Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 2227: Qin Yong made a mistake and stupid

Chapter 2227 Qin Yong missed his tongue, stupid enough

Du Ruoyu quickly adapted to the darkness. She could see Qin Yong's figure at the entrance of the hotel bedroom in the heavy rain and thunder outside the window. He was soaked, even if he was extremely embarrassed, there was a suffocating beauty. The dimness of the eyes was surprisingly bright and dazzling, and the expression under his eyes was so innocent, so aggrieved, wanted to enter but didn't dare to enter, and wanted to say something but found it difficult to speak, contradictory and complicated.

"I didn't lie to you, and there is no other woman."

Qin Yong knew what Du Ruoyu was asking.

Looking for a hotel to stay at this night and not going home, I'm afraid she is still brooding about it.

But there is only so much he can say.

The iron law of the underworld, as ghosts and gods in the underworld, you are not allowed to reveal any memories of past lives to ordinary people without authorization, but this does not include the memories of past lives being remembered by the strangers on their own. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for people who drink Mengpo Tang to have memories of past lives, so This rarely happens in the underworld. Unless there is a special existence, it is possible to retain the memories of previous lives, but those people are also on the record.

Qin Yong wanted to say, but he couldn't.

As the King of Chujiang, he could not tell Du Ruoyu bluntly about her past life, but could only secretly create opportunities for him to remember, nothing more.

"How do you want me to believe you?"

Du Ruoyu was indifferent, even amused at what Qin Yong said. She heard him yelling other women's names in his sleep, but Qin Yong kept saying what did not lie to him? No other women?

"Time will prove everything."

Qin Yong said in a deep and introverted voice with unclear meaning.

Hidden in the darkness, he is like a ghost that is fundamentally incomprehensible, unable to approach or penetrate into his heart.

"Time? It's obviously a very simple thing. Why did you call another woman's name when you fell asleep last night? You just have to explain to me who is that woman, what is it to you, why did you lie to me? The first time you like someone, you just have to explain it to me plainly, and say sorry, why is such a simple thing so complicated? Or did you never tell me your plan, you plan to keep it from me? "

When Du Ruoyu was halfway through the conversation, he suddenly remembered that in his dream, the girl named Xue Yuan, who looked exactly like him.

She was flustered and looked at Qin Yong sadly, "Is it because of my face that you think I am her?"

Qin Yong's tone did not have any ups and downs, calm and deep, "Don't think about it."

"Then tell me! What the **** is going on!" Du Ruoyu couldn't hold back. In the darkness, he finally shouted at Qin Yong hoarsely, "It's fine if you explain? You can explain it to me well, it's nothing else. Are you gone?” While talking, Du Ruoyu choked up and his father was hospitalized for a liver transplant. Huo Yiqiu used her mother’s vanity to constantly entangle her, all the bad things were intertwined, and she was emotionally broken, and she finally restrained her. live.

Qin Yong immediately disregarded his drenched whole body, and was about to run to the bed and hugged Du Ruoyu, who was crying in a low voice, into his arms, but when he took the first step, he lowered his eyes and looked at himself, who was soaked and dirty. , Qin Yong withdrew again.

"Don't cry, Yuaner..."

Qin Yong himself was shocked at the moment he spoke.

He called out the name almost without thinking about it...

Du Ruoyu seemed to have fallen into an ice cave. She stopped crying and looked at Qin Yong with blurred tears, "What do you call me?"


"What did you call me just now?"


Du Ruoyu smashed the phone on the bedside table at Qin Yong frantically, "Do you think I didn't hear it! You called Yuaner! Yuaner! I am Du Ruoyu! Look clearly!"

Qin Yong closed his eyes heavily, did not dodge, his forehead was hit by the phone.

"Qin Yong."


"Get out, I don't want to see you."

"it is good."

Outside the hotel, the heavy rain is surging.

Qin Yong walked alone on the empty road, and the trees along the street cast dark shadows under the street lights.

Qin Yong walked, beside him, a dark figure holding an umbrella appeared out of thin air.

This figure is a bit taller than him, tall and heroic.

"According to your method of chasing women, I'm afraid I will be alone."

Qin Yong's figure was startled, and slowly turned his eyes to the man who was holding the umbrella for him, "Brother Jiang."

"Yeah." Jiang Ziwen put on a black satin nightgown, with a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, cold and lazy, his stalwart shoulders moved slightly, he stretched out his hand, brotherly embraced Qin Yong, and comforted him, "It's okay. , It should be your escape. After she has realized the truth by herself, she will understand that your words today are absolutely not adulterated."



The hotel bedroom sank into silence again.

Du Ruoyu hid in the blanket, cried, closed his eyes, tired of crying, and fell asleep again.

Sleep again, dream again.

Du Ruoyu was shocked to realize that he had once again entered his dream and saw the girl in the dream who looked exactly like him. Even though he didn't want to see it, Du Ruoyu found that he could not leave his dream.

This situation has never happened before.

The dreams she repeated since childhood was just a monk without a face under the cherry blossom trees in an ancient temple, and it was from the first perspective and the third perspective.

But now, she is like a bystander, able to see the faces of everyone in her dreams and everything that happened.

The dreams are connected.

In the last scene before she wakes up, the daughter of the prime minister named Xueyuan brings her own men. When Yuehei and the wind are high, he breaks into the Huguo Temple, abducts Wuyong, puts it in a sack, and hides it in her boudoir in the prime minister’s mansion. in.

The antique boudoir is brightly lit.

The girl wore a red dress, mink velvet around her neck, and brocade clothes, which set off her delicate cheeks.

The maid in the room untied the sacks thrown on the floor.

The girl held the red whip in her hand and stepped on the round stool with one foot, like a female bully who bullied the "good boy".

Du Ruoyu stared blankly at the handsome monk in the sack crawling out of the sack with expressionless face, and slowly dusted the dirty monk's robe, folded his hands together with the Buddha beads, his forehead was bleeding but he was indifferent. , The eyebrows and eyes are pure and evil, with eyes and nose, nose and heart, not looking at the girl.

"Amitabha, even if the female donor of Xueyuan wants to invite a poor monk to visit the Prime Minister's Mansion, it should not be so grand."

The girl stubbornly beat the red whip on the ground beside Wuyong, the expensive carpet instantly cracked, her red lips curled up, and she smiled arrogantly, "I declare, from today...oh no, from tomorrow, you will be vulgar. Now! Re-enter Hong Chen and enter my Prime Minister's Mansion from now on, and be my own fake monk."

"Miss, the monk who is still vulgar can't use the number, you have to think of a name for this monk."

"Oh, yes." The girl nodded and thought about it seriously, "Just call... Qin Yong, how about it? Qin Yong? Does it sound good?"

Wuyong's calm and indifferent, handsome face finally showed a trace of panic.

"Guilty! The female benefactor of Xueyuan must not be foolish."

(End of this chapter)

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