Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1941: Sol Island that does not exist

The Island of Sol, which does not exist in Chapter 1941

The good news is that Lingyu learned from the mutant female leader that they caught the current headquarters of the Skull and Bones, a primitive island that does not exist on the map, and they also learned that Draco is currently on the island after escaping from the hospital. The bad news is that General Madd’s son Albert was taken away. The life or death of him is unclear. The person who took him was a mutant team that fled in the chaos. Now he is missing and cannot be tracked.

When General Ma De woke up, it was already three days after the incident.

The yachts of Miyajiyu and Farreid floated side by side on the endless Pacific Ocean. On the yacht, most of the surviving members of the East Nineteen District base were rescued, and some corpses were also salvaged.

Because of the large number of people, the decks of the two yachts were almost full of people, and the supply of fresh water was severely insufficient. They all relied on Farred to dispatch helicopters from the coast to deliver material packages for relief.

The reason why General Ma De wears blindfolds is because he is blind.

And when he opened his eyes, the sky turned around before his eyes regained clarity. In the narrow but clean guest bedroom of the yacht, by the window, stood a woman arranging flowers.

The woman is tall and graceful, with long black hair reaching her waist, and a beautiful back.

Wearing a camel coat, she felt that the person lying behind was awake, and immediately turned around, glamorous and beautiful. After a glance at Ma De, she picked up the intercom in her hand and said, "Husband, I am awake."

It didn't take long for Wuyou to push the door in, followed by Farreid.

And the woman who called "husband" was worshipping Wuyou's wife Xiao Nianqing, that is, Qingyin.

As soon as Ma De woke up, he got angry, stood up firmly, pointed at Bai Wuyou, and Farid said: "Let Lingyu and Gongsiyu come out! Don't think I don't know what you are doing, use me You are so despicable! Isn’t my life a life! Where is my son? Where is Albert?"

Ma De panted and held his dizzy head and shook his head, flashing some fragments of confusion before he fell into a coma.

He vaguely remembered that his son was with him, but then there was a fierce battle. Albert was taken away to save him...

So General Madd was looking for his son when he woke up.

Only Bai Wuyou and Farreid came, they heard the words, looked at each other, looking at Ma De for unknown meaning.

Bai Wuyou chuckles lightly, gentle, seemingly gentle, "General Ma De, at present, the yachts are all rescued from your base in the East Nineteenth District. Of course, it also includes some corpses. The master and wife are taking part of you. The subordinates have gone to Sol Island together. We will take over temporarily here. If you have something, you can tell us."

After Falreid said Wuyou, he suddenly added: "They will help you rescue Albert. Don't worry, there are no more hairs than you can die."

General Ma De’s face was pale, with trembling lips, and he held his forehead. Just as he was about to speak, he was taken the first step by Wuyou: "You should take a good rest. You will have a bad breath, and your blood pressure will be high when you are older. In the cockpit, something called us to say goodbye."


Lingyu and Gong Siyu took the five members of the East 19th District's proud ace special attack team, and their own people on the day before General Ma De woke up, renting another yacht in them The nearby medium-sized fishing boats left the base waters of the East 19th District and headed to the legendary Skull and Bones headquarters-Sol Island, which does not exist at all.

The Ace Special Forces in the East Nineteenth District can be said to be well-known in the western power circle.

It is the best among the ten elites selected by the East Nineteen District through various selections.

While General Madder was in a coma, Major General Albert was arrested. Lingyu and Gong Siyu temporarily selected five favorites to take with them. At this moment, they are at 32°20′N latitude 32°20′West longitude 64°45′ North America’s Atlantic Ocean. Travel in the triangle.

They have been floating at sea for two days, but they still haven't found the mountains in the Sol Island sea area that Jenna saw in her mind.

The five members of the East 19th District Special Attack Team are:

"Tank" Bull, "Red Hair" Sack, "Assassin" Wayne, "Witch" Winslow.

There is also Peter the "Tsar" as the captain.

These five people have extremely powerful abilities and excellent combat power. Although they are not as good as the spirits and the others, they are also among the best in the power circle of the Western Three Realms.

There are also the current underworld yin and yang officials Qingdai and Gong Youen, as well as the five beasts of the spirit and the 13 members of the Tiandao League. Qing Yaoji, Farrid and others are on the yacht. , And did not follow.

The wind and waves were very strong, the sky was overcast and there was no sunshine.

Lingyu was sitting on the captain's recliner in the cockpit, leisurely tilting Erlang's legs, holding the black ink in his arms, following the hair, closing his eyes and resting.

On the side, Gong Siyu is in charge of the helm. Gong Youen is holding a high-powered telescope and is constantly searching around the sea. Five members of the special attack team in the East 19th District are studying the map of the sea. On the wooden chair next to Lingyu, The Skull and Bones member Jenna they brought together had her mouth tightly tucked with a rag, her body was wrapped in a plastic bag, her hands and feet were tied, like a sow waiting to be slaughtered.

Because Sol Island is an unknown area, the sly ghost orbs cannot be directly transmitted.

They can only honestly look for islands in the vast ocean that do not exist on this map.

"Cousin, did we find the wrong place? That island is not in this sea area at all?"

After Gong Youen repeatedly used the telescope to look around the surrounding waters, he still found nothing, and he didn't begin to question the authenticity of the island's location.

"It can't be wrong." Lingyu closed his eyes, lazily turning into a **** cat in his arms, "The message displayed in the woman's mind shows that the latitude and longitude of Sol Island is almost here. The sea is full of wind and waves, the sea is dense, the sky is not visible, and there are thunder clouds. It is estimated in which corner it is hidden."

"Then we can't keep searching aimlessly, when will we find it?"

What Gong Youen said makes sense.

Hearing this, Lingki suddenly stood up holding Mo Hei, and was so frightened that the five special forces members who were studying the map of the sea not far away looked at each other abruptly.

Seeing that Lingyu didn't say anything, he threw the ink black and walked to the mutant Jenna who was **** by the big five flowers, dragged her whole body with the chair, all the way out of the cockpit.

Through the cockpit glass, everyone looked at the spirit who dragged people to the deck, and was fixing an orange lifebuoy around Jenna's neck.

Gong Youen was inexplicably nervous, swallowed, and looked at Gongsiyu on the side, "Cousin, what are cousins ​​going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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