang Sesu slept all morning and was a little more than noon when she woke up.

She sat up and rubbed her sore temple with her hand before lifting the quilt out of bed.

At this time, the door opened and Shang Ying walked in.

When she saw that she had risen, she said softly: "I made you a porridge and come down to eat."

Jiang Sese smiled back, "Okay."

The two went downstairs together.

Jiang Sese sat down in the restaurant, Shang Yingsheng put a bowl of porridge in front of her, "eat while it's hot."

Looking at the soft porridge boiled in the bowl and the smell of the chicken broth, Jiangse was very moved.

"It's hard for you, auntie."

"Silly boy, what's the politeness with me?" Shang Ying glared at her pretending not to be angry, and then said, "Hurry up, otherwise it will be cold."

Jiang Sesu lowered his head and ate slowly.

Maybe she was really hungry. She ate two bowls of porridge in one breath, and her stomach was warm, and the whole person became more energetic.

After eating, she sat in the living room and Shang Ying brought a plate of fruit to the coffee table.

"Have some fruit."

Jiang Sesel suddenly felt helpless and touched her belly and smiled: "My aunt, I just had enough to eat. I can't hold any fruit in my belly."

Shang Ying froze for a moment, and immediately responded, "Then wait for a while."

When the air was quiet, Shang Ying looked at Jiang Suther and hesitated for a while before asking carefully: "Sither, what are you going to do now?"

Jiang Seso glanced at her and smiled at herself, "I'm messed up now, what can I do?"

"Yeah, what should I do?" Shang Ying thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Yes, I know what to do?"

Jiang Sese frowned slightly, "Auntie, what did you think of?"

"I will take you to Shangguanyuan." Shang Ying said.

Hearing this, Jiang Sesur asked, "Auntie, this way?"

"Yes." Shang Ying nodded.

Jiang Sese shook his head and smiled, "Auntie, you think it's too simple, we can't see Shangguan Yuan at all, and we can't even enter Shangguan's house."

"Who said I was going to Shangguan's house."

Jiang Sezhu stunned, "No, where to go?"

"I heard that she was trying on a wedding dress recently, maybe we can go directly to the bridal shop." Shang Ying suggested.

"and then?"

"Then I will persuade her to return her vassal to you."

Jiang Sese looked at Shang Ying, who was serious, and suddenly felt that although she was older than herself, she seemed to be much naive.

"How do you feel?" Shang Ying asked.

Jiang Seso didn't care about her kindness and nodded, "It's good."

"Then let's go."

Shang Ying got up and walked over to pull her.

Jiang Sesur looked up at her, "Now?"

"Unsurprisingly, Shangguanyuan and the vassals are now in the bridal shop."

Jiang Sezhu frowned, "Really?"

Even the vassals? !

"Of course it is true, what do I lie to you?"

Shang Ying pulled her up, took her upstairs, and walked and said, "Dress up well, we must not lose to Shangguan Yuan."

Hearing this kind of naive words, Jiangse could not help laughing.

However, she obediently put on a beautiful dress and also carefully applied makeup.

Looking at the bright self in the mirror, Jiang Sesu slowly raised the corner of her mouth, her eyes very firm.

This time, she must let the vassals remember herself.


Ever since Shu Yun was driven away, Shangguanyuan had always felt very uneasy.

The first time I saw Shu Yun, there was a sense of inexplicable familiarity, especially Shu Yun's eyes were like someone.

If I knew that I had to drive people away from the beginning, there would be no subsequent things.

If it wasn't for a different face, she really thought that Shu Yun was Jiang Suse.

Face is different?

Shangguanyuan suddenly thought of something, his pupils were tight, and there was a hint of hesitation on his face, impossible, it should be impossible.

Such things as Yi Rong have been seen in TV series, but can reality be realized?

She is a little uncertain.

But if Shu Yun is really Jiang Sesu, then he has been driven away now, is that just right?

The more Shangyuan Yuan thought, the more shocked she felt that the wedding must be held as soon as possible, so as not to have too many nights.

Thinking of this, she got up and walked out of the room, [Biquge 520www.biquge520.me] went to the study room to find Jin Fengchen.

Jin Fengchen was sitting on a recliner with a book, staring down at the opened page. Although he looked very serious, he actually didn't read a word.

His mind was full of what Shu Yun said last night.

My heart hurts a little.

For a moment, he thought Shu Yun was Jiang Suse.

The crying told him that she was his wife's woman.

He closed the book, raised his head, closed his eyes, and murmured: "Shu Yun, Jiang Sesu..."

Shangguanyuan pushed open the door, and when he walked in, he heard the words "Jiangse Se", and he couldn't help being surprised, staring at the man sitting on the recliner in surprise.

He... did he think of something?

She squeezed her palms, approached slowly, and whispered: "Faith."

A familiar voice sounded in the ear, Jin Fengchen slowly opened his eyes, and he quickly lowered his head to the last pair of caring eyes, "How are you here?"

She should have heard nothing?

"I want to ask you, do you want to go to the bridal shop to try your suit?" Shangguanyuan asked.

Jin Fengchen frowned slightly, and replied faintly: "Yes."

Shangguanyuan laughed, "Let's go then."

"So anxious?" Jin Fengchen was a little stunned.

"The wedding is at the end of the month, everything must be hurry."

Jin Fengchen suddenly resisted, his lips moved, and wanted to say whether he could postpone it, but when it came to his mouth, he couldn't say anything.

Because it can be seen that she is really looking forward to it.

He couldn't bear to hurt her heart.

"Okay, let's go." Jin Fengchen stood up.

Shangguanyuan smiled and took his arm, the two walked out of the study in harmony.

At the bridal shop, the clerk took out the wedding dress that Shang Guanyuan had chosen before. "Miss Shangguan, this wedding dress designer has been modified. Please try again.

"Okay." Shangguanyuan turned to Jin Fengchen and said, "I'll try the wedding dress first. You are waiting for me outside. I will accompany you to try the suit later."

Jin Fengchen nodded, "Well."

Under the leadership of the shop assistant, Jin Fengchen came to the rest area of ​​the shop.

"Thank you."

Saying thanks to the clerk, Jin Fengchen sat down on the sofa, looked around, and finally looked at a wedding photo not far away.

The men and women in the photos laughed happily.

I don’t know if it’s a photo taken by a model or a real couple.

But it seems that the smiles of both people are from the heart.

His eyes can't help but soften a lot. I don't know if he and his wife have ever taken wedding photos. Are they smiling so happily?


A careful and agitated voice rang in my ears.

Some familiar.

Jin Fengchen turned his head, and a familiar face fell into his eyes.

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