Adorable Baby at the Door: Mommy, Please Sign

Chapter 898: Slap for a sweet date

Fang Cheng looked at Fang Yiming in such a vigorous manner, he somewhat hated that iron is not steel, "Although these hundreds of millions are nothing for the Jin Group, but who will let us have no other way now?

  If we don’t agree to these terms, we might not get half a cent! If you go on like this, Fang will be taken away directly by the boy Fang Yuchen! "

   Fang Cheng has not forgotten that Fang Yuchen won a major project only a few days ago through the introduction of Jin Fengchen.

   Now the entire Fang Group thinks Fang Yuchen is very strong. If he and Fang Yiming don't make any achievements, Fang Group may not have a place for their father and son!

   Fang Yiming breathed out a breath, he suffocated in his heart, but only according to perseverance.

   After all, there is currently no other choice.

He thumped the table fiercely, as if he wished to knock out a hole, he could not feel the pain, his eyes were dark, he lowered his voice and said coldly, "When I take charge of the Fang Group, who will look at him? Do things with a complexion!"

   Other Fang Yiming will never surrender to life! Absolutely not!

   "Son, I believe you!" Fang Cheng was very satisfied with his son.

   When Fang Yiming was in charge of the Fang Group, it was the day when they raised their eyebrows!

   Fang Yiming's face was full of unwillingness and anger, and then slowly closed his eyes, converging the blazing flames in his eyes.


  Jin's Group, eleven o'clock in the morning.

   Jin Fengchen's desk was filled with a cup of coffee and was steaming.

   Jin Fengchen's index finger bent slightly, striking the cup body gently, the jaw corner tightly stretched, I don't know what to meditate.

  Xu Yu, his finger-shaped hand picked up a white porcelain cup and put it on his lips to take a sip, letting the bitter and mellow flavor permeate the mouth.

   After a while, I saw Gu Nian gently knock on the door, and then walked in.

   also held a black folder in his hand, and placed it in front of Jin Fengchen as he spoke.

   "Master, I just heard that the father and son of the Fang family have agreed to these terms. This is the revised contract."

   heard the words, Jin Fengchen's sharp eyes skipped a glance.

   This result was long anticipated by him.

  Jin Feng nodded his head, thinking for a while, his pupil like obsidian was a little cold, and commanded: "You can confirm again, if there is no problem, the person who sent the Kyoto branch will sign the contract in the past."

   "Okay, young master."

  Gu Nian nodded his head.

  Finally, he was ready to go out, but was suddenly stopped by Jin Fengchen, "Yes, Gu Nian, take another 50 million Fangcheng father and son, and say that this money is to prepare them for the reward of poinsettia and horse money."

  Gu Nianwen said, could not help admiring the wrist of his young master, first slap, and then give a sweet date strategy, it really is high!

   Kyoto, Fangcheng family.

   received 50 million Fang Yiming, looking at his mobile phone with a black screen in disbelief.

   He recalled that Shicai thought about what was said on the phone, and was very stunned. He confirmed with Fang Cheng: "50 million... Is this assistant Jin Fengchen said true?"

   Fang Cheng also listened to the phone just now, "Of course it is true, he has been with Jin Fengchen for many years. His words are what Feng Feng said!"

   This news was somewhat unexpected for Fang Yiming. He hasn't recovered yet.

   Fang Yiming hesitated and said: "In the morning Jin Fengchen did not say so, now this..."

  In such good conditions, I haven't heard Jin Fengchen mention it before, but now it is suddenly given to 50 million, which is indeed surprising.

   Jin Fengchen has a generous shot, as long as he can continue to cooperate with him, then the benefits behind them will definitely be indispensable to them!

   "Yiming, Jin Fengchen is really not to be underestimated. His strength and industry may be bigger than we thought!"

   Fangcheng secretly determined that he must seize the big tree of Jin Fengchen!

   They were a little bit dissatisfied with Jin Fengchen’s overbearing cooperation in the morning, but this time I felt much more comfortable.

   Fang Yiming's grievance towards Jin Fengchen also disappeared. He nodded and agreed with his father's opinion. "Fortunately, I listened to your words, and I agreed to his request, otherwise I would have lost such a good deal."

   Now, Fang Yiming just feels very lucky!

  Recalling his angry mood in the morning, he felt indignant at the time. Now, what does it look like?

   In the face of interests, everything becomes less important.

   Fangcheng was very satisfied with the change of Yiming Ming. He sighed: "Fortunately, I didn't reject Jin Fengchen in the morning. It seems that we have made a wise decision to cooperate with him! And, I believe that our benefits will definitely be in the future."

   is now just a batch of medicinal materials, with so much profit, so thinking, Fang Yiming and Fang Cheng only felt that the whole body was full of power.

   Then, the father and son stared at each other for a second and laughed.


   Jin Fengchen's side, he had no time to think about how Fang Cheng and his son would receive the money.

  Fangcheng father and son have the supremacy of interest, as long as they give some sweetness, they will naturally handle things well.

  He is more concerned about the SA Group laboratory.

  After all, it's a matter of life, and you can't get out of the half spread.

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