Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1736: Final Battle 4

Chapter 1736 Final Battle 4

But just as Miyajiyu successfully avoided the monster attack, behind him, a small, ten-meter-high monster with ten arms descended from the sky quickly!

One of the ten arms stretched towards Miyajiyu...

"Disi! Behind! Hurry and hide!"

Lingyu took a breath, sealed his hands, and swiftly attacked the monster with ten arms. Zhongsoft, the black purple mist light murderously set off the clamor, and the monster with ten arms grabbed Miyajiyu. A moment in the neck, hit!

With a bang, one of the monster's arms was broken by the spirit.

At the same time, Gong Siyu dodged smoothly and volleyed around. However, the ten-handed monster was repelled by the spirits, and the monster rushed up again. With a strong tail, it was like teaching Gongsiyu to "be a human ", drawn on the broad back of Gongsiyu, slammed! Gong Siyu flew out and slammed into a "ridge" impartially.

A human-shaped hole appeared directly on the "ridge", and the "ridge" was not cracked or broken.

Gong Siyu spit out a mouthful of blood foam, shocked hard, and his phoenix eyes were murderous, breaking free and leaving the "ridge".

Suddenly, he heard a horrified roar again. This time, Lingyu and Lingshang siblings called out to him at the same time——

"Go! The ridge is the willow! Go!"

Gong Siyu suddenly raised his eyes and screamed "Three Character Classic".

Nineteen heads, snake body.

Walking upright, it is huge and amazing. His height is comparable to the mountains and rivers. The whole body is hairless, and the whole body is densely covered with scary scales. There is only one vertical eye on each head. The opening and closing are like a terrible blood-red moon, sharp and intimidating.

He fell on Xiang Liu's body. At this moment, Xiang Liu's nineteen heads were simultaneously opening the scarlet one eye, staring at him.

Falling on Xiang Liu's body, the monster in front of him and the ten-armed monster were also descending from the sky, rushing toward him aggressively.

Gong Siyu traveled extremely fast, rising from Xiangliu's body and heading in the direction of the spirit!

The skills learned from the dragon clan made Gong Siyu's evasion speed almost a qualitative leap. The monster and the ten-armed monster came and killed them, but they all failed.

In mid-air, Gong Siyu swung around to hold the bow and arrow, and the moment his **** pulled the bowstring, he did not hesitate to release a bow in the direction of Xiang Liu and Wei Wei! Suddenly, the ground rumbled and fell apart, and a huge crack appeared, forming a huge sinkhole!

With a roar, Xiang Liu fell into the huge pit, but it was just like stepping in a small puddle, no pain or itching.

Gong Siyu quickly returned to Lingyu's side, only to take a sigh of relief.

"You vomited blood... Is there anything wrong?"

The battle on the battlefield was fierce, the ink was flying, and the spirit distressedly held Gong Siyu's handsome face, and couldn't bear to ask.

"Bite my tongue, I'm okay." He kissed his sly eyebrows fiercely, and Gong Siyu stared at the two monsters and ten-handed monsters who were crawling out of the pit with fear, just want to say something!

Just listen to the shrill roar of the ten-handed monster!

The roar was like a murderous sound wave, and immediately released countless poisonous spikes, and the entire sky was like a rain of spikes, "swishing" everyone and everyone in the direction of Lingyu and Gongsiyu Here comes the dragon!

"Hurry up!"

Ling's screams resounded immediately above the sky, as if they were using their lives to remind everyone that all dragons should not touch that thorn!

Gong Siyu instantly pulled up a barrier to protect the spirits that had been protected by the black lotus, and the spirits, and dozens of dragons at the same time. He was shocked, this did not give anyone a reaction or slack. Opportunity, there is no time to catch a breath, attacks come one after another.

In the sky, dense thorns are accompanied by a harsh roar, and the rain is pouring down.

It's too dense, overwhelming, and everywhere, submerging and engulfing all the people fighting on the battlefield!

The most terrifying part of this kind of attack is that it is pervasive, and every spot of light is a sharp poisonous thorn, which can penetrate mountains and crack gold, and is indestructible.

There were huge dragons fleeing everywhere, but there were still dragons, or monsters from the Emperor Killing Army were shot.

Gong Siyu looked at the stabbed dragon and the flying-headed barbarian in the sky, the human-faced bird catching the bird, or other monsters that could not name their names in disbelief. After they were stabbed, they struggled for a while. At the speed visible to the eye, it decomposes extremely quickly, turning into a pool of green rot...

"What is that ten-handed monster? Its thorns are so powerful?"

"Brother-in-law, this is the monster among the monsters, don't underestimate it, it is the smallest of the four monsters, but its temper is very big, especially when roaring, the sound can stun all the creatures within ten miles. Although it has 10 arms, its attack method is to use sound waves to kill people, and its mouth can release countless poisonous spikes along with sound waves. Anyone who is stabbed will be killed immediately..."

Five hundred meters behind them was the Haotian Tower, which stood tall and was protected by golden light.

Haotian Tower has reached a height of 100 stories, towering into dense clouds, sacred and inviolable.

At this moment, when Lingyu, Gongsiyu, and Lingshang were all unsure of how to deal with this thing, a loud and trembling bird's cry echoed in the sky, and the giant three blue birds of Queen Mother West flew towards them alone, Directly swooped down at the monster!

Spreading wings and hitting the sky, he turned and landed at a rapid speed, opened his sharp beak, and picked up the monster that was still screaming with sound waves. The whole body was covered with a layer of colorful auspicious light as protection. The light should be the Queen Mother of the West on the three blue birds. Shrouded as a protection!

Seeing that the three blue birds picked up the charm monster, coldly passed Gongsiyu and the top of Lingyu and Lingshang, and flew towards the Haotian Tower!

Inciting the wings to swish across the sky, in the blink of an eye, he reached the edge of the Haotian Tower, and instantly threw the monster into the tower window on the 30th floor of the Haotian Tower!

At the moment the monster was thrown into the Haotian Tower!

"Oh"! Like the Buddha's light, the morning bell hits, a horrible and sacred wave centered on the Haotian Tower, shaking open, the sky is full of golden light and rain, the tower swallows the screams of the monster, and a "swastika"-shaped rune is crushed. On the 30th floor of Haotian Tower.

Seeing that the monster was unable to escape from the Haotian Tower, the three blue birds made a long cry and waved their wings, as if extremely happy, turned around and flew back towards their master.

When passing over Gongsiyu and Lingyu again, the bird glanced at Gongsiyu with contempt.


Lingyu didn't care so much, but ecstatically watched Haotian Tower's domineering and inhumane control of the monster, she pulled Gongsiyu's sleeve excitedly, "Disi, Haotian The tower can really kill the demons!"

(End of this chapter)

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