Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1917: When the old meet

Chapter 1917 When the old meet

Draco’s corpse has been dissected, and there are black suture marks on the neck. The center part of the entire body is also horrible suture marks. The autopsy report has been temporarily sealed in the forensic office where Draco was dissected. .

Compared to Draco's corpse, the autopsy report was more valuable.

Gong Siyu closed the black zipper of the body bag and stuffed the body back into the freezer. In the impression, he clearly remembered that he and Lingyu did similar things more than 20 years ago.

At that time, Guier was still Ji Yuno, and he did not recover his memory.

Because of Anxi's death, Guier was planted and killed. In order to prove their innocence, they secretly entered the morgue in the middle of the night, and even secretly entered Anjia.

Because the autopsy report is information shared within the detective team, outsiders cannot see it.

Before leaving the morgue, Lingyu used Mingzhu to find the autopsy report on his desk directly from the coroner's office, take it back for research, and return it before dawn.


Inside the Franciscan Manor.

While Lingyu and Gong Siyu accompanied Qingyue to see Draco's body, Farrid, Bai Wuyou and Qing Yaoji, under the leadership of the housekeeper Fick, had a rough understanding. The area and rooms of the Manor House, and the location of Draco and Grasse.

The middle-aged Fick is an authentic native of London. He speaks British English. His words are full of pride and pride in being a housekeeper in the Duke's Manor, as well as derogation and contempt for the three of them.

"The Duke of Francis holds the titles of British and French titles. It is one of the few ancient families with British and French royal blood. All the collections of this manor are invaluable. Please don't touch them, thank you."

For the next second that Fick kept admonishing, Farrid smashed an enamel vase placed at the end of the corridor on the third floor of the manor without expression, and he didn't feel guilty or even stunned.

"Stop talking nonsense, take us to the room where Draco lived before his death."

Farrid stared at Francis' housekeeper coldly and gloomily, disdainful to the extreme.

"When the Duke comes back, you will receive a compensation agreement. This vase was bought by the Duke at an auction for 140 million. I must leave evidence of your deliberate damage!" Fick took out his phone and took several pictures in a row. Farreid broke the photo of the vase, then raised his chin proudly and continued to lead them forward.

"Master Draco's room is at the end of the corner, but Master Draco never likes people coming into his room to touch him, except for the maid who cleans it regularly."

As Fick said, he walked towards the dark end of the corner of the corridor.

In the ancient manor, there are exquisite wooden sculptures on all sides, or gorgeous European-style angel reliefs, and priceless oil paintings are hung on the walls. Even the door of the room is of a craft level.

Fick opened the door of the room and opened the Baroque vintage crystal chandelier.

The spotless, tidy and spacious European-style living room caught their eyes.

"You two are here. I'll go to the kid's room called Glass."

Qing Yaoji is standing next to the door frame, wearing black sunglasses, fashionable and beautiful, beautiful and unparalleled.

Hearing this, Fick coughed embarrassingly. He didn't dare to face Qing Yaoji at all. He blushed as long as he glanced at it, "Sorry, Master Glass moved to 45 Kensington Garden Avenue by himself when he was twenty. Of course, you have to know that it is the most expensive area in London, and the royal family also lives..."

"You are very annoying." Qing Yaoji shook her finger at Fick and motioned to him to shut up, "Then I'll go to the crime scene first."

With that said, Qing Yao Ji Lian stepped on the silver high heels inlaid with diamonds and disappeared at the corner of the stairs.

When Bai Wuyou and Farreid looked around in Draco’s room, Fick stood at the door like a fly, chattering constantly, fearing that the two outsiders would steal the things in this room. of.

But Bai Wuyou has a good temper and ignores it.

Farreid was too lazy to care.

It's just that within a limited time, I try to find clues in the room as much as possible.

Draco's room is almost the size of an ordinary house of 200 square meters, which has been transformed into four areas: bedroom, bathroom, study and cloakroom.

Draco is five years younger than his brother Glas, but four years older than Su Su, and 22 this year.

The room is European retro style, gorgeous and high-end reveals a European medieval explorer style, the wallpaper is yellowed and old map style, hung oil portrait of the great navigator Columbus, the desk in the study is on the back wall The photo of Draco graduating from the noble public school has been awarded a medal for his participation in the Boy Scout training camp.

The three-sided embedded bookshelves are full of various history books, archeology books, and professional books on survival.

There was also a pictorial wall full of notes and records written by Draco when he planned to travel.

As Qingyue said, his youngest son is a very adventurous person.

This also happened to verify what the older brother Glas said to them in the rain forest.

Farreid still remembers that at the time, Glass said to them: his brother Draco likes to take risks. He accompanied his brother to the rainforest to find the undiscovered Mayan civilization pyramid and to search for gold.

Because in the study, on the desk, on the wall of the pictorial, and all the items that have yet to be collected in the future, Draco does have a plan to travel, and the destination happens to be the tropical rain forest of Peru.

And at this moment on the other end.

Qing Yaoji was staying next to the crime scene surrounded by the entrance of the manor. The patrol in charge of the 24-hour guard, after she took off her sunglasses and briefly exchanged a few words, was fascinated by her, and she was perplexed with permission. She put on the shoe covers and went into the crime scene to investigate.

Qing Yaoji claims to be the sister of Duchess Qingyue, who works as a private investigator and is called to assist in the investigation.

If this is changed to someone else, it may not be successful.

Qing Yaoji was squatting on the lawn, observing the surrounding footprints with the light that comes with her mobile phone.

At this time, the sound of helicopter propellers hovering came from the sky. She thought it was Linggui and they came back. She wore sunglasses and looked up. It was not the helicopter they were sitting on. Looking at the logo of the family crest, Qing Yaoji said slightly. Startled, laughed.

She knew, it was Francis who came back.

What made Qing Yaoji both funny and helpless was that when Francis got off the plane, he noticed her, and even recognized her as his wife, Qingyue.

"Qingyue, what are you doing there?"

Qing Yaoji's back stiffened, and she felt that the figure behind her was quickly moving towards her.

A long-lost old friend, he came over.

Qing Yao Ji supported the sunglasses that covered half of her face, and slowly stood up, when the voice of the man behind her turned cold: "Are you not Qingyue? Who are you."

(End of this chapter)

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