Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 761: Let him hold his hand and snuggle in her arms

Chapter 761 let him hold his hand and snuggle in her arms

Except for the detective who was in charge of monitoring the inquiry, stayed.

After that, because Gong Siyu was not awake for a long time, the Gong family left one after another.

It was Gong Youen who took the initiative to stay, saying that he wanted to help.

Before Shen Manqing left, Yu Du's sharp gaze grabbed Ji Yuno.

A "Walk and See" look.

Seeing the hostile gaze that Mrs. Gong had been missing for too long, Yuno smiled bitterly.

She knew that the old lady's grudge against her might start again.

As Shen Manqing said to her before.

To hate is to hate, no matter what you try your best to do, you still hate it after all.

Some people are born the wrong way.

And this is the relationship between her and the old lady Shen Manqing.

Yu Nao was tired and helpless.

But a lot of troubles are waiting for her to settle, she has no time to take care of the old woman.


Zhuge Qingyun stayed and did not leave.

Because the old man was concerned about the safety of the palace family, he wanted to hear what Xiaoyihui said to the inspector.

He also wanted to know what happened last night when they were strengthening the seal in the underground chamber.

"Mr. Xie Zhuge helped to speak." Ji Yunai thanked him.

"I am not helping you, but helping myself, not thank you." Zhuge Qingyun was very serious. "The old lady has a saying that is really good. If the young master didn't change his fate indiscriminately because of you, Gong Family Then there will be no such catastrophe, just like pulling the whole body, the source is you, not others."

"If I had the ability to cure you, I would never watch the eldest master sink into it, just like the old lady prevented you from being together. If I hadn't lived in the mountains, I would do the same."

Compared to Shen Manqing's absurdity.

Zhuge Qingyun's remarks made Ji Yunao silent even after he heard it.

is it?

Without her, none of this would have happened.

Gong Siyu will not be seriously injured, and his father will not die... There will be no disaster for the Gong family.

Everything is because of her existence?

If so, then she is really damn...

"Unfortunately, this is the end of the matter. It is irreversible. On the contrary, without your help, the palace family may fall into more serious chaos. The old man is too old and can't handle it alone. He can only temporarily cooperate with you. The murderer who is acting strange."

"You bad old man is so bad, why? You want to use me up and then deal with me in reverse?"


Zhuge Qingyun was silent and cast a gloomy look at Ji Yuno.

The look in his eyes seemed to say "It can't be so."


Outside the wing, four inspectors guarded the courtyard.

In the room, two detectives who are making inquiries are taking notes to Xiaozhen.

Angelica hadn't slept all night and was sleepy on the soft couch. Ji Ruchen sat aside with her arms folded, closed her eyes and rested.

Xiao Yan ran all over the room, disgusting the inspector and asked this and that.

He is naughty and mischievous, and his temper is either screaming or throwing things.

Except for Gong Siyu, Ji Yuno may not be able to cure him.

No, at the annoying inspector, he threw a purple sand teapot, Xiaoyan screamed and ran behind Yuno, hugged her thigh, pressed it against her, with an angry expression on her face.

"Nai Ma, they are so annoying! I told them all who asked questions, Gong Siyu didn't kill people, just as if they couldn't understand people."

Yuno squatted down and stared at Yan who had become a small Masaru milk doll.

Patience squeezed his little face, "Just tell them what you followed Miyajiyu last night, what you saw, what you heard, you know, just tell them one to five to ten, in order to wash off Miyajiyu. Suspect, be patient, eh?"

Xiao Yan narrowed her mouth, twisted her brows, and hesitated to glance at Gong Siyu, who was still lying in a coma in the inner room not far away, and nodded like a garlic, "All right."

Then, turned around, pointed at the two detectives in front of him with little fingers very arrogantly, looking like a little adult, and snorted coldly: "You two will listen to me! I will only say it once!"


"Last night, I accompanied Miyajiyu who had a high fever and cold out to look for Yuno's mother. It was almost two o'clock in the morning when I was passing by the other courtyard, and found that the door was open. Miyajiyu felt strange, so we went to look inside. At a glance, I found a wheelchair parked in the yard, no one. In the wing where the corpse was parked, there was a strange sound."

"At that time, because I was taking antipyretics as sugar pills, I suddenly had a stomachache and couldn't find the toilet. So I pulled my **** and soaked it in the grass in the courtyard. The **** was still there. If you don't believe me, look for it by yourself. , Gong Siyu entered the room first, what he saw, he had to wait for him to wake up to know, I only know, then suddenly there was a fighting sound in the room, when I rushed in, I saw a dark shadow Fleeing through the broken window, Gong Siyu kneeled down injured and there was a female corpse."

"By the way, the female corpse was very strange, it was abnormally dead. It didn't look like a new one. It was too dark at the time and I didn't take a closer look. It was just that the female corpse suddenly sat up like a fraudulent corpse and crawled towards us. Then, a monster appeared and bit the head of the female corpse, that's it."

Xiaozhen is half true and false. After speaking, she spread her little hand.

"I'm done."

However, he would certainly not tell the inspector that the monster was actually himself.

After listening, the two took notes and the inspector looked at each other.

"Monster?" The inspector felt that Xiaozhen was young, and what he said may not be true, and it was a bit mysterious. How could there be a monster?

"Yeah, monster, don't you believe it?" After a pause, "If you don't believe it, what can I do."

"Then Ms. Ji, in the middle of the night, the young master of the Gong family came out to look for you. You are not staying in your room so late. What are you doing?"

"I had a bit of misunderstanding with Mr. Zhuge Qingyun, so I went out to discuss and clarify." When the words fell, he looked at Zhuge Qingyun, "Is it right, Mr. Qingyun?"

"Indeed, the old man and Miss Ji were together last night, because some misunderstandings led to unnecessary disputes. What is the specific misunderstanding? This matter is related to the centuries-old secret of the palace family's ancestral house, and I cannot comment."



In the afternoon, a heavy cloud hung over the palace's ancestor house, gray and gloomy, and depressed.

Gong Siyu was half awake once at noon. It was anesthetic and woke up with pain.

He clenched Yuno's hand tightly and held it in the palm of his hand. He was half-conscious, frowning, and muttering nonsense, telling Yuno not to leave him, as if he had a nightmare.

After Ji Yuno changed into a clean pink sweater, he stayed on the edge of Miyajiyu's bed, letting him hold his hand, nestled in her arms, and fell asleep.

But, soon, the appraisal report of the dagger came out.

Su Xing once again brought a large group of people to the door to Yun Pavilion.

Gong Siyi's aura was even more fierce, and he rushed into the wing room, threatening to pay Gong Siyu's blood.

It turned out that it was the dagger, and only the fingerprints of Gong Siyu and Lu Qingyun were identified.

Lu Qingyun was dead, her head was different, and Gong Lisen's body was destroyed. Although Gong Siyu was seriously injured, there is direct evidence that, as well as a fully established motive for the murder, he became the first person to kill Lu Qingyun and destroy the body. A suspect...

When he wakes up, he has to take handcuffs to handcuff the unconscious Gong Siyu to the head of the bed.

Don't move my hero! Gan Lin Niang!

(End of this chapter)

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