Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1432: The underworld is closed to the outside world, completely closed

Chapter 1432 Underworld is sealed off from the outside world, completely closed

The sky above the underworld was enveloped by a layer of light red turbid smoke, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of smoke. Looking out from the distance, the building was destroyed and a mess, the underworld emperor's Qingwu momentum was like an overwhelming shout of anger, shaking. The ground trembled, the ghost heart was afraid, and the eardrum was about to split.

He only heard the sound, but did not see his respect.

The mysterious voice of the dark emperor Qingwu Cang echoed. Suddenly, the turbid and thick snuffing smoke was dispelled, and a vacant figure standing like a mountain appeared in the sky. The figure transformed into a cloud and mist resembled a noble and domineering old man. , But not his real body.

In the underworld, ghosts and gods below Hades and Guishuai are rarely qualified to see the true body of Emperor Hades.

The Emperor Underworld came in person and gathered inside and outside the Underworld Division. There was no body, the ghosts and gods with all souls and spirits knelt down, shouting "Long live the Underworld" in unison.

"What happened to the lonely underworld! Why is there such a big movement! Where are the bodies of you and others? How can all the lonely ghosts and gods become wild ghosts with only souls! Jiang Ziwen! Where are they!"

As we all know, since Jiang Ziwen became the Queen of Qin Guang thousands of years ago, Emperor Ming gradually handed over everything to him for decision-making, and retreated behind the scenes. Jiang Ziwen can be said to be Emperor Ming’s most trusted helper, big and small things in the underworld. The Emperor Ming all relied on Jiang Ziwen, and he relied on the old to sell the old, and he didn't care at all during the day. At this time, there was such a big disturbance in the underworld, and Qingwu was the first to find Jiang Ziwen.

Among the ghosts and gods, the ones standing at the forefront were Fan Wujiu and Rong Qian.

Rong Qian is okay, the body is still there, and the rate of corruption is extremely slow. After all, it is one of the ten palaces of the Hell, and it is not comparable to other ghosts and gods.

"Qizi Mingdi! Lord Jiang should have gone to the human world, but did not bring a mobile phone, so I can't contact him temporarily."

Fan Wujiu's report was respectful and expressionless.

"When did Jiang Ziwen start to be so careless! To leave without authorization!" Ming Emperor Canghong's terrifying deep cry sounded, and the next second, he fell from the sky and revealed his true body.

"Emperor Ming, King Jiang is closely cooperating with the General Administration of the Three Realms, Linggui and others due to the disturbances in the Sixth Empire. I am afraid that something is going to happen temporarily. Something happens..." Fan Wujiao's loyalty to Jiang Ziwen is obvious to all ghosts and gods. , Jiang Ziwen is not here at the moment, he kept helping out.

White-haired gray wearing a hat for hoeing the ground, Emperor Ming was dressed in a black dragon robe, but he looked like an old man who had just returned from farming, just showing his power and domineering.

"What is the reason for the blast just now?"

Realizing that things are extraordinary and the underworld is afraid of disaster, the Emperor Qingwu no longer asks where Jiang Ziwen has gone. He personally came forward and asked.

"Emperor Qizhen Ming, the explosion sounded from the depths of the ice hell. After the explosion, the smoke and dust in the air has a strong corrosive effect on the bodies of the ministers. At present, it seems that except for the Hades level, the following The ghosts and gods’ bodies were completely destroyed. Although they could not cause fatal harm to us, the bodies were damaged. This had to make people wonder whether there was something in the smoke and dust that could corrode our bodies...Without the body, the Yang Qi of the human world is right. We have done a great deal of damage, which is equivalent to disaster for the underworld."

The translucent Ling Shiyin knelt in front of Emperor Ming, and said solemnly.

Hearing the words, Qingwu twisted his eyebrows in thought, and stood in front of the gate of the underworld with his hands, overlooking the crowds of ghosts and gods who were kneeling and afraid to get up.

There was a dark glow of vicissitudes flashing in the piercing and deep pupils, looking around, looking up at the sky, and suddenly, the Emperor Qingwu waved a backhand with spiritual power, and forcibly inhaled a plume of smoke from the sky, condensed in the palm of his palm. The smoke and dust were muddy, light red, and exuding a pungent smell.

When the smoke touched Qingwu’s old palm and attached to his hand, Qingwu’s skin began to slowly peel, swell, and then appear erosions, but because Qingwu was the primitive **** in ancient times, a black and green color appeared. The dark light instantly enveloped his body, as if a strong protective light was formed, and his palm instantly restored its original appearance, not like other ghosts and gods, the body was rotten, and only the soul was left.

"It looks poisonous and non-toxic, but it can corrode flesh and blood. The shells of Er and others are tailor-made for the underworld. They are made of skins that resemble mortals. There are flesh and blood, so they will be corroded. This smoke and dust entrains this blood that can corrode flesh and blood. The material, with the wind, with the air can spread..."

While talking, Qingwu looked towards the winding Nai River...

Looking at the corpses of many soul-eaters floating on the surface of the river, all the other shore flowers along the way died.

"The Nai River is the first river in the underworld. After passing through the gate of the prefecture, it merges into the Wangchuan River at the intersection of Yin and Yang. It passes by the Wangchuan River. The weak water serves as a barrier. This smoke and dust can enter the water, spread by air and wind, and can be set up in Jiang Ziwen. There is an explosion under the enchantment of, and it will inevitably be able to pass through the enchantment between the underworld and the human world. In this way, this smoke can enter the human world...this smoke has such terrible damage to the underworld, if it enters The human world is bound to..."

After Qingwu mumbled to himself for a while, realizing that the matter was not trivial, he turned around and looked at the nine Hades who were present besides Jiang Ziwen, "Pass the solitary command! Quickly block the entire underworld, close all access channels, close the gates of the underworld, and close it. All the gates leading to the human world inform the General Administration of the Three Realms that the underworld has been attacked! Let them quickly figure out a way to resist the smoke and dust! The underworld is temporarily closed to the outside world, no one is allowed to enter, and no one is allowed to go out! No one You are still a ghost! Everything is business as usual, nothing can be lost!"


In front of the Underworld Division, the ghosts and gods shouted in unison!

And all ghosts and gods are missing Jiang Ziwen alone.


Haishi, the end of a lively food street.

Jiang Ziwen's handsome and cold face was tight, and seeing Lingshang contentedly holding a large bag and a small bag next to him, without saying much, leading him all the way into the deserted, dark sea. In the unique ancient alley, hands up and down, black light flashes, trying to open the passage back to the underworld.

Because he is a Hades-level ghost and god, Jiang Ziwen doesn't need Mingzhu, he can directly return to the underworld.

But this time, Jiang Ziwen tried many times and couldn't enter the opened dark passage. He was bounced out again and again, just like the passage to the underworld formed a wall and couldn't enter.

"what happened?"

Lingshang was eating hot buns, her magnificent purple eyes gleaming in the dark alley.

"Can not go back."

Jiang Ziwen's deep, deep, cold voice sounded coldly.

"Somehow, the passage of the underworld was closed."

When the words were over, Jiang Ziwen subconsciously reached into his coat pocket and wanted to get his mobile phone. Only then did he remember that the mobile phone was left in the office for charging, but his eyebrows were frowned. He glanced back and glanced coldly at the soul-eating buns, thinking It's complicated, and it doesn't seem very good in my heart, like something has happened.

(End of this chapter)

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