Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1660: Carrying me out of the valley, did this happen?

Chapter 1660 is carrying me out of the valley.

In the dark night, surrounded by dense blood-sucking monsters of the Shura clan with weird red light, the huge black lotus madly hit the invisible barrier wall, but the barrier was unbreakable and remained unbroken.

Surrounded by the blood-sucking monsters of the Shura clan, and attacked by the emperor, Lingyu evaded several spells of the emperor in a row, but did not accept the move or fight with the emperor. The tricky and weird angle kept evading fatal attacks from time to time.

She can't beat this man, but her ability to escape is absolutely top-notch!

However, after several rounds, she was exhausted, and she was in no way. She also hid in the inner space of the black lotus in the center of the black lotus.

The world inside Black Lotus was deadly silent, without any anger.

Lingyu didn't care about his injuries, and it didn't matter that he was bitten "disfigured" by a blood-sucking monster of the Asura clan.

He walked quickly to the side of the dragon mother who seemed to be dying, and kept calling out the name of the dragon mother loudly, "Jinzhu! Jinzhu, wake up! We are at the entrance of Dragon Valley...!"

Dragon Mother is an extremely beautiful pearly white female dragon.

But at this moment, the dragon scales all over her no longer had the dazzling pearl color like a streamer, and her breathing was extremely weak.

"Master...this mother dragon... she seems to have a dystocia... Look at her... it's all blood." Di Tong cleverly kept guarding the dragon mother's side, speaking slowly, and then pointed towards it. The Dragon Mother's uplifting service department.

Lingki looked at the past, gasping, a lot of blood! The faint bloodshot is mixed with some kind of liquid leaking from the dragon mother...

Lingyu cursed secretly, and backhanded he was about to send spiritual power to Dragon Mother's body, but was stopped by Ditong.

"Master, I have transported it. Dragons do not use spiritual power, our power is useless to it..."

"Then what is useful?"

Linggui rarely feels helpless and has a headache, now it is.

"Hurry up and let the stinky lotus break the barrier and call their dragon people for help! We are not the dragon..."

Linggui could constantly hear the sound of Black Lotus hitting the barrier with the lotus body.

But soon, the impact sound was inaudible.

Lianlian's fiery voice echoed in the inner space.

"Little tricker! Kill the emperor! This is to kill you! We can't hit the barrier anymore! Hit me and hurt you! Let's slip away! The dragons in this barrier are dead, All of them are deaf, just don't let us in!"

Hearing that Lianlian was going to drive away, Lingyu immediately prepared angrily to stop, calling it to continue hitting and not to leave.

But before Linggui could speak, Lianlian was shocked again: "Xiao Youer! Xiao Youer! Enchantment! The enchantment opened, and many dragons rushed out! I saw your Emperor!"

As soon as he heard the word "Disi", Lingyu made a "sobbing" in his heart, as if he had heard the names of his parents. A sense of security immediately occupied the whole heart.


As soon as the huge black lotus saw Gong Siyu and Dragon King flying out one after another, it rushed towards Gong Siyu with a "swish", and yelled, "Family! Family! You knot." The world is open! If you don't open Xiaoguier, you will have to hang up!"

Lianlian was a huge black lotus and flew head-on towards Gongsiyu. Seeing that Gongsiyu was about to fly in mid-air, Gongsiyu swiftly jumped forward to avoid it. In the next second, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the black petals of the lotus with great strength, and asked with a gloomy angry voice:

"What a trick!"

"Hidden!" Lianlian hurriedly said, "It's safe! It's just a bit of skin trauma." Well, it seems more than a little, it's quite serious. Lianlian didn't dare to say that, "Diji, can you take those first The annoying blood-sucking monster is gone? It hurts to bite, but also **** blood and tears the flesh. You have to be careful when killing the emperor!"

At the same time, hundreds of fire dragons with red flame patterns appeared on the edge of the barrier, scattered and flew in the air, in a fan shape, spraying raging flames toward the overwhelming hundreds of thousands of Shura vampire monsters!

The dragon king stood on top of the fire dragon, roaring and shouting, Megatron for nine days——

"Kill! Leave no one! No bones are allowed!"

When Lingyu heard that Gong Siyu was coming, he immediately got out of the inner space of the black lotus seat, reached out from the sky, hugged his neck, and hung himself on Gong Siyu's body.

The smell of blood rushed forward, and the stimulating Gong Siyu nerves tightened.

He immediately looked sideways, and what he brought into his eyes was a face covered with blood and wounds, a tragic little face that could be described as "blood and blood", Gong Siyu's phoenix eyes shrank, and he almost didn't recognize it. Spiritual.

"Bring me out of the valley, did this happen?"

Gong Siyu grabbed his arm, suddenly hugged Ling Ling in his arms, and immediately fell to the ground. He half-kneeled on the ground with the white light glowing from the Taixu Pearl in Ling Ling's hands, and looked carefully at the bruised Ling Yi with his tone. Bad, angered, but more distressed and deplored.

"Point your back, pour the blood mold, meet the Shura clan again, and meet the emperor, what can I do? I am also very desperate! Jinzhu is still going to give birth, from day to night, she has a dystocia! "

Lingyu stretched out his hand, wiped the blood dripping from his face with his sleeve, grinning, painful.

"I don't care about her, I only care about you, how about you? Except for the skin wounds, where else is there hurt?"

Gong Siyu didn't dare to touch the scarred face of Ling Yu, so he could only hug her.

"I'm okay, Dragon Mother is not good..."

At this time, the Dragon King, who commanded hundreds of fire dragons to burn the Shura blood-sucking monsters, quickly came to Linggui, but what he heard was "the dragon mother is not good."

Dragon King Qingcang even felt his heart stop beating.

He squatted down in spite of his three-seven-two-one, approaching Lingyu, "Where is my wife! Where is Pearl?"

"She has a dystocia. She is protecting her in the black lotus. You will take the lotus back to Dragon Valley. Leave it alone."

Linggui stood against her **** little face, looked up at the Dragon King and pointed to her black lotus seat.

"Are you hurt?"

Hearing that the dragon mother was difficult, the dragon king's whole body was not good, and Lingyu even felt that the voice of the dragon king was trembling.

"I was bitten by the Asura clan, and the skin was wounded, and a few dragon scales were dropped. No serious injury."

The Dragon King stood up suddenly, glanced at the huge black lotus seat, then leaped up into the sky, grabbed the black lotus flower, and quickly left in the direction of the Dragon King Cave.

"Wow, wow! What are you doing with my petals? I can't fly!"

The dark night sky echoed with the wailing of Lianlian. At the same time, after the dragon king left, the leader of Yinglong faction Bailong Yinxiu immediately accepted the command and closed the dragon enchantment, strangling and burning the Shura tribe on the edge of the enchantment, and at the same time, killed After seeing so many dragons appear, the emperor disappeared into the night with the wrapped ten thousand Buddha beads strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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