Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 183: Three women in one scene, 3PK15, end abuse, but...

Chapter 183: Three Women in One Play, 3PK15, Endless Torture, but...

There are six bodyguards in black, as well as a few rich second generations who have a party with Jiang Yan.

Relying on many people and power.

When Jiang Yan saw Ji Yuna, she was irritated in spite of her lack of image and makeup.

Go straight to Yuno!

He tried to grab Yuno's long hair and tore her severely.

But the moment he was about to touch Yuki who was looking in the mirror!

"Sister Qian, get out!"

Jiao Yi! Ji Yuno blocked Rong Qian.

The sensitive one leans back, avoiding the attack.

The next second was as fast as lightning, and she stretched out her hand to clasp Jiang Yan's neck.

Surprisingly, Jiang Yan pushed Jiang Yan's head into the sink.

The faucet has a sensing device, and it automatically sprinkles tap water instantly, dripping Jiang Yan.

"You want to touch me even with your tricks?"

Accompanied by Jiang Yan's scream.

In the ladies' bathroom, irrelevant women screamed and fled in fear.

Jiang Yan's bodyguard at the door and a swarm of friends rushed in.

Trying to block the big fight!

Immediately after seeing, Rong Qian and A Luo looked like "You're so daring to come", and suddenly stepped forward, blocking the "big army" for Ji Yuno.

Ji Yuno firmly pressed Jiang Yan's back with her right hand and kept pressing into the pool.

He raised his eyes slowly and looked into the mirror, and used his left hand to lift the long hair of the lower ear and temple.


"I like someone like you who relies on yourself for a bit of money, a bit of momentum, and you don't know how much you are!"


Ji Yuno behind.

Rong Qian flirted with her big curly hair in a variety of styles.

With a demon smile, his eyes were cold and cruel, and he gracefully lit a cigarette for himself.

Sucked a mouth, vomiting.

Stepping on long legs with stiletto heels, suddenly! Rotate quickly and ruthlessly to sweep out a beautiful round kick, extremely powerful! Frozen, the three sturdy big men who were close at hand kicked her back, spitting acid water.

The tall man with the appearance of three bodyguards fell to the ground, causing a chain reaction.

The noisy group behind was also suppressed and fell down.

Aluo quickly finished the cake in his mouth with "ahhhhhh".

Throw the paper tray into the trash can.

Then he wiped his mouth, and with his bare hands, he removed the door panel of a toilet compartment with unparalleled force, and suddenly "clams"! Shoot at the leaning person on the ground!


With little cheeks bulging, A Luo looked dullly at the people who had fallen into one before they even shot them.

"How is that interesting?"

Rong Qian glanced at A Luo enchantingly and chuckled.

"Emmm... I want to fight, but these people are so weak, Ah Xuan said, bullying the weak is wrong, I want to be good."

A Luo looked up at the tall Rong Qian, as if he wanted to fight but hesitated.

"If you want to hit it, hit it. Sister Qian is covering you when something happened. Don't be afraid, go!"

"Then if A Xuan is educating A Luo, Sister Qian would like to help!"


Words fall.

A Luo stepped on the ground and fell into a human body, jumped to the door of the ladies' bathroom, looked out the door for a few times, and then thiefly locked the door of the ladies' bathroom.

Turned around.

I counted the people on the ground, not counting Jiang Yan, there were fifteen in total.

A smirk flashed across the round innocent eyes.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way to come, you all have to finish it today!"


Accompanied by the constant crying for help.

Inside the bathroom.

Yuno seemed to feel that just drinking tap water was not enough.

Pulling Jiang Yan by the hair, dragged her to the toilet in a cubicle.

He pressed her head, ignoring her struggle, kicking and calling for help, and pushed her head into the toilet.

"Remember! You have to be polite and polite to anyone in the future! The same goes for homeless beggars on the side of the road! Don’t have money and power at home and you will be arrogant! If you want to be wild, take a picture of yourself in your urine and see if you have any capital!"

Jiang Yan has been spoiled since she was little, so where can she fight back?

There is no room for words at all.

I was choking and coughing, tears and nose running down my face.


And behind her.

Rong Qian picked a broom with a decent appearance, and **** a thick wavy hair.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he held up the broom.

Very ritual, like a Japanese samurai holding a sword in hand.

The person who rushed towards her was either "slashed with a stab at the waist" or "seal of blood."

If you hit the key with a move, one blow will fall.

If what she was holding was really a sharp sword.

I am afraid that this place will flow into a river.

After easily hitting a group of people can't get up at all.

Rong Qian walked up to Ji Yuno gracefully, holding a cigarette butt, grabbing Jiang Yan's head that was stuck in the toilet, pulling out, squatting down, smiling demonly, concentrating on Jiang Yan's delicate face like a greenhouse flower .

"What did I just say?"

"Don't be too arrogant." Rong Qian's eyes flashed ruthlessly, "I have let you go, why don't you know how to make trouble?" After a pause, "This is to be punished, understand?"

Jiang Yan's eyes were horrified, but she was powerless to struggle.

"Don't... don't!"

"Now that I know I'm afraid, isn't it a bit late?"

Rong Qian didn't even blink his eyes, and in the next second he poked the cigarette **** in his hand into Jiang Yan's eye with cosmetic contact lenses.

For a moment, a terrifying and screaming sound resounded throughout the restroom.

The picture is too cruel to look at.

Ji Yuno looked at Rong Qian in a daze.

For a moment.

I feel cruel.

It's not half as shallow as the front.

As if she was the real boss.


Ji Yuno and Rong Qian looked at each other, and they were speechless.

But when the two walked out of the toilet cubicle.

Seeing A Luo holding a tawny thing in her hand.

About to smack a bodyguard's face, Rong Qian's beautiful face stiffened, and immediately stepped forward to stop it!

"A Luo! Don't play|shi!"

I don't know which wicked goods have not flushed the toilet.

Rong Qian drew a lot of tissues and wiped A Luo's hands.

"You tiger stuff, how do you grab it with your hands? Does it smell?"

"I... I feed them? I still think this is missing."

When Yuno heard A Luo's words, he had a bad feeling inexplicably.

Still feel too little excrement? How is that so much?

With sharp eyes, from Aluo's clean hand, he found a miniature remote control with a red button.

Ji Yuno was taken aback for a moment, pointed and asked, "What is the remote control in your hand?"

A Luo looked innocent, shook the mini button in his hand, and said happily:

"Ah, this, I stole it from A Xuan's study." As he said, A Luo smiled brightly, "It's A Xuan's self-made mini detonator remote control. I just threw it into a few toilets. Mini Bomb|Bounce! So just press it lightly."

In front of Yuno, Aluo pressed the red button without warning.



Accompanied by a "di" sound.




Three deafening explosions!

The toilet burst, the sewer pipe burst, and the ground vibrated!

Countless urine and feces|fecal matter fly down the sky.

After realizing what happened, Ji Yuno and Rong Qian looked at each other.

There is no time to hide, so I can only let myself be drenched in urine and feces|.

A Luo was also hit by poo.

But she didn't care at all.

With a cheer, he turned around and clapped his hands in circles.

"Just one tap! Poop will fly all over the sky!"

Rong Qian:...


Thanks: Social, sun, tail number 91, Yingying, Lilang, possessive, the other side, mushroom cool, original intention, deep trapped, no joy, Yu Sheng, Yujun, Lingniu, [a horse], Xiaoyao, Book coins rewarded by Yi Xiaoying, Chen, Chong, Wusheng, Angelia!

(End of this chapter)

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