Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1385: Wife is gone, online grumpy

Chapter 1385 Wife is gone, online grumpy

When Ling strayed from the lady's dressing room, Gong Siyu knew that she was not real, but a clone.

And the real ghost is probably hiding in the ladies' dressing room at that time, waiting for Qing Yaoji to come to find her, Gong Siyu certainly will not see through, because he can easily guess what his wife wants to do.

But it was past midnight, the dinner was over, the ghostly clones had disappeared, but the deity still did not appear.

Hearing the sudden appearance of Bai Wuyou saying "The big thing is not good", Gong Siyu's breathing stopped, his mind burst like an explosion, his tinnitus continued, the fog was blank, something went wrong? caught? Seen through?

Miyajiyu's back was cold and sweaty, but within a few seconds, he forcibly recovered his calm.

No, it's impossible for them to get caught so easily, maybe something else happened.


Worry-free silver-gray pupils flashed with a metallic sheen of worry in the dark night, and deep in the pupils, there was a trace of fear and avoidance, for fear that the Emperor who knew the truth would be angry and hurt their innocent men...

Gong Siyu pinched his eyebrows and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He kept chanting "Joy and peace, good fortune" in his heart, and then suddenly opened his cold and gloomy phoenix eyes, looking terribly at Bai Wuyou.


"Madam left with her mother, and told me using voice transmission, not to act rashly... and let the master stay calm and wait until she hears from her."


After listening to Wuyou's words, Gong Siyu slumped on the back seat, showing a series of negative emotions such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, gloom and uncomfortable feelings.

Every time Lingyu didn't discuss with him and left to do something dangerous without authorization, he would do this.

It was so easy to settle down for a while, and he was inseparable every day, but the woman! Floating again!


Gong Siyu frowned, and he sat up again, lying on the back seat, concentrating his eyes and thinking deeply.

When Qing Yaoji returned to the banquet hall from the dressing room with the puppet, she was the only one, so what about his cunning? Where did you go? Where can she hide?

Gong Siyu was thinking about getting his wife back while the people hadn't completely disappeared, opened the door and got off the car, planning to return to the hotel.

As soon as I got out of the car, the deep night sky above my head echoed with the roar of helicopter engines

In the center of the apron on the top floor of the Duke Hotel, a helicopter that has just taken off is preparing to leave the hotel.

"Master, that should be a Franciscan helicopter. He has a city flight permit and can enter and exit the imperial capital by helicopter."

Bai Wuyou saw Miyajiyu looking up and staring at the helicopter, as if some intention was brewing, he got off the car in fear and pulled Miyajiyu.

"Master! No! Don't follow, don't act impulsively. We have checked the helicopter, cruised by radar, and anyone approaching within a hundred miles will be detected. If you are exposed, it will not only be dangerous for Madam and her mother, right Madame, it's also hidden danger!"

Worry-free knowing that his master has always been calm, but when he encounters something related to spirituality, he will be unable to restrain his impulse. The wife is the master's weakness and the greatest weakness.

"You calm down, I will tell you where your wife hid and left with her mother."

Hearing the words, Gong Siyu raised his eyebrows, glanced at Wuyou from his side, and motioned to him to speak quickly.

I looked around and made sure that there were no suspicious persons, and Wuyou whispered to Miyajiyu's ear, and muttered: "That's... and then... is attached to that one..."

"Cat?" Gong Siyu's phoenix eyes shrunk slightly, secretly startled, "What does she want to do? Give the head away with her mother? That woman!"

"By the way, Master, Adai also followed..."

"..." Oh, huh! Three women, a mother-in-law, a wife, and an ancestor of the palace.

These three women are capable!

Bai Wuyou glanced at Gong Siyu's extremely horrible gloomy face, thinking that his master hadn't shown such a terrible expression for a long time, and guessed that he was really angry, thinking about what he was busy thinking, and told Gong Siyu: "Master, Madam used voice transmission to bring you a conversation. Would you like to listen?"

Gong Siyu sullenly bowed with worry-free glances, did not say anything, and his eyes were full of haze.

What to listen to! The woman cuts first and then plays with her mother to "kill" together! Regardless of his feelings! Get angry when you hear it!

After hesitating for three seconds, Gong Siyu changed his mind.

"Listen to me."

The two returned to the car, closed the windows, and ensured that no one was watching. They worshipped worry-free and chanted the mantra. They turned into a message that was conveyed to Gong Siyu by voice transmission, because it was a private message, so worship. Worry-free did not dare to listen.

The faint silver aura flickered like stars, floating in the dim car, and soon there was a sly, delicate and sweet, heart-scratching sound——

Lingwei knew that Gong Siyu would be angry, and it was the coquettish accent from the beginning.

"Disi~husband~ don't be angry, I love you!"

In a blink of an eye, Linggui changed back to a serious tone.

"Well, I love you."

"The old witch refused to leave, saying that this was a good opportunity to find the secret base of the Sixth Empire stationed in the East Three Realms. I think it was quite right, so I didn’t tell you before I left with the old witch, don’t be angry. , I’ll be fine, the old witch knows where Francis lives, but you may have to check the specific address. It should be not far from the Imperial City. It is an abandoned European-style manor building that covers the entire hill. Their people It's all there, don't act rashly for now, it's not too late to act when you can sense my position."

Because of the symbiotic curse, Lingyu and Gong Siyu can sense each other's location just like Lingtian and Qing Yaoji.

However, this premise must be that there is no sealing spiritual power.

Hearing Lingyu's words, Gong Siyu's heart sank. He tried to sense Lingyu's position according to the method Lingtian taught him before, but found nothing. He understood that Lingyu learned his mother-in-law and temporarily sealed his spiritual power. .

The helicopter had already flown over the hotel and disappeared into the dark night sky.

On the way back to the Rose Garden Bungalow, Gong Siyu felt very uncomfortable.

His wife accompanies his mother-in-law to go deep into Longtan Tiger's Den, but he can only sit and wait.

After thinking for a moment, he took out the Sanjie mobile phone, opened the multi-person voice call function using Sanjie WeChat, and pulled the two supporters with the ID of "Jiang Yanwang" and "Deputy Director Ling" into the voice call.

After 20 seconds, the voice was connected one after another.

Jiang Ziwen's harsh and cold voice sounded: "It's strange, you will also take the initiative to contact me?"

Lingyuan's tired and hoarse voice also sounded: "Little brother-in-law?"

Recently, as the relationship between Lingyuan and Linggui has warmed up, Lingyuan’s private contact with Gong Siyu has also become more frequent. When Lingyu is absent, Lingyuan will even use "brother-in-law" to call Gong Siyu, but as a The eldest son and the eldest brother, Lingyuan wants face, and Lingkui wants face even more. He doesn't care for each other. They will only secretly admit that each other is a half-sibling relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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