Chapter 2056, the Requiem Hall of the Central Main Tomb

A Luo's long-eared rat quickly found a way to the central main tomb in the tomb where they were.

It's just that there are organs in this tomb, and you can only leave after opening the organs in the correct way.

With Feng Jinxuan and Weiliang studying the institution they had never seen before, they lightly lit a fire on the spot, rested and repaired on the spot, everyone took out the food on their bodies, and after the equalization, the injured and the elderly have priority. Women first, then men.

Lingyu and Gong Siyu weren't hungry, so they left food to those Lin Jingyu.

The gold and silver treasures piled high in the mountains were taken away by the black lotus and the red lotus.

Only the white bones and some broken iron, as well as the ingenious stone bridge and the river made of mercury in this hall of the underworld are left over.

Gong Siyu was sitting on the last step of the arched stone bridge, with Lingki resting his legs on his side, bending over and lying on his side, closing his eyes and resting.


When Gong Siyu gently tidyed Lingyu's messy long hair, Lingyu suddenly opened his cold eyes and sat up, with a certain strange color in the twinkling beautiful eyes.

Gong Siyu was taken aback, stroking Lingyu's cheek with the back of his hand, leaning closer, "What's the matter?"

"Something's wrong..." Lingyu closed her eyes, as if recalling something strange to her, "Some places are contradictory, Di Si, I don't think it's right..."

Lingyu suddenly felt like this, Gong Siyu was confused, "What's wrong?"

Lingyu stood up, looked at the people resting around the fire, and then took Gongsiyu to the other side of the stone bridge, a little further away from those people in Lin Jingyu, and looked at the palace with a serious face. Yudao: "At first, I didn’t think it was, but after just re-threading my thoughts, don’t you think it is weird? In Taoist Village, there is such a person who can kill people invisibly under our noses. But without revealing any flaws, this person's abilities must be equivalent to ours."

"Well, what then?" Gong Siyu listened carefully to Ling's words.

"But Emperor Baimei’s investigation wrote that Dao Qi was indeed not captured by Zhong Kui in the underworld, and he escaped, but now Dao Qi is renamed Zhong Wu. He must rely on constantly inhaling her yang energy and life span. To survive, it is necessary to obtain the Longevity Wall and Yin Void Cauldron as soon as possible? How could it be someone who has the same strength as ours and can kill people invisible under our noses and yet not show up?"

"Zhong Chuyue and Chen You were sent by Daoqi to compete with us for the Yinxiu Ding, because Daoqi needs this Ding to continue his life, but in the Taoist village, who is the one who set fire to kill people? That person will definitely not It is Daoqi. Although his cultivation is good, he is definitely not at a level comparable to ours."

"You mean...In addition to Dao Qi, there is another person hiding in the dark? This person is more powerful than Dao Qi, fearing the same strength as ours, and is also coveting Yin Void Cauldron? Or, he is basically with Dao Qi. The group? But never showed up?"

Linggui nodded, "This is the truth."

Therefore, their enemy is probably not limited to Daoqi, and, based on Daoqi’s current strength, there is no threat to them at all, but the person who is really threatening is this one who has been hiding in the dark and has never shown his true body. of.


After the entrance to the main tomb hall in the center was hidden in a golden relief mural in the funerary hall, Feng Jinxuan and Weiliang studied for a long time, found the organ, and finally opened the door of the organ tomb.

After the rest, everyone got up one after another, ready to go further.

Lingyu and Gong Siyu followed, and did not inform others of their conversation.

According to the records, the Yin Void Cauldron of Liangyi was in the main tomb hall. Once she saw that thing, Ling had thought about it, she would immediately send it back to the underworld.

Seeing Ling's quirky thoughts, Gong Siyu quietly grasped her little hand tightly, and kissed her lips, "Don't think too much, I want to grab something from us, the other party is too tender."

There are usually many vicious organs in the tombs of the imperial tombs. They are getting closer and closer to the main tomb. These organs will only be more and more poisonous, and they will not disappear.

However, what Ling Lingyu did not expect was that after leaving the funerary hall, they only passed through a towering semicircular arched archway, and they reached their final destination-Xixia had opened the resting place of Emperor Li Yuanhao.

The giant black gate of the golden bowl, standing like a city gate, was closed tightly. The top of the gate hall, in the long-lost Xixia script, wrote the words "Requiem Hall".

On both sides of the golden bowl and the black giant gate, two tomb beasts carved out of emeralds stared fiercely at a group of outsiders who ventured into and disturbed the owner of the tomb.

The main tomb chamber in the center of this mausoleum is located in the deepest part of the mountain, surrounded by clouds and cold, with many exquisite Xixia scripts and reliefs carved on the black rock wall.

The black giant door of the Requiem Hall weighed a lot, and after repeated inspections by Feng Jinxuan and Aluo, they concluded that the tomb door had been completely sealed.

The only way to open it is to blow it up.

Lin Jingyu took out an explosive stick from his backpack and handed it to A Luo.

Immediately after seeing, other people also found explosive sticks of different sizes from their carry-on items and gave them to A Luo.

When they all thought they were about to explode the tomb door next, Lingyu suddenly silently turned the black lotus around her into a black lotus sword full of black and purple spiritual light and evil spirits.

Then, under the twilight of everyone's astonishment, he suddenly rose from the ground, holding the sword in both hands, and smashing it vertically from the top of the tomb door!


The heart-shattering shattering sounded, the spirit fell to the ground lightly, with no expression on his face and the sword, standing coldly on the spot, seeing the center of the closed black tomb door, a crack opened, and gradually, that crack It grew bigger and bigger, and eventually, the tomb door shattered into two halves, fell down and crashed in the direction where they were standing.

The door of the tomb collapsed in half, and the dust covered with dust for hundreds of years was covered with decay and musty, and the air rushed into the Requiem Hall.

Lingyu stood sideways, holding a sword in her right hand, and flicking her left hand. A flash of flame rushed from her fingertips into the dark Requiem Hall. Soon, the flames of the ever-bright lamps were lit up inside. Everything in the soul hall began to be clearly visible...

The black lotus sword in Linggui's hand changed back to the appearance of black lotus, shining with purple light, floating around Linggui.

"Let's go! The thing we are looking for is inside. Find it early, finish work early, go home and divide the spoils, and enjoy it!"

Lingyu shook his long hair and took the first step, entering the final Requiem Hall of the Xixia Emperor.

With the light from thousands of ever-bright lamps that flickered like sparks in the Requiem Hall, the spirits entered the first, and the first to see the scene in the Requiem Hall...

(End of this chapter)

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