Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1045: There is no retreat, and there is no return

Chapter 1045 has no retreat, and no return

The roar of Lingshang echoed in the dark and gloomy tunnel in the highest secret prison cave. In the end, he took off the white gold-rimmed uniform of the deputy director of the Three Realms General Administration, threw it to the ground, and gave it a hard push. Wild hunting pushed him towards the black shark people swarming.

Then the spiritual power burst out! With more than a thousand sharp blades made by his hands, Qi Qi burst out and launched the vicious black shark who was holding a trident. With his other hand, a circle was drawn in mid-air, and three lavender protective apertures popped out, shrouded in On the bodies of Xuelang Alu, Angelica, and Gong Siyu, Ji Ruchen, and Liuyun.

This aperture can protect everyone in the depths of the 10,000-meter Death Trench from being crushed by the super strong seabed water pressure.

"Aru! Break through the black rock door of the prison and withdraw!"

With only one person's power, Lingshang temporarily blocked wave after wave of brutal and terrifying black shark tribes.

These black sharks are covered with black fish scales and fins, human body fish tails, mouths full of teeth as sharp as the tip of a knife, scary and terrifying, and their brains are degraded. They are extremely savage. A skeleton.

Behind Lingshang, Angelica, Gong Siyu, Liuyun and Ji Ruchen all climbed up on Aru's back. After sitting firmly, the huge snow wolf Aru, majestic and awe-inspiring, smashed his head with awe. After tens of thousands of kilograms of heavy black rock gate, the stone gate collapsed in a sudden, but because of the water ripple enchantment, the deep ice-cold sea water in the Death Trench could not penetrate in.

Aru ran wildly and broke through the last barrier of the prison.

Gong Siyu, who was sitting on Alu's back, glanced back, glanced back, twisted his eyebrows, and saw that Lingshang hadn't come out yet, his phoenix eyes sank, "Liuyun, go and bring him out!"


The scarlet pupils were cold-blooded, and Liuyun nodded solemnly when he heard the words, suddenly jumped up, bent over and rushed back into the barrier of the prison gate.

Seeing that Lingshang was surrounded by countless, terrifying black sharks, unable to get out, he suddenly flew in, pinched Lingshang's shoulders, picked up from midair, and led him away.


On the sea, not far from the Death Trench, the fringe of the mysterious sea area where accidents are frequent, at night, the sea level is turbulent, the night sky is filled with sea and fog is filled, due to the chaotic magnetic field, the radar of Bai Feiran’s yacht temporarily failed, and the ship’s radar temporarily failed. People can only keep on searching the sea with high beam searchlights, waiting for Lingshang and the others to rescue Gongsiyu and his group. But after waiting and waiting, it hasn’t been a long time to see anything coming out of the endless sea. movement.

A Luo was so sleepy, lying on the mast of the ship with her oval beautiful eyes half-closed, yawning.

Vaguely, she squinted her beautiful eyes, and saw that a very large "dog's head" protruded on the dark sea level not far away. The "dog's head" was swimming like a dog, swimming quickly in their direction. Come, Aluo rubbed his eyes and looked intently, and suddenly exclaimed, "Axuan! Look at it! There is a very big dog swimming in the sea!"

The sea breeze was so strong that it disturbed A Luo's twin ponytails.

Hearing the sound, Feng Jinxuan and Bei Ming both walked to A Luo with night vision binoculars and glanced in the direction she was pointing.

"It's Lingshang's pet, they are here!"

After taking a few glances through the night vision binoculars, Feng Jinxuan confirmed, but instead he twisted his eyebrows with a solemn expression.

"They were entangled by the black shark!"

Not far away, Alu was cumbersomely paddling in the water, carrying people on his back, with fourteen hidden in his mouth. Its parade speed was very slow, and the black sharks behind him had already caught up. Tore and bite at Aru's thick snow-colored fur.

Lingshang, Liuyun, Ji Ruchen, and Angelica sinensis were struggling to kill the black sharks who wandered everywhere. The dark sea water did not bleed, but the sea mist filled the air with a heavy smell of blood.

And large ocean overlords such as sharks, who just like this strong blood, will inevitably be attracted.

Subsequently, with the help of Feng Jinxuan, Bei Ming, and Aluo, Gong Siyu and others who were successfully rescued were picked up on the yacht. On the side of the suspended ladder of the yacht, Alu spit out the worries that were hidden in his mouth. Waiting for fourteen people, exhausted, sobbing and looking at Lingshang with scars.

Immediately after seeing it, in the palm of Lingshang's palm, a lavender aura suddenly appeared. He stroked Snow Wolf Alu's forehead, and suddenly reduced its huge body to the size of an adult wolfdog.

"Aru, well done."

With that, Lingshang held its body with both hands, hugged it on the yacht, and began to use spiritual power to heal the bites on its belly and limbs.

And on the surrounding sea, the sharks that came looking for the smell of blood were biting each other with the black sharks, and they couldn't fight each other!

"We'd better leave here quickly. Maybe the General Administration will soon find that I defected to Gong Siyu and escaped from prison, and then launched a raid. Gong Siyu can't use spiritual power now. If he is caught again, no one can save him. Up."

Lingshang exhorted as he healed Alu.

"Plus Feng Jinxuan, including me, today, everyone here will be a fugitive wanted by the General Administration of the Three Realms."

Give up the position of the high-ranking deputy director.

Betrayed the God Realm.

When Lingshang's words fell, his mood was a bit complicated.

And just when Aru licked the back of his hand and seemed to feel his loneliness and loneliness, Lingshang felt that someone patted his shoulder.

Looking back, looking intently, it was Gong Siyu.

"Is it worth it?"

Gong Siyu's tone was dark, and his pupils were deep and deep.

"what do you mean."

"Give up everything and save me."

"I just want my sister to recognize me and make up for my mistakes." Lingshang turned his face away and snorted, "To save you, I am now a fugitive too. Anyway, there is no way out and nowhere to return. I'll go wherever you go. Everyone is now a fugitive. I still think about where to stay temporarily and plan to get my sister back."

Lingshang was holding the reduced Alu in his arms, and the fishy sea breeze was blowing his silk-like bright ink hair. In front of Miyajiyu, he inexplicably removed his pride and defense, and returned to his original form. Really, stunning and pure.

"Lingshang is right, Siyu, we must find a foothold that cannot be found by the Three Realms Security Administration. The underworld is not accessible to anyone. If you want to save Ji Yuno, I am afraid it is harder than going to the sky, so we have to plan well. "

Feng Jinxuan came over and said calmly and rationally.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. When returning to the imperial capital, the Human Realm Division is there. Instead of hiding in Tibet, it is better to hide under their noses."


Ride the wind and waves, and move forward at full speed, in the afternoon after dawn.

Gong Siyu and his party, dressed in disguise, returned to the imperial capital in secret.

The manor was destroyed and they could not go back.

In order to conceal people's eyes and ears, Gong Siyu and his party temporarily lived in the enchantment set up by Feng Jinxuan, in the hidden courtyards all over the institutions.

(End of this chapter)

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