"whispering sound."

  The seven killers rolled their eyes in disgust, "How come you are so boring?"

  Just hang up the phone.

  Although she looks disgusted, it is also extremely difficult for Jin Fengchen to grant a favor.

   If it is placed in Jincheng, I don’t know how many people are rushing to sell Jin Fengchen.

   Jin Fengchen left the phone aside and started to deal with the job at hand. Just after noon, Gu Nian came to tell him that he had two meetings to attend.

  After such a busy day, it came to the night unconsciously.

  Buying everything at hand, Jin Fengchen glanced at the sky outside the window and got up and left the company.

   came home and happened to be in front of Jin Fengyao.

  Jin Fengyao saw that his face was not very good, remembering the matter in the company in the afternoon, he asked if it had something to do with the contract of Fangcheng.

   Jin Fengchen briefly said a few words to him, and then went to the study with him to talk about other group projects.

  Midway, Jensen came in to give them tea and snacks, and went out lightly.

   was busy until midnight, before he put down his job and returned to the bedroom.

  Jianse Se was actually not asleep, leaning on the bed and holding the book and watching quietly, as if waiting for him.

   heard the sound of the door opening, she quickly closed the book, put it on the bedside table, got out of bed and threw herself into Jin Fengchen's arms.

   "Are you busy so late?"

  Jiangsezhuo tightly embraced Jin Fengchen's strong waist and said softly.

   "Well, why didn't you go to bed first?" Jin Fengchen directly bent over and hugged the person in his arms, placed it on a soft bed, his eyes glowing with distressed light.

   "I want to be with you."

  Jiangseer hugged his neck tightly, his voice with a strong nasal sound.

   Jin Fengchen's eyes softened, and he whispered, "Good."

  Jianse Se felt that she must have been spoiled by Jin Fengchen.

   is not held by Jin Fengchen now, she will not be able to sleep for a while.

   "I will be spoiled by you sooner or later." Jiang Sesur closed his eyes and mumbled.

   Jin Fengchen suddenly smiled. He rubbed Jiangse's head and whispered, "I am spoiled if you are my wife."

  Jiangse's heart was so beautiful, she buried her small face in Jin Fengchen's arms, and silently raised stupidity.

  What can be happier than being so spoiled by him?

  Jin Fengchen was thinking about it, would you like to talk to her about the fact that Fangcheng was looking for cooperation with the Jin Group today, and the breath of the little woman in her arms had stabilized.

   Jin Fengchen looked down at him, and Jiangse's exquisite and peaceful sleeping face fell into his eyes.

  The warmth spread from the chest cavity, Jin Fengchen bowed his head and kissed gently at her eyebrow.

   The troubles encountered in the day are also vanishing at this moment.

   "Good night, my thirst."

   His soft voice sounded in the silent house.

  The next day, when Jin Fengyao came to the company, Jin Fengchen had already handled most of his official duties.


   "I will deal with the Fangcheng project, you don't have to worry about it."

  Waiting for Jin Fengyao to come to the front, Jin Fengchen said directly.

   Jin Fengyao nodded.

  The brothers discussed the business for another while Jin Fengyao left.

   Fangcheng project, Jin Fengchen temporarily put aside.

   Later, Jin Fengchen left the company and returned home.

  Jianse Se is sitting in the living room telling stories to the two little guys, the atmosphere is warm and harmonious.

   "Daddy, you are back."

  Thanks to see Jin Fengchen, he stood up from the sofa and stepped in front of Jin Fengchen, holding his hands high to hug.

   Jin Fengchen squatted down to pick up the sweet body, and spoke softly, "Does Sweetie listen to Mommy at home?"

   "Tian Tian is listening to Mommy telling fairy tales today, she is very good, no trouble."

   Sweet desserts point their heads and answer with a smile.

   Jin Fengchen praised the two little guys a few words, and then sat next to Jiang Sesu.

  At the direction of Jin Fengchen, Xiaobao cleverly pulled Tian Tian and ran upstairs to find Jin Jin and Jin Jin to play, leaving the two with a space for solitude.

   "Sweet, Uncle came to the company yesterday to find Feng Yao to discuss the project."

   In fact, last night, Jin Fengchen planned to tell Jiang Seso about this.

   It was just that she fell asleep too fast last night, leaving him too late to speak.

   After hearing the words, Jiang Sezhu froze, and immediately put down the story book in his hand, looking at Jin Fengchen apologetically, "I'm sorry, I don't know that Uncle will find the company."

   Jin Fengchen did not say much about the specific matters of the project. He thought that Jiang Sesel should know about it.

   But he should not know too much, he did not want her to be affected.

  After all, the water in it should be deep.

   "Fool, you don't need to apologize."

  Finally Jin Fengchen finished with a smile, reached out and took her into her arms.

   "I don't want you to be embarrassed because of me. This is your job. You just have to act according to your own ideas. Don't worry about me, you know?" Jiang Seser said very seriously.

   Even if she didn't have much time to contact Fangcheng, she could vaguely guess.

   The reason why Fangcheng tried to contact Jin Fengchen was only to show the word "interest".

   She could not deny her relatives with Fangcheng, but the last thing she wanted to see was that someone used her to achieve her purpose in front of Jin Fengchen.

   work matters, she knows that she can't help Jin Fengchen, but she doesn't want to hold back the vassal.

   Jin Fengchen heard the words and chuckled. His arms held the person in his arms a few points.

  Jianse Se was relieved and looked up at him with a smile, "Well, I believe you."


   Fangcheng waited for two days. He stayed at the hotel closest to the Jin Group for two days.

During   , he took out his phone and read it countless times, and there was still no news.

   In the end, Fangcheng couldn't hold back, and when he was ready, he came to Jin's Group.

  The little girl at the front desk now has a headache when she sees Fangcheng.

   Fangcheng came to the Jin Group in the past two days, but he did not come in. He just looked outside and wobbled twice from time to time.

   "Is Chairman Jin here, is he free today?"

   asked Fangcheng as soon as he came in.

   The little girl at the front desk smiled slightly, "Sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't make an appointment with you..."

   "I am your chairman's uncle."

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