"Gossip is fake," Jiang Sesel said.

"I know."

Liang Xinwei still remembers the scandal, saying that Yuchen actually likes Shangguanyuan, and the marriage to the Ye family is just for the other's influence.

But then Yu Chen explained to her that he was only helping Sister.

"If they get married, wouldn't your husband get remarried?" Liang Xin asked slightly.

Jiang Sezhu nodded, "Well, it's bigamy."

"So how can Shangguanyuan do that?" Liang Xinwei couldn't help but feel distressed at her.

If Shangguanyuan really married Jin Fengchen, it would be too much harm to Sister.

That was the beloved man that Sister Sister waited hard for.

Jiang Sezhu smiled bitterly, "I want to know too."

Liang Xinwei couldn't help but feel distressed for her, reached out to cover her hand, comforted: "I know you must be uncomfortable in your heart, but as long as they are not married, you will have the opportunity to take someone back."

She frowned, "No, you can't grab it. That's who you are."

Jiang Sese smiled helplessly and teased herself: "It is indeed robbing now."

"Sister Sister, if you have a place where I need help, just speak." Liang Xinwei knew that he could only help a little, but he could help a little.

"Thank you, Vivi."

"You're welcome with me."

Jiang Sese remembered Fang Yuchen's decision again, moved her lips, and wanted to tell her, but she finally endured it.

She just said something profoundly: "Weiwei, I hope you and my cousin can be happy."

"Thank you."

Seeing that she knew nothing about her, she smiled happily, and Jiangse's heart was like a block of cotton, which was very uncomfortable.

She picked up the coffee, took a big sip, then exhaled for a long time.

Everyone has their own worries, just be able to solve them as soon as possible.


After work, Fang Yuchen drove to Liang Xinwei's residence.

He parked the car at the entrance of the community, and his eyes fell on the building where Liang Xinwei lived.

When she saw the light on the floor where she was, the yellowish light was unexpectedly warm.

The hand holding the steering wheel tightened subconsciously, and a wry smile spread across his lips.

Before he came, he made some psychological construction, and finally decided to come over to break up with her.

But here, everything collapsed.

Unwillingness and guilt surged violently in my heart.

Time passed by one minute and one second, he still had no courage to get off.

About half an hour later, there was a sudden ring of cell phone ringing in the car.

Picking it up, my heart trembles violently.


He looked up at the floor where she lived, took a deep breath, and picked it up.

Liang Xinwei's gentle voice rang in his ears, "Yu Chen, are you off work?"

His throat suddenly became awkward, and his voice became hoarse, "Well. It's off work."

Hearing that his voice was not right, Liang Xinwei asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay."

Liang Xinwei didn't think much, hesitated and asked carefully: "Will you come over?"

I have to say something.

Fang Yuchen was silent for a few seconds, then closed his eyes and replied softly: "I'm downstairs, you come down."

"You are downstairs." Liang Xinwei heard it, and immediately ran to the balcony, looking away, and really saw the car parked at the door of the community.

"You come directly. The security guards know you all." Liang Xinwei said.

"I'm not going up, you come down."

Liang Xinwei still didn't think much, "Well, then I will go down."

She turned back to the house, and An An just came out of the room. When she saw her going out, she quickly asked, "Mom, where are you going?"

"Uncle Fang is downstairs, let me go down." She answered while changing shoes.

"Uncle Fang is here." An An's face lit up, "I will go down with you."

Liang Xin smiled, "No, you stay at home, he will come up later."

"Oh." An An watched the door close, then walked to the living room and sat down, waiting for Fang Yuchen to come up.

Fang Yuchen lowered his head and concealed his expression in the dark, unable to see clearly.


When the sound of knocking on the car window sounded, he glanced over his head, just in front of Liang Xin's slightly shining eyes, and grabbed his heart.

The window slowly lowered, and Liang Xin looked at him with a smile, "Why don't you go up?"

Fang Yuchen looked at her quietly for a while before slowly speaking: "I have something to tell you."

"what's up?"

Liang Xinwei knew nothing about what was about to happen, and his face was still filled with a smile of joy.

Fang Yuchen got out of the car, her eyes locked tightly on her small face, and there was a hint of emotion in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Liang Xin felt his emotions slightly sensitively, his smile lightened a little, and his eyes showed concern and doubt.

"Wei Wei, what I want to say next, you must be mentally prepared."

His expression was solemn, Liang Xinwei slowly smiled, and a bad hunch came to his mind.

Fang Yuchen clenched his fists, immediately loosened, and lifted his thin lips lightly, "Let's break up."

At night, the wind is a bit strong, but also a bit 凉.

Liang Xinwei couldn't hear him.

But even if I couldn't hear clearly, tears still shed.

Seeing her crying, Fang Yuchen raised her hand subconsciously to help her tears, but raised her hand halfway, and then retracted it, her fingers curled up and clenched into a fist.

Liang Xin smiled suddenly, "Do you want to break up?"

Fang Yuchen closed his eyes in pain, "I'm sorry."

Liang Xin slightly raised his hand to wipe the tears and sucked his nose, "reason."

"We are not suitable, you will be injured with me."

This reason made Liang Xin smile, with a satiric smile on his face, "Since we think we are inappropriate, why did you have to speak? Why did you give me hope?"

"I..." Fang Yuchen wanted to say because he liked her, but the words came to his lips and he couldn't speak.

Now, how can he qualify to like her and love her.

Liang Xin lifted his face slightly, trying to force the tears back, but he couldn't control it.

"Fang Yuchen, are you afraid that Ye Xiaoyi will hurt me? So you want to use this method to protect me?"

Fang Yuchen was silent.

"I guessed right." Liang Xinwei cried even more fiercely. "Don't you say that you will take good care of me? Is this the way? I don't want it!"

The words "I don't want" are almost used to shout out.

She cried more fiercely, and the hot tears were like breaking the thread until the pearl kept falling.

"Sorry." Fang Yuchen didn't know what to say except these three words.

Seeing her crying, his heart hurts like he was squeezed hard.

"Don't be sorry!"

Liang Xin threw himself into his arms, opened his hands tightly around his waist, buried his face in his arms, and said sullenly: "I don't want to break up, I just want to be with you."

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