Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 879: Reach out without making faces

Stepping out of the banquet hall, Jiang Seso can still hear the discussions of the young ladies behind him.

Are you happy?

   can meet a man who hurt her like this, she is of course happy.

   Jiangse's eyes were full of happy smiles that could not be concealed.

   She remembered something like that, she asked the lord Feng Jin, "Yes, vassal, you just left the guests and ran away, wouldn't it be great?"

   After all, today is his home court. If she leaves when she is tired, she will be too capricious.

   Jin Fengchen smiled indifferently, he touched softly while touching his sweet back, "What is important to you?"

   Such a simple but affectionate sentence made Jiangse's heartbeat can not help but quicken, and the lips raised a shallow arc.

  Although he has been married for so long, Jin Fengchen always feels like she is in a period of love.

   Along the way, Jiang Sesur's face was full of smiles, and even the tiredness was dispersed.

   went back home, and Jesse took two little guys to take a shower.

   Then, lying in bed with one arm in one hand, telling them the story before bed and coaxing to sleep.

  Although the children are energetic, they fall asleep faster after they are tired.

   Before a fairy tale is finished, Xiao Bao and Tian Tian will fall asleep.

  Jianse Seul covered them with quilts before returning to her bedroom.

   Jin Fengchen was not idle, but sat at the computer desk to deal with the company's affairs.

  I just took up the position of chairman, and the work was also overwhelming.

  Jian Fengchen smiled when he saw him come in, he put down his job and laid him in bed.

   Jiang Seso was indeed tired, and he lay in the arms of Jin Fengchen not long after that, and slept deeply.

   Jin Fengchen stared at her quietly for a long time, and determined that she really fell asleep before she let go of her bed and resumed her work.

  Early the next morning.

  Jiang Suther was not awake yet, and Jin Fengchen had arrived at the company.

   As soon as he walked into the company, the little girl at the front desk blushed and trot a little carefully.

   "Chairman, someone wants to see you."


   Jin Fengchen stopped and stopped, his cold eyes fell on the face of the little girl at the front desk and asked quietly.

   "The gentleman said that he is your uncle. If you want to discuss something with you, this will be in the reception room."

  The little girl at the front desk finished speaking honestly, and did not forget to ask the last sentence, "Are you going to see you?"

   originally did not intend to bring that man into the company.

   But when the man said that they were the uncle of their chairman, she did not dare to offend her and could only put it in temporarily.


The word    reminds Jin Fengchen of Fangcheng.

   No one except him would stick so cheeky.

   "Go tell him, I am not in the company, I will let President Jin go to reception."

   Jin Fengchen dropped this sentence indifferently, and immediately strode into the elevator room.

  Jin Fengyao who received this call in the president's office, the whole person is bad.

He immediately rushed into the chairman’s office and said irrespective of the image: "Brother, how can you do this, and throw any hot potato to me! You don’t know how annoying his sister-in-law’s uncle is! And he is I came to you, not me!"

Jin Fengchen, who was reviewing the documents, raised his eyebrows slightly, put down the pen in his hand, and looked up to Jin Fengyao, "He is here to discuss business. As a businessman, there is no reason to close the business outside the door."

  Jin Fengyao looked at Jin Fengchen stunned.

   He didn't understand, why he never won every time he fought with his brother!

   "Wait for the busiest time to pass, I will give you a holiday." Jin Fengchen was silent for a while, said.

   This temptation is very huge for Jin Fengyao.

   He immediately put on a grinning expression, and nodded as if to rub the garlic, "Hole, please rest assured, I will deal with this matter for you!"

  Reception room.

   Fangcheng has already drank cup after cup of tea, and even went to the bathroom several times.

   still did not see Jin Fengchen.

   "Miss, is your chairman so busy?"

  Fangcheng finally couldn't help but walked out of the reception room to find the little girl at the front desk and asked.

The little girl at the front desk had just ended the conversation with Jin Fengyao. She nodded innocently, "Sir, I have called the chairman just now. But the chairman is not in the company today, so our General Manager Jin Come and discuss with you in person, can you see it?"

   President Jin?

   Fangcheng hesitated for a while, and remembered Jin Fengyao.

"it is good."

   He responded with a sip and returned to the reception room.

   looked at the pot of tea and drank him, Jin Fengyao finally came leisurely.

  He pushed open the glass door, and the voice came along, "Sorry, let you wait for a long time, today the company has a lot of things."

   said that reaching out does not make people laugh.

  Jin Fengyao apologized as soon as he came in. Fang Cheng had waited for so long and the irritability that he breeded could only be swallowed into his stomach.

"Haha, nothing!"

   Fang Cheng laughed a few times, got up and shook hands with Jin Fengyao.

   "Please sit down." Jin Fengyao shook his hand and sat on the sofa opposite Fangcheng.

   "That's it. I introduced myself a little bit yesterday."

   As soon as Fang Cheng sat down, his face was full of smiles and he began to build relationships. "I am Tse's uncle. In terms of relatives, we are also a family!"

  Jin Fengyao was very disdainful in his heart, but his face was not revealed, and he even smiled.

  He neither nodded nor refuted.

   Fang Cheng secretly observed Jin Fengyao's expression, and then continued after seeing nothing strange: "I just have a project in hand, it is better to look at Jin first."

   He took a flat document from the briefcase he carried with him and placed it on the table case and handed it to Jin Fengyao.

  Jin Fengyao picked up the document and glanced roughly, without carefully looking at the contents.

  His brother didn't want him to talk about business, as long as he dealt with the tough guy in the past.

   "I will reply to you after I read it."

   Fang Cheng was surprised for a moment, but he did not expect Jin Fengyao to be such an attitude.

   "Uh, Mr. Jin, can't you finish it now?" He asked with doubt.

  Jin Fengyao smiled his lips, which was completely opposite to Jin Fengchen, revealing the sunshine of his neighbor's brother, yet mature.

   "Relatives belong to relatives, public affairs belong to public affairs, we should distinguish between public and private, right? We also need to go down the process step by step, no one can be an exception, otherwise it will be unfair to others."

  Jin Fengyao's voice was abrupt, and he smiled and said, "You are also a person with a company, you should understand my difficulties."

  Jin Fengyao's attitude of not advancing oil and salt really made Fangcheng helpless.

  After all, what Jin Fengyao said made him unable to refute.

   Finally, he could only say dryly, "Well, I hope President Jin will give me an answer as soon as possible."

   Then suppressed the indignation in his heart and left the company under the sight of Jin Fengyao.

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