Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 792: What kind of fairy is A Luo?

Chapter 792 Who is A Luo?

Yuno was shocked and couldn't believe it.

She actually heard the name "A Luo" from Zhuge Qingyun's mouth.


She was not blind, and repeatedly confirmed that the group photo in the old black-and-white photo, the girl standing beside Zhuge Qingyun, though black and white, is the same girl as A Luo in terms of appearance, clothing, and demeanor...

It's really the same person.

"Are you sure her name is A Luo? Not another name?"

If the girl in the old photo is really A Luo.


how can that be possible?

Who is Aluo who knows them now and is with Feng Jinxuan? Isn't she just the same age as her? How could it appear in old photos decades ago?

If the girl in the photo is really Aluo.

Isn't she supposed to be the same size as Zhuge Qingyun and Grandpa Gong, and she is also an old man?

Gong Siyu, Ji Ruchen, Liuyun, and Angelica all knew A Luo.

For this "little devil" level loli, familiar can not be familiar.

They also heard Zhuge Qingyun's mouth mentioning A Luo's name.

For a while, they all questioned whether they believed it or not, and walked forward, surrounded by Yuno, and looked at the old black and white photo from the 1960s.

Seeing this battle, Zhuge Qingyun felt wrong.

Doubtfully asked: "You know this girl A Luo."

Ji Ruchen wanted to say something, but Liu Yun didn't hear it. Gong Siyu rolled his eyebrows and glanced at Zhuge Qingyun but did not answer. Only the honest man Angelica, almost missed his mouth, was interrupted by Ji Yuno, and said:

"I'm not familiar with it, I just saw her, but her appearance hasn't changed. When you met her decades ago, did she say how old she is?"

Zhuge Qingyun was startled slightly, twisted her eyebrows to think, and then shook her head, "That girl looked like Miss Ji you size at that time, but she was mysterious and very powerful. That girl was extremely spiritual at that time. Qiang, has reached the pinnacle of the realm, and is about to enter the stage of heaven with only one step, to help the palace family a lot, but without receiving compensation, only saying that she is passing by and helping others, if you say that her appearance has not changed so far, It's not impossible. After all, she was so strong at that time. Counting time, decades have passed, and she is afraid that she has already entered the heaven. Once her spiritual power is strong to a certain level, she can indeed look unchanged."

"What are you talking about? A Luo was almost stepping into the sky at that time?"

After Ji Yuno and Ji Ruchen heard this, their shocked eyes widened, and they agreed in unison.

"How is it possible?" Ji Yuni was incredible.

She and Ji Ruchen, Gong Siyu, Liuyun, and Angelica looked at each other.

All of them know A Luo's ability.

Although strong, not afraid of the sky and the earth, there are three super strong shields from the undead for a thousand years, but her spiritual power is still at the peak of the profound realm, entering the elementary stage of the realm, not at the transition stage, there is still an opportunity to be talented Enter the next level.

But Zhuge Qingyun said, what's going on with Aluo at that time?

Could it be that after decades, instead of getting better, she has regressed?

"How could it be impossible? I saw with my own eyes that the girl originally wanted to kill the source of the curse that has harmed the palace for a hundred years, but after killing seven times, the source of the curse was resurrected by itself. In the end, the girl understood that if it was the palace. The grievances with the source of the curse will never be broken. The evil of the source of the curse will never die. To untie the bell, she must be tied to the bell. She can only suppress it with a seal. If she wants to avoid future troubles, she has to rely on the palace family to resolve those hundred years. resentment……"

"Old man Zhuge, lend me your picture for a few days, and I will return it to you when I use it up later, will it work?"

Ji Yuno's thoughts and thoughts were mixed, and he felt very confused. A Luo's affairs could not find any results for a while, and the most urgent task was to crack the disaster of grandfather's blood and death.

Zhuge Qingyun agreed.

"I brought this photo. I wanted to tell you about the cause and effect, and the seal and curse of the year. Because the palace catastrophe has already begun, we must think of a countermeasure."

Yuno gave the photo to Miyajiyu for safekeeping.

After today, I plan to find a time to visit Feng Jinxuan and Aluo.

Ask what the situation is.

In other words, they haven't been with them for a long time, and they don't know where the Fengjia and A Luo are digging the ancient people's ancestral graves to find treasures.


Four thousand miles away in the ancient western Xia border, in the endless Gobi desert in the advanced northern Xinjiang.

In the underground tomb of the ancient king city of Xixia that has been lost for thousands of years.

I was tying the "red rice dumplings" with a big iron chain, and planned to bring back A Luo, who was raised by the emperor, and sneezed, "Um..." pinched her nose, and the milky voice of Loli suddenly sounded, "Yes. Who is thinking of Aro?"

At the side of the Earth Palace, I used a brush to patiently copy the ancient Xixia Kingdom murals and Xixia text Feng Jinxuan heard the words, curled his eyebrows coldly, and looked back, "No one can miss you except me."

"Huh? Who said that, Anai will do, and sister Qian will do."

When Feng Jinxuan saw that A Luo had bundled up a very powerful red rice dumpling, which was a zombie, he wanted to catch the second one. He sighed and wanted to stop him, "A Luo, we can only take one home.

"I don't want it." A Luo spoiled, "A Nai's family has a puppet servant, so if we have a quaint house in our old house, grab a few more rice dumplings and go back as a servant!" After a pause, "Maybe you One day I will be missing again, and I will still be able to sleep with the rice dumplings."



Ji Yuno temporarily let go of A Luo's episode and ignored it.

His gaze returned to the trembling, and he saw the female ghost Shu Yun who was extremely afraid of them.

Are they so scary?

Even a female ghost trembles when they meet?

"You... just said that you didn't want to harm Grandpa? Then do you know that before your grievances are cleared, it is a ghost and evil spirit. If you are close to the body of an ordinary person, it will cause great harm to him?"

Ji Yunai's attitude towards Shu Yun was better.

However, she was not so naive, and she believed whatever a ghost said.

Shu Yun's ethereal soul was still wearing the clothes from before his death. When I saw the peony red silk cheongsam, she was very beautiful. She was shaved and slender as a delicate flower. Although her complexion was pale, she still could not hide her beauty.

With Shu Yun's appearance, I am afraid that it was a rare beauty a few decades ago.

Shu Yun shook his head, "I don't know."

"Can you hear the story that Grandpa told you just now?"

"I heard it." Su Yun's sad and rich gaze suddenly changed, frowning, Xizi holding his heart, as if recalling the past that made her struggle and horror, "but he was wrong, I... and Another version is about how I died. After he joined the army, I stayed at the palace alone. What happened..."

"You'd better not lie to us, because even if you lie, I still have a way to see everything that happened in the past through your memory."

Ji Yuno narrowed her eyes and warned coldly.

Take a nap and sleep until eight in the evening. despair……

(End of this chapter)

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