Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 1285: Can't be so risky

As the wedding dates of Jin Fengchen and Shangguanyuan were getting closer and closer, Jiang Sese became more and more restless.

She didn't know what to do to really stop the wedding, only to feel disturbed.

Shang Ying was aware of her uneasiness, and while sending the fruit to her room, she asked with concern: "Cather, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Jiang Sesur smiled softly, but as long as she knew her, she was trying to laugh.

Shang Ying sighed, "Surther, you shouldn't be bored with anything, just tell me and your uncle if you have anything. Let's discuss it together."

Jiang Sesu said nothing.

"Are you worried about the wedding?"

She did not take the initiative to speak, but Shang Ying could only ask.

Jiang Sezhu nodded, "Well. I don't know what to do."

Seeing that the wedding was about to take place, Jin Fengchen had not yet recovered his memory, and Shang Ying could understand her fear and unease.

Walking over, holding her hand and comforting softly: "The boat is naturally straight to the bridgehead. Don't think about it alone, my uncle and Yuchen will help you find a way."

Jiang Sezhu nodded, knowing that.

Shang Ying went downstairs, found Fang Teng who was busy in the backyard, and told him about Jiangse's situation.

Fang Teng stopped his work and frowned, "Actually, I have been thinking about this for the past two days. If we didn't stop the wedding in time and let the vassal and Shangguanyuan marry smoothly, it would be very troublesome."

"Of course I know the trouble. I'm here to ask you what to do." Shang Ying's tone was a little urgent.

"What are you in a hurry?" Fang Teng couldn't help laughing. "Don't be in a hurry. Let's find a way slowly. If one doesn't work, think about the second and the third."

"Then the first one? Did you think of it?" He seemed to be relaxed, Shang Ying asked.

"The first one..." Fang Teng seriously thought about it, "So, the two of us personally went to Shangguanyuan and persuaded her."

Hearing this method, Shang Ying couldn't help rolling her eyes. "Late! I have persuaded her, but it's useless. People are all about marrying a vassal. How can they listen?"

What's more, the stubborn personality of the above officials is so easy to change his mind.

"What should I do?" Fang Teng asked.

"I'm not asking you, why did you ask me the other way round?" Shang Ying almost didn't get angry with him, "You have said, if you don't work, you want the second one, and the third one, then you want the second one quickly. , The third one."

"Well, don't rush me, I think slowly."

Shang Ying looked at Fang Teng who was thinking seriously [Biquge], "Time can't wait for anyone."


In the afternoon, Gu Nian came to Fang's old house with Xiao Bao and Tian Tian.


As soon as she saw Shangying, Tiantian ran over with her short legs.

"Baby, why are you here?" Shang Ying hugged her up.

"Uncle Gu said to take us to Daddy's wedding."

After hearing this, Shang Ying frowned and looked at Gu Nian. He said slightly, "How can you say such a thing to a child?"

Gu Nian smiled embarrassedly, "I just made a joke with them."

"You can't be kidding like this."

Then, Shang Ying said to the two children: "Don't listen to your uncle Gu, your father doesn't have a wedding."

"Oh, I thought Daddy was going to have a wedding with Mummy." Tian Tian's expression was a little disappointed.

Shang Ying gently pinched her nose and smiled: "When your father comes back, you can ask your father to hold a grand wedding for your mommy."

Sweet eyes light up, "Is it possible?

Shang Ying laughed, "Of course."

She walked in front of Xiaobao, and Xiaobao's clever call: "Grandma."

"Xiaobao is good." Shang Ying held out his hand.

Xiaobao held her.

"Xiao Gu, I took two children to find their mother. You just sit wherever you want and be your own home."

Gu Nian nodded with a smile, "Okay."

Watching them go upstairs, the smile on Gu Nian's face slowly diminished and became serious.

Before coming to Kyoto, the second master told him to take him back this time.

Therefore, no matter what method is used, he will take the young master back!


The arrival of the two children was like a sudden beam of sunlight in the haze.

Everything becomes brighter.


Xiaobao and Tiantian rushed towards Jiangjiang.

Jiang Sese squatted down, hugged them from left to right, kissed them, and asked with a smile: "Who brought you?"

"Uncle Gu." Sweet and crisp replied.

"Gu Nian is coming." Jiang Sese looked at Shang Ying.

Shangying nodded, "Well, here, downstairs."

"Little aunt, you help me look at them, I will go downstairs to see." Jiangse said.

Perhaps Gu Nian will have a way to rescue the vassal.

Shang Ying knew what she wanted to do, nodded, and said, "Go. I will look at the child."

"Xiaobao, sweet, Mommy has something to tell Uncle Gu, you are waiting for Mommy upstairs."

Jiangse touched the heads of the two children and walked out quickly.


Jiangse hurried downstairs, and at a glance she saw the care sitting in the living room, and she hurried over.

"Gu Nian."

Hearing the sound, Gu Nian turned her head, and at first glance, she stood up quickly, "Mrs. Young."

"You sit, I have something to tell you."

Jiang Sese sat down opposite him and opened the door to ask: "Can you save the vassal?"

Gu Nian did not answer directly, "This time I came to Kyoto to save the young master."

"Then do you have a way?" Jiangse Se asked repeatedly.

"There is no way, but I know what to do."

Jiang Sese frowned, "What do you want to do?"

"Directly grab people."

So far, this can only be done.

"Robbery?" Jiang Sesur couldn't help worrying, "Is this too dangerous?"

"probably not."

In fact, Gu Nian can not guarantee that it is not dangerous, but this is the only way, no matter how dangerous it can only be done.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Sesu asked, "When do you plan to act?"

"Two days."

Jiang Sezhu nodded, "Yes, I let my cousin arrange a few people to go with you."

"it is good."

But that night, Jiang Seso told Fang Yuchen about it, but was stopped.

"No, we can't take this risk." Fang Yuchen said.

"I know it's an adventure, but I can only do it now."

Fang Yuchen also knows, but still disagrees, "No, I will not allow you to take this risk."

"OK, then you give me a reason."

"Do you know that Shangguanyuan's godfather is a very powerful gangster in J country? The other party is obviously a golden basin to wash hands, but the power is still not to be underestimated."

"So?" Jiang Seso didn't understand what this had to do with Shangguanyuan's godfather.

"When Shangguanyuan returned to China, he arranged a lot of people to accompany Shangguanyuan to come back. Those who were all cruel and hard-working. Just in case they were caught, the trouble would be great."

Hearing what he said, Jiang Sesur was completely lost. She couldn't care about their lives in order to save the vassals.

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